Zepphyr [Unowned]

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Zepphyr [Unowned]

Post by Zepphyr »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Zepphyr Kristoffen

Nickname: Zeffy, Kitten, Tiger

Name on Identification: Zepphyr

Age: 24

Gender: Genetically altered hermaphrodite

Species: Siberian Tiger (white)

Sub Species/Breed: Incubus

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Tall and slender, but muscular underneath. Graceful.

Physical Details (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc): Dark green, shoulder-length hair, usually tied in ponytail at the nape of the neck. Gold-amber eyes. Thick black and white fur (striped). Retractable claws and digitigrade feet. Extremely long, prehensile tail (10 ft.).

Physical Markings: Tiger stripes (black), very jagged.

Physical Drawbacks: Slightly clumsy and top-heavy when standing on two legs; prefers to travel either bent over or on all fours.

Current Inflictions: Undiagnosed lung problem. Iatrogenic in nature.

Physical Defenses: Claws, teeth, prehensile tail.

Appealing Attributes and Attraction: Very soft, fluffy fur. Smells like crushed pine needles. Flexible. Able to withstand great amount of pain. Loves attention. Completely loyal and subservient.

Clothing: Tight black leather pants and black fishnet shirt. Heeled black leather boots, fitted for digitigrade paws.

Other Items on Person: Iron collar welded about the throat. Various silver rings on fingers. Tongue, nipple, navel, and genital piercings.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured, but often behaves like a kitten.

Phobias: Abandonment, large equines.

Disorders: None officially diagnosed.

How do they present themselves: Upfront and in-your-face cute. Ignores personal boundaries in an effort to get attention and cuddles. Flirtatious without being sexual.

Feelings towards being owned/rented: Few qualms; fears being rented by sadists or being bought then abandoned.

Overall Attitude: Seemingly happy and hyper. Very giddy and excitable. Craves attention constantly and will pout and act out if left on its own.

Quirks: Seizes up in situations that could lead to violence on its part. Frequently overreacts or under reacts to stimuli. Literally cannot disobey a direct order.

Hobbies/Interests: Singing, braiding, fashion (clothing), classical music, opera. Loves to read and sometimes draw.

High or Low Maintenance: High maintenance. Requires a lot of attention and care.

Diet/Allergies: Mostly raw meat, fish, and dairy products. No known allergies.


Languages Spoken: Common, some German. British accent.

Can they Read/Write: Yes/Yes

Can your character produce magic: No

Talents/Skills: Cooking, cleaning, organization, menial labor, some hard physical labor, being a lap pet, being a pillow, contortionism, singing, playing the piano.

Training: Extensive training as both pet and sex slave. Experience in both. Some training and experience as house slave.


Previous Owners: Kana Iskantshi (through Cadderly Vel'sen), NPC equine female.

Previous Usage: "Whipping boy"/punching bag, lap pet, sex toy, housekeeper.

Previous status: Free at birth, altered and enslaved early on.

For Rent or to Own: Either, ownership conditional.

Cost: 20 gold to rent (full night). 2 gold hourly. 250 gold to own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: I tend to be on regularly from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. EST, most often on weekdays. This will be changing soon, and I'll have details as soon as I get them.

What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay: I'm looking for someone who will treat Zepphyr like a pet and, potentially, an occasional bed partner. It needs an owner who will be around to care for it. As far as renters, that's more subject to the whim of the player.

What are your allowances for your character: Anything aside from death or extreme mutilation, though the last is up for debate in the right situation.

Long Term/Short Term: Preferably long term, though short term RP is acceptable.

General Information

Character Description: Tall, slender but muscular, and infuriatingly androgynous. Too muscled and broad-shouldered for a female, too slender and curved for a male. Small breasts, just a trace bigger than an A-cup, and gracefully sculpted hips almost suggest female, but bearing and build hint at male. Medium length forest green hair, oftentimes pulled into a fashionable queue, is rarely left loose around its shoulders. Its eyes are a warm gold that glisten with curiosity and an eagerness to make others happy, and its short muzzle contains the teeth of an animal. A humanoid anthropomorphic, its footpaws are human enough for it to wear shoes, though its claws are retractable. It has a very long tail, which normally rests wrapped around its waist thrice with the foot or so remaining dangling near its rump.

Website: http://pine-scented-tiger.webs.com/

Images: None so far. Art plz?

Contact Details: CagedRoses@hotmail.com

Notes: Questions about Zepphyr's uses, history, or biology are always welcome. Ask in the guestbook on its website, or e-mail me.
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