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Ysrael - Unowned

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 10:34 am
by Caillen
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Ysrael Katzir

Nickname: None

Name on Identification: Ysrael Katzir

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Sub Species/Breed: None

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Tall, lithe, delicately muscled. He is a dancer and his body shows it.

Physical Details (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc): Strawberry blonde hair looked out of place on the dark skinned wonder, and yet, fit perfectly. High cheekbones brought all attention to his eyes, which were as pale as an overcast sky. His lashes, thick and dark, were a natural highlight to features.

Physical Markings: Henna was always present, but always changing. Most commonly would be intricate designs upon hands and feet, but often designs would be found on his abdomen, face, arms and thighs. More permanently, the boy had a thick hoop fitted around the center of his lip (hooped labret). Ears held four piercings each, jewelry always changing. Three along each lobe, and one in the cartilage of each ear.

Physical Drawbacks: Nothing specifically sets him back, aside from the lack of any magical powers or defenses that several others seem to have. He's not trained as a fighter, and would be forced to flee should such a time arise.

Current Inflictions: None - 100% healthy.

Physical Defenses: None, really. He has strong arms and legs, but he has no training to use that power for protection.

Appealing Attributes and Attraction: Tongue is heavily laced with the accent of his homeland - many find it quite endearing. The self-drawn henna is surely to catch ones eye.

Clothing: Sheer cloth sleeves stretch from wrist to upper arm. Similarily, upper chest is covered in identical material. Robe of natural colors is thrown across his shoulders, front and back, hangs along his sides, and wraps delicately around his hips, reaching ankles. Upon his head, often, a wrap of cloth similar to, but not identical to a turban.

Other Items on Person: (Or would be if not in cages.) Henna materials (powder, tubes, brushes). A golden chain around his hips.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: None known

Disorders: None

How do they present themselves: As royalty, would be the best way to describe it. Though he is not, he carries himself with a high dignity, his chin up, a smile upon his lips. His body is sacred and he treats it as a vessel. However, his carriage does not refelect on his attitude. He knows that he is a slave, and he is there to serve. Any free person is above himself and he treats them accordingly.

Feelings towards being owned/rented: He is eager to please, and does his best to do so if treated with kindness. Rudeness will bring out the worst in the boy.

Overall Attitude: Very happy with his life in general. He's a happy being, very sociable.

Quirks: His tongue pokes and prods at his labret obsessively, when he is deep in thought.

Hobbies/Interests: Henna art, and dance.

High or Low Maintenance: Depe nds what point of view you take. The boy needs to train to maintain his body, as does he need to eat well balanced meals. That said, he can certainly look after himself, if need be. But he would much rather be pampered, just as much as he loves to pamper others.

Diet/Allergies: None known.


Languages Spoken: English, Hebrew.

Can they Read/Write: Yes, both of the above.

Can your character produce magic: Not a bit.

Talents/Skills: Belly dance, and henna.

Training: He has formal training as a harem slave. He recieved lessons in dance for many years. Manners are impecable. Henna was self taught.


Previous Owners: (If known.) Not known.

Previous Usage: Entertainment.

Previous status: Slave

For Rent or to Own: Both.

Cost: 1 Night Rental = 25 Gold
To Own = 325 Gold.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Most weeknights, mornings and afternoons vary. Weekends are hard to predict, but I should be around for at least part of each day.

What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay: I'm in it for the storylines and plots. Help me to develop my character as a person, and I will do the same for you! I'm not on here for a quick fuck - Ysrael is not going to be an easy catch if that is your intention. I want a true Master/Slave relationship.

What are your allowances for your character: He's a slave - therefore he is no consent, but I do like to be informed before major things happen (injuries, etc.)

Long Term/Short Term: I prefer long term, but short term is welcomed.

General Information

Character Description: Swathed in robes quite obviously not native to the land, it was hard to say whether they, or his rich skin tones would grab your attention first. And yet it would not stop there. Rich olive skin was unblemished and unweathered, the skin of youth at its finest. A native not touched by the winds of his own lands. Eyes stood out in stark contrast, as pale as an overcast sky, illuminated by the thick, curled lashes which surrounded them. Toned body was one to be cherished, wrapped from head to foot in traditional garments of the harem. A nobility surrounded him in presence, but he was there to serve.


Images: Clothing reference ... 2456951_l2

Contact Details: Reach me on furc, on Caillen or Ysrael.
