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Mirra's Slave Records

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 5:19 pm
by CrazyKisses
Full Name: Ish'ien'a Kreste'er

Nickname: Mirrah (pronounced similar to if a southern US person said Mirror)

Name on Identification: Mirrah

Age: Appears to be at most in the early twenties.

Gender: Appears to be male (see notes at bottom)

Species: Jackal of Anubian descent (Twelth generation)

Sub Species/Breed: 1/4th daemon

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Standing at an impressive 8'4", Mirrah is gangly in every sense of the word. His arms are long and narrow, owning to knobby joints as he looks quite underfed. The muscle beneath is there, and is well-honed for speed and power.

Physical Details (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc): Hair is of a deep Merlot shade, and is long and straight, falling down to stop right above his tail. Eyes are a surprisingly soft lavender hue, and give him a sleepy or gentle look. Ears are long, somewhat narrow, and pointed, off set in a back or upright position. His fur is more rough than it is soft, meant for a desert environment, and is a pure, dark grey shade throughout save for a line of bellyfur which begins at the navel and goes downward to surround the crotch area.

Physical Markings: A distinguishing characteristic of the jackal is many piercings. Six in the right ear, and five in the left, center of lower lip, one eyebrow piercing, both nipples, and the lower side of the sheath. A series of rings have been pierced from each shoulder blade and downward, six sets in total. Tail has been severed close to the base, and six links form a chain that falls to about his knees. Each link is rather large and long, and is created of an indeterminable dark hued metal that has an almost opalescent sheen in the sunlight.Beneath pants, on left inner thigh, a large simple brand with the letter Z.

Physical Drawbacks: None. He's strong, fast, and has a high pain resistance. Oddities: He has four extra vertebrae that make his torso longer than normal. The result is a few odd extra muscles, such as him having an eight pack instead of a sixer.

Current Inflictions: None

Physical Defenses: Magickal resistance, high pain resistance.

Appealing Attributes and Attraction: Mirrah is tall and lanky, but when he's in a good mood, he can lay the charm on incredibly thick, having a bit of a sinister but playful personality. He's seen often as an apt fighter and has a wonderfully attractive scent of sandalwood and blood

Clothing: Typically, Mirrah is found in leather pants that must be buckled into his hips, and even then, the belt hangs low where hips meet his thighs.

Other Items on Person that were Confiscated: He is provided a weekly dosage of a supply of blood found upon him when he was thrown in the pens, enough to last him a few months. This is his main method of sustenance, but food is also necessary to keep him healthy. A pair of 'hand-scythes' that have been customized to look quite wicked and fit to his grip with hard leather. Each end has a double sided blade that slightly back toward his palms, whilst the other ends bear sharp, straight serrated daggers.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: His sister is his biggest fear, (OOC)(although she is not biologically Mirrah's sister, she is the closest thing to family Mirrah has. She is also the reason for Mirrah's difficulties with sexual identity, as well as the cause of his docked tail, and penis.)

Disorders: Split Personality Disorder: (OOC) (Mirrah closely identifies with his masculine persona that he plays, but when it is exposed that he is not a normal male, that he infact has both sexual organs, there is a chance that he will lapse into the more submissive, mentally damaged female persona.)

How do they present themselves: Proud, defiant, intelligent

Feelings towards being owned/rented: Although Mirrah has been owned before, for many years, he's never enjoyed that fact. He is defiant to slavers in general, but downright violent toward female slavers in particular.

Overall Attitude: Gentle and normally calm, Mirrah has a flitting attitude. Sometimes he is optimistic and hopeful, whilst other times he is negative, and moody.

Quirks: Mirrah, whilst having few abilities by himself, is "thralled" by his half-demon sister to enhance his own powers. He has lost many of the qualities of their ancestor's heritage due to blood dilution, but retains an ability to charm, increased longevity, self-healing except in the case of relatives, improved speed, strength, and reaction time. Also, humans are seen as mildly repulsive to Mirra

Hobbies/Interests: Hobbies: Drawing/painting, fighting, drinking, flirting

High or Low Maintenance: Low

Diet/Allergies: Must drink a pint of his sister's blood once a week to maintain heightened abilities. Other than that, he can go a good week without food, but prefers several large meals a day (don't be fooled, he can put it away)


Languages Spoken: Common, Egyptian, German

Can they Read/Write: Yes

Can your character produce magic: In the future, if trained through RP, yes. Currently, no.

Talents/Skills: Fighting (expert), painting (master), manipulation (profficient), long-distance running and sprinting (master)

Training: Mirrah has actually been formally trained by his old Master, Zss'erko. He chooses not to acknowledge this training unless it is someone who can Dominate properly, not just through fear of punishment, but by strength of will.


Previous Owners: Zss'erko, Maeera

Previous Usage: Zss'erko and Maeera both had used Mirrah as a sex toy and pain doll.

Previous status: Slave

For Rent or to Own: Both

Cost: 20 to rent, 250 to own

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Varies: Usually 10 PM until 5AM or later

What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay: I'm very flexible, but Mirrah needs either a very gentle hand, or an incredibly firm hand. In the former, he will gladly serve. In the latter, he will fight back. How my character acts is up to you.

What are your allowances for your character: No consent needed. Please review F-List link at the bottom of the page.

Long Term/Short Term: Long Term Preferred, Short term acceptable.

General Information

Character Description:

Like a gangly teenager, the feminine male looks awkward for his height (8'2"), his limbs and trunk both equally long and slender, though musculature hides beneath that silver shining fur. Not unfamiliar to the sting of the needle, triplicate of balls go through each side of his nose, center of his lip, bare furless nipples, seven pairs of rings cascading down length of back, and long tapered ears. Soft headfur falls in straight locks to dangle upon a docked tail, through which a thick chain has been pierced that jangles with every movement. Leather collar hugs a scrawny neck whilst upper torso is left bare to nearly girly flared hips. Hefty belt forces leather pants to be held to lower hips, leaving trail of sanguinne fur from belly button to below to entice the eyes lower to leather cupped thighs. Sharing in both the feminine and the masculine, this hesitant coquettish jackal pulls it off well.

Images: More are available on Mirra's website.

Website :

Notes: If it is not obvious yet, Mirrah is a hermaphrodite in the loosest sense of the word. She was born completely, normally, female. She has been constructed through years of abuse and magickal manipulation to make her look and seem more masculine. She is able to get pregnant, as the fluid from the male genitalia is one produced within the scrotum with no true seed in it, and thus is unable to impregnate. It looks, feels, and tastes like a normal male's. Female genitalia are fully formed and natural, but are often hidden by use of a patch made from her own fur that sticks over the mound. The only obvious indication of him being anything close to a woman would be getting a nose right in there. Mirrah is not a big-titted herm accepting of who she is. She is real in that she is uncomfortable with her sexuality, with strong confidence issues and gender problems. She's been masquerading as a male for nigh on fourty years now, and is not comfortable with others knowing what she truly is. Sorry. If this wasn't made obvious enough. DO NOT WHISPER ME LOOKING TO STRICTLY YIFF. MIRRAH HAS AND WILL BITE DICKS OFF.

Another note:
Should have posted this a looooong time ago.
F-List - Note, not limited to just these. My favorites are ones I actively enjoy in roleplay.
Against my better judgement, I've gone ahead and made one.