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(unowned) Shapeshifting Hyena-Dog-Beast

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:58 pm
by Borophagus
Slave Form

(( Please note: OOC info will occasionally be mixed in with IC here for Your benefit, including things that may be observed over time. For the purpose of the papers, only the bare minimum would be collected ICly about this character (what you see is what you get, basically) since Borophagus rarely, if ever, communicates verbally. ))

(( Also: If your interpretation of the RP world does not include humans, this is perfectly alright! When in this form, please just inform me, and I will post as though he is a normal furre instead. ))

Basic Information

Full Name: Unknown, probably none. (Give him one or more if you like!)

Given Names: Faust (by Procreation)

Nicknames: Pup/Puppy, Mutt, Big Boy, Spots, Chompy, Fluffy, etc.

Age: Unknown. Even in Furre/Human form, it is difficult to estimate due to his ability to alter appearances. One might hazard a guess at mid-twenties or thirties.

Gender: Male

Species: Shapeshifter / Werebeast

Sub Species/Breed: Hyena / Fu Dog / general canine hybrid
(RL/OOC ref: a loose interpretation of Borophagus, a prehistoric hyena-like canid)

Physical Appearance

Body Type: May change through magic, but typically:
"Monster" = large, highly muscular semi-anthro
"Furre" = fully anthro, leaner and weaker, mostly normal
"Feral" = sleek animal version of other forms, varies in size
and optional,
"Hyooman" = ditto Furre form, minus y'know, the fur and furry features!

Physical Details (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc):
Overall looks like a monstrous brown hyena, with some traits of their spotted cousins and various random canines. Fur is plush all around, but notably longer at the chest, forming something like a minor mane. Slight feathering at the back of the joints, and a similarly furry foo dog-like tail. Main color is tawny brown shades with lighter underbelly. A cross between mane and mohawk in deep red runs over his head and neck, thick and unkempt, often falling in his face. Eyes are large and expressive, with irises shifting slightly depending on mood and form, though typically the color is eerily intense.

Physical Markings:
Paws, ears, and muzzle have all been "dipped" in rich red-brown, much like henna. Limb color transitions with tigerlike slashing stripes. Splotches begin at the shoulders/upper thigh and continue intermittently over the backside. (Basically a mix of spotted and brown hyena markings.) Underbelly is plain.
His Human form features lightly sunkissed skin. As a Human or Furre, may often give himself additional markings or magical tattoos, limitless in color and design, but impermanent.

Physical Drawbacks:
In his most common "Monster" form, he is generally slow and awkward, ambling along with very little grace and only limited bursts of speed. An oaf.
Other forms/alterations (such as his more agile Feral form) may improve these disadvantages somewhat, but come with their own weaknesses.
Although minor alterations (such as eye color) appear to cause no real problems, full-body changes are extremely painful - thus he rarely shifts without good reason.
At two points in the moon phases, he has no choice: full moon = Feral, new moon = Human. (Or Furre, if you do not recognize Humans!)
Also, when under extreme stress/rage/etc, it is possible to lose control and shift unintentionally. The form will be different depending on the situation.

Specific Weakness:
Silver and blessed weapons can seriously harm or even kill this beast. Also particularly susceptible to mind control and magic (which will almost always supersede his own abilities)

Current Inflictions:
May sometimes show marks from lashings or wounds from battles, but currently none.

Physical Defenses:
Overall strength, much more pronounced in "Monster" form than the others. Massive paws/claws, even slightly oversized as a Furre. Sharp teeth (complete with jutting fangs in the more bestial forms), and in Feral form especially, a set of powerful hyena-inherited jaws, capable of crushing bone. Hard to kill without silver/blessed weaponry or magic, though of course he can be harmed just like anything else.

Appealing Attributes and Attraction:
This creature oozes a mix of animalistic lust and power, with a variety of shapes that can serve an equally wide range of purposes: Fighter? Hunter? Laborer? Guard? Companion? Pet? If one gets past the brawny monstrosity, they might also notice a twinkle of intellect in those ever-changing eyes, suggesting he is capable of more.

