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Zhalian; Rent-Only

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 4:01 pm
by Ravanie
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Zhalian Rendos

Nickname: Zhali

Name on Identification: Zhalian Rendos

Age: Twenty-Five, appears around such if not a little younger.

Gender: Female

Species: Kirin (dragon/deer)

Sub Species/Breed: None. No shape-shifting capabilities.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Short, stands at 5'2" and has an average build. A little dainty, lacks any real muscle-weight. Not for extensive labour, noticably, nor fighting.

Physical Details (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc): Albino, so, she has white hair and fur. Eyes are a light pink. The membrane of her wings are a smoky gray, as is the fluffed tip of her tail and her scales. Scales rest down her spine and along the tip of her lion-like tail, as well as on her elbows, between thighs and on the bottom of her feet. Fur is short and hair is left to hang down past her shoulders. Pronged antlers are, as expected, brown.

Physical Markings: None.

Physical Drawbacks: None, really, aside from not being extremely strong.

Current Inflictions: None

Physical Defenses: Very little. She could scratch with her claws, kick or damage someone with her antlers, but she chooses not to.

Appealing Attributes and Attraction: Exotic, pretty. Nothing extremely so, however.

Clothing: Black kimono with red trimmings and dragons imprinted on it with a long red ribbon tied around her waist. Bandages cover her arms and hands, while legs and the middle of her feet are wrapped up in ribbons. A collar rests around her throat with an onyx sphere dangling from the ring at its center.

Other Items on Person: (Or would be if not in cages.) Extra roll of bandages and a coin pouch (meant for holding money that she gets from rentals for Narithik) are kept tucked underneath the ribbon around her waist.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: A lot. Find out in RP

Disorders: None.

How do they present themselves: As helpful, pleasant and all that good stuff. Zhalian has no desires to be rude.

Feelings towards being owned/rented: All for it. She has no dissent towards either.

Overall Attitude: Respectful, kind and loyal. Sometimes cold towards other slaves, but it all depends on how they display themselves.

Quirks: Tends to fidget quite a bit if bored.

Hobbies/Interests: Working, cleaning, cooking, reading and occasionally, writing.

High or Low Maintenance: Low, but dislikes being dirty.

Diet/Allergies: Omnivore, prefers fruits overall.


Languages Spoken: English and draconic

Can they Read/Write: Yes to both.

Can your character produce magic: Yes, but her abilities are meant to heal and do nothing destructive. However, it wears her out a lot and she refrains from doing it unless extremely neccessary.

Talents/Skills: Cooking, cleaning, medical work (basic), healing, massaging, mending clothes and grooming.

Training: All of the above.


Previous Owners: (If known.) None.

Previous Usage: Working for the random renter now and then.

Previous status: Slave.

For Rent or to Own: Rent only for use of any of her talents/skills listed.

Cost: (Please see Slave Pricing in the Library for price range.) Rent: 30G a night. 250G to own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Quite often

What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay: Character development, interesting storylines with no sexual content. I don't RP it, deal with it.

What are your allowances for your character: Quite a bit. However, no death, limb removal or death. Though, it's preferred she's not beaten to a pulp for no reason at all.

Long Term/Short Term: Both, long-term preferred.

General Information

Character Description: Snow-white fur and pink eyes were a clear sign to the kirin's albinoism. Pronged antlers curled from her skull, positioned next to tall, pointed ears and ringed curls framed her pretty face. A long black kimono with red trimmings and imprinted dragons kept the winged woman decent, feet were wrapped in ribbons and her arms to hands were bandaged. An extremely pleasant and helpful sort, since she was far too dainty to be a vile sort of person. A simple leather collar was wrapped around her neck, black in color and an onyx sphere dangled from its ring.

Website: None yet.

Images: None

Contact Details: Zhalian

Notes: When renting Zhalian, please don't go about trying to rape, fuck or beat the life out of my character. It's highly advised against (because I don't RP sex and the TGT rules would get your char in trouble should they injure her a great deal). I'd like her to be used for the tasks she was trained for.