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HOOSIER -- ???

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:09 pm
by Hoosier
Basic Information

Full Name: ----
Nickname: Hoosier, Hooz
Name on Identification: Hoosier
Age: Between 19 and 23
Gender: Male
Species: Wolf Hybrid--can shapeshift to his feral form at will
Sub Species/Breed: Human, some sort of horned creature, ??

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Athletic, slender
Physical Details: Body is covered in fur only long enough for his markings to be visible, his hair is dark and just past shoulder-length--yellow eyes with orange irises and red pupils, his ears are pierced and stretched to about 1 1/2"
Physical Markings: 1, 2, 3
Physical Defenses: His fangs are rather large and he has a very strong jaw--when in feral form, his body is pretty well-protected by thick layers of muscle and even his fur acts as a sort of padding.
Appealing Attributes and Attraction: He's fairly attractive--a "swimmer's" body, a disarming smile.. and he's generally well-kept, with his straight hair combed and his fur free of dirt and other nasty things.
Clothing: Impractical, in his opinion


Feral or Cultured: A sort of mix--he's educated and well-spoken, but untrained and, at times, unable to control his wild side. Has a problem with biting people, eating their appendages, and starting fires.
Phobias: Bodies of water (larger than your average swimming pool and deeper than ten feet), large insects, women
Disorders: Various undiagnosed anger issues
How do they present themselves: Depends on the individual he's made to interact with. Generally, he is very cold toward women if they appear to be romantically-interested in him.
Feelings towards being owned/rented: Negative. He will fight it with all his strength.
Overall Attitude: Again, depends on the situation, but he's generally quiet and passive.. just don't piss him off.
Quirks: Low anger threshold
Hobbies/Interests: --
High or Low Maintenance: High maintenance
Diet/Allergies: Loves him some meat


Languages Spoken: English (less advanced in feral form), Wolven/Ferian (can speak to werewolves, feral wolves and other feral creatures, etc)
Can they Read/Write: Yes
Can your character produce magic: No
Talents/Skills: --
Training: --


Previous Owners: None
Previous Usage: --
Previous status: --
For Rent or to Own: --
Cost: --

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Usually from around 5 PM-10 PM EST on weekdays; may vary
What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay: --
What are your allowances for your character: NC for everything but death, rape, removal of limbs, etc.
Long Term/Short Term: Either