None by choice, unless someone attempts to dress him (which would likely yield amusing results!) After washings, Staff often put him in a simple loincloth for decency's sake.
May have: A muzzle if he's been bad!
Always has: A collar and heavy shackles clapped around wrists/ankles, which may be chained together or locked to something else.
(Collar is adjustable, though still a bit too loose on the Furre/Human. Shackles prevent magic being used on anyone else within The Tether's range, and if you wish, could kill his willful transformations entirely. In any case, he isn't trying to escape bondage through shape-changing, even if he could.)

Other Items on Person:


Feral or Cultured:
Feral for the most part, but capable of being somewhat cultured on occasion.

Silver is his only known fear at this time.

Seemingly unable to talk. However, he does appear to possess the mental capacity to learn a language, as he understands at least the basics of several tongues. Perhaps his Furre (or Human) form could be more communicative, but no Guard has been able to elicit intelligible speech from it.
Typically, he will only express himself through body language, gestures, form/color, and a variety of wordless noises.

How do they present themselves:
It may depend on mood, situation, and who or what he is interacting with. At one moment, a stalking, snarling beast, more aggressive than submissive; the next, a playful pup, amusing himself with everything and everyone before curling up at a Mistress or Master's feet. Generally poor in posture and upkeep regardless of the shape he takes.

Feelings towards being owned/rented:
Curious toward others, but appears to have little interest in the process so long as he is well fed. May show aggression when new Slavers attempt to display dominance over him, but others have received positive reactions. It's highly situational; he can be fickle with some renters, friendly one day and snapping the next.. or steadfastly loyal to a well-liked Mistress/Master. Most often sent into arenas, where he seems relatively at home, and even moreso when used for hunting parties out in the wild. Companionship can also be a very positive thing. :)

Attraction towards others:
Bisexual/pansexual. If he has preferences, they are as liable to change as his form or the weather.

Common canine antics, basically.
Loves to play games (though these are often more complex than your average 'fetch'!), loyal and fiercely protective if a bond has been forged, and typically aggressive (or at least mocking) toward anything he deems a threat (or just an annoyance)
... also secretly loves to be petted/scratched behind the ears.

Play every sense of the word, be it carnal, manipulative, or just literal games and sport.

High or Low Maintenance:

Mainly meat, but will take any food that is offered.
With a near insatiable appetite, one way to his heart may be through his stomach.. but thanks to his mute nature, he rarely complains!


Languages Spoken:
Unknown/None, so far as anyone can tell, but quickly picks up on at least the basic commands of a language.

Can they Read/Write:
Also difficult to tell. Perhaps a little, or could learn to do so with effort.

Can your character produce magic:
Yes, but only in the realm of transformation.
In short, he may change his shape, size, or specific parts of his body -- and with greater effort, may also alter physical details of others. Color and minor 'endowment' changes are commonplace, but cannot be maintained indefinitely. These small changes do require some energy, but are mostly for 'fun' and do not appear to cause the beast any serious discomfort.
On the other hand, full-body shifting (between the 4 forms) is much less common, as these transitions are physically painful and mentally a bit jarring. They may require some recovery time. On certain occasions (such as moon phases, or times of great distress) he may shift uncontrollably, but otherwise, he does not do it willingly without a reason.

Anything you'd expect of a big pet dog - a guard, hunter, companion, etc. Has a good sense of smell, able to track by scent. Naturally well equipped to fight. Possesses transformation magic, as listed above, which could be amusing to some.

It's hard to tell how much was actively trained and how much he simply picked up through observation, but he's more of a cultured canine than he looks, comprehending several languages and, on occasion, displaying very basic social decorum. Beyond that, the obvious ability to fight and fuck like any feral animal.


Previous Owners:
Unknown/Nonspecific. Assumptions below.

Previous Usage:
Pit beast, guardian, tracker, pet/companion.

Previous status:
Roamed free for what must have been many, many years. Eventually captured for the above usage. So far as any previous slave records would go, he has never held a status higher than any other feral creature.

For Rent or to Own: Both

20g to rent per fight, 10g for any other purpose. 100g to buy.
(Price could probably be talked down, but I imagine that the Tether could possibly benefit more by keeping him as a rental slave. On occasion, to be used by the house as a pit beast to test the skill of warriors/gladiators - always entertaining, right?)

