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Saqui - owned [Khaun]

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 1:16 pm
by Iseut

Basic Information

Full Name: Saqui - "favourite"

Nickname: give her one?

Name on Identification: Saqui

Age: apparent age is 27, actual age is 33

Gender: female

Species: Human - ICly, it is not known that she is a Were-Otter (aka Lutran)

Sub Species/Breed: questionable

Physical Appearance

Body Type: humanoid + small claws

Physical Details: 5ft 8". Black thick jawlength curls with some small braids in with amber beads. Moderately tanned, Mesoamerican Mexican so far as comparison to a known race goes. Golden eyes with naturally dark lashes, small soft lips and an uncommon scar on her left ear's edge ragged from an old wound. Her physique is lightly defined with muscle something like that of swimmer, softened at the arms, buttocks and legs while retaining subtle definiton around the upper arms, shoulders and abdominals. Bust is just above a small handful and her hips are enough to give a light curve. Humanoid, although save for her eyes, her other non-human feature are small black claws on her hands and feet instead of nails.

Physical Markings: none natural

Physical Drawbacks: brute strength is not her forte, and is often somewhat clumsy on land - most of her grace is within the water

Current Inflictions: 100%

Physical Defenses: claws, strong fight/flight instinct, a good kick in those legs

Appealing Attributes and Attraction: species, golden eyes, pretty facial features and her appearance; a 'noble savage', to use a term coined in the 18/19th centuries

Clothing: A simple wrap-tied top decorated with geometric designs is worn, tied at the left side and just keeps her bust covered. A low-slung loincloth of the same material about ankle-length. Barefoot. Dull tin bangles on her left wrist. Her collar is a plain golden chainlinked thing with a tarnished tag-plate in the centre. Mesoamerican, with more turquoise jewellry worn only on formal occasions (now kept by the Tether). Has been frequently seen with clusters of feathers worn on one or both sides of her head, paired with hanging strings of beads. -- resourceful.
-necklace I: grey stone and bone given by Cacoch
-necklace II: amber and 3 skulls (passerine bird, frog, rodent)
-necklace III: painted and bleached bone

*Other: frequently has a broad band of dark-brown pigment that covers over her eyes about the height of her ear and goes completely from one side of her face to the other. If presented with the chance, she has also been seen daubing designs onto her arms, legs and abdomen. The meaning of these painted-on tattoos are thought to be symbolic to the culture she came from.

*Piercings [all made from bone]:
+stud below her lower lip above her chin
+studs in her earlobes
+small ring in her septum
When wearing all her jewellry, the studs would be made from polished bone to match the bone and amber chains that'd drape from the nose ring to the piercings in her ears. The stud situated beneath her lower lip and above her chin would either remain just a stud, or would have a small spike.

Other Items on Person:
*For Piercing: stingray quills & a small pouch with bone or stone studs
*For Tattooing: stingray quills, ancient ink*1
*1 Ink recipe: he Roman physician Aetius created a recipe for tattoo ink.
One pound of Egyptian pine bark
Two ounces of corroded bronze, ground with vinegar
Two ounces of gall (insect egg deposits)
One ounce of vitriol (iron sulphate)
Mix well and sift. Soak powder in 2 parts water and 1 part leek juice. Wash the skin to be tattooed with leek juice. Prick design with needles until blood is drawn. Rub in the ink.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured with strong feral mannerisms at times

Phobias: none recorded -- shows a heavy dislike for Spaniards and canines, as well as a defensive aggression around Garou (werewolves)

Disorders: none recorded

Feelings towards being owned/rented: Disgruntled, defensive and up to the point of defiant depending on how she is approached for either; respect is earnt, not given freely. If she jokes around, watch your back - she's a trickster by nature.

Overall Attitude: rp to find out

Quirks: Prone to more animal mannerisms and vocalisations

Hobbies/Interests: pending

High or Low Maintenance: Low, but the presence of a Master is recommended to keep her 'in check'.

Diet/Allergies: fish, frogs, snails, snakes, insects and other freshwater shellfish. Berries, nuts and bird's eggs are also readily consumed. / No known allergies


Languages Spoken: Common, Spanish, Proto-Mayan

Can they Read/Write: no/no - teach her?

Can your character produce magic: aside from her shifting abilities and low-level water manipulation, no. Both of the forementioned are considered natural, rather than learnt. She is capable of, as she calls it, 'swimming' in the Otherworld, but does not publically display this talent nor considers it to be 'magic'.
-By a mage's definiton, she is a storyteller; something like a role combination of shaman and arcane bard

Talents/Skills: swimming, hunting, fishing, piercing & tattoo 'artist' / growing and making herbal-based remedies, divination through the use of knucklebones, spear-hunting, dancing, drum-playing, rudimentary painting, rudimentary carving

Training: none IC


Previous Owners: --

Previous Usage: --

Previous status: Freewoman - captured during the Spanish invasion of Yucatán. Considers herself as a captive of war, rather than a slave.

For Rent or to Own: Ownership after a period of rental

Cost: 8 gold to rent for 1 night, 80 gold to own (Price is likely to raise if she is discovered to be a Were IC)

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: I'm online often and for long periods of time. Catch me online when you can, high chances are that I'll be on for a while if I'm logged in. Daily.

What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay: Someone to civilise her a bit but not to diminish or restrain her existing skills and talents.

Long Term/Short Term: Long-term pref but one-off rentals are acceptable

General Information

Character Description: Whether in her animal form or the more commonly seen golden-eyed woman, the storyteller was decorative. Turquoise beads were worn in the thick ink-black curls of hair that fell to jaw's length. A broad band of pigment across her eyes, with weighty necklaces worn low, was a sign of the trickster's maturity. One small bone ring pierced her septum, while a stud sat below those wry-smiling lips with ink on either hipbone, visible above the low-slung loincloth that reached level with the ankles where bands of ochre marked. The Mesoamerican's physique had a softness throughout the subtle muscle; a healthy build. A simplistic collar bore no owner's name. 'Waterchild', a Lutran.


Re: Saqui - unowned

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 1:36 pm
by Iseut
Owner: --

Previous Renters:
*Suriel Azrael
*Valax [earnt 3 gold for herself]