OOC Info/Notes

Whenever I can't sleep, and whenever life doesn't get in the way. May be spotty at times, but if you contact me, I can (and will!) make an effort to be online more often and more consistently to RP with you.

What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay:
Honestly, I'm pretty open-minded. If you are patient with the character, there is plenty of potential for a variety of Slaver types. As mentioned above, Bor may serve as protector, companion (as a lover or merely a pet), hunter, arena fighter, physical laborer ... or whatever else you dream up! I don't really like to discuss elaborate scenes OOCly (mostly because I am rubbish at planning them and prefer surprises), but if you have a specific request, please don't hesitate to share it. I aim to please.

What are your allowances for your character:
Do what you will, though preferably keep away from the short "No" category on Bor's F-list.

Long Term/Short Term:
I'm flexible! Long-term is more interesting, but I welcome both types.

General Information

Character Description:
He appears to have three main forms, though the particular details of each (such as height, coloration, and individual bodyparts) may be subject to change at the creature's whim, should he have enough energy to do so. General descriptions are as follows:

What appears to be his most common form. A hulking brute typically around 8' in height. Though capable of walking upright, this form almost always ambles along on all fours, something like an ape: his bulky, overlong Popeye arms with their massive forepaws support him in a hunched posture, while shorter, equally muscular digitigrade legs hold up his tight rear end. (He has a hyena-like structure in this way.) May display snaggletoothed foo dog fangs, or only the slightly nicer-looking Furre's teeth. His features are not entirely unpleasant, and can be highly expressive, though still more bestial than your average anthro furre.
Common alterations in this form: eye color, overall size, and anything he can get away with

A fully feral version of the above. Basically a cross between a spotted hyena, brown hyena, and a graceful fu dog. Size ranges wildly: may be small enough to be a lap pet, or large enough to be ridden, or anything between. Typically much slimmer than the Monstrous form, trading off strength and durability for increased agility and grace. Feathering and mane are more pronounced, and almost beautiful. Fangs and jaws are at their most powerful in this animal form, but as such, are completely incapable of speech.
Common alterations in this form: eye color, general colors, body size and shape

(The desc is similar for both, except that the Human is slightly smaller/meeker, and of course lacks most animal features.)
An average anthro/human roughly 6' in height, give or take an inch or two. Rugged features are handsome in an exotic, scruffy way, even if they do seem a bit on the gaunt side. He's actually quite humble looking, all things considered; you wouldn't peg him for a Were, that's for sure. Even as a Human, he still has hyenalike ears, but otherwise appears normal. Nowhere near as muscular as his monstrous form, in fact quite weak, with just barely enough tone to look sinewy. For the most part average proportions too, but he does retain slightly lanky arms and large hands like the bestial forms, just not as exaggerated. (Even less so as a human, but still noticeable if studied.) Average speed and grace, but greatly improved dexterity over the other two. As such, the Furre/Human is the only form capable of fine manipulation, be it tools, weaponry, writing utensils, etc. -- though untrained with any of them. Also able to speak in full words and sentences, even if he is still hesitant to do so.
Common alterations in this form: eye color, hair color, patterns/temporary tattoos, ears, addition of fangs (otherwise has normal straight teeth)

Website: Coming soon! For now, all I have is RPR and F-list.

Images: 1 - by Senny!
If you are an artist who is skilled in drawing hyenas and hyena-like creatures, please please contact me!
(or if you have a Werewolf/Wolven digo for sale, that's cool too!)

Contact Details: Whisper, forum PM, or PM on F-list. Possibly e-mail/messenger if we get to know each other OOCly.

If you have a problem with (or suggestion for) my character, please let me know! As I've said before, I may not be a slave OOC, but I do aim to please (or at least compromise) whenever possible. I realize that a speechless character may be a bother to some -- we can discuss remedies for that if necessary, but understand that I did design Borophagus around the idea of less "talky talk" and enjoy RPing him that way. It need not hinder development, and in fact, he may become more open to verbal communication over time.

Anyway.. that's enough rambling. Thanks for reading it all! :mrgreen: