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steyr(alittle late but finaly...)

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 9:03 pm
by Oni
Basic Information

Full Name: Steyr (sti-yer

Nickname: none

Name on Identification: Steyr

Age: 28

Gender: Shemale

Species: Feline, were Manticore.

Sub Species/Breed: Lynx/panther

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Well toned, legs seem to be over toned, the preferred means of defense and attack?

Physical Details (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc):

Physical Markings: Missing eye, ears are tattered, open hole in the lower part of her jaw causing the teeth in that area to decay as a result of a lack of saliva in the area.

Physical Drawbacks: Upper body strength is not on par with lower body strength. Missing an eye!

Current Inflictions: None at the moment though has recovered from a dislocated hip

Physical Defenses: Legs(highest threat level from her) fangs.

Appealing Attributes and Attraction: Well built, tone. Built for fighting and “aggressive encounters“.

Clothing: almost none, tattered burlap scraps, is not going to protest to new clothing.

Other Items on Person: Two collars, one holding a pendant with odd scripture, papers would state unwise to remove. Second is for identification and can be easily removed. Chastity belt, owner is given the key. (If not in cages.)Hind paw spurs/blades, spiked gauntlet some spikes of steel others silver.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured, though is still rather feral like, sniffs at others some times.

Phobias: New moon, extremely open areas, deep/large bodies of water. Not being fed fully, this is her largest fear, handlers and owners will get almost instant reactions from her by holding back on her meals or threatening to not feed her. Though skipping two meals in a row will terrify her into a hysterical state of mind and food will become her only concern… Weaker slaves may end up missing a piece of flesh or pets might go missing, she will not turn on handlers or owners.

Disorders: none really to mention

How do they present themselves: Inappropriate, mostly as a strong and bold individual.

Feelings towards being owned/rented: None, was raised from birth in this way of life.

Overall Attitude: Perky towards other slaves, bold, aggressive(towards those that have not asserted themselves as handlers, superiors or owners.) Loyal towards owners.

Quirks: Being a shemale? Doesn’t respond to physical punishments and threats very well for training.

Hobbies/Interests: Fishing, None others really unless is really pushed into it by owner

High or Low Maintenance: Very high, mostly cost of food, when just laying around she requires 5,000 calories a day, when active it is a lot more.

Diet/Allergies: Omnivore dislikes peppers hot or not and cooked onions other then that favors fatty foods and fish.


Languages Spoken: Latin(responds to commands by owners in this language unless ordered and retrained other wise) Common.

Can they Read/Write: Some.

Can your character produce magic: Only the curse of being a were manticore is about the only magic given.

Talents/Skills: Fighting, self first aid. Defense.

Training: Fighting, martial arts. Weapons use. Very very little in sexual arts would be rather comical to expect something fancy from her in means of sexuality.


Previous Owners: Keranis

Previous Usage: Spar partner and trainer for his sons.

Previous status: body guard of his sons

For Rent or to Own: Both preferred ownership.

Cost: Varies, see guards.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: on every day normally around 7 pm furc time.

What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay: Any really, no gender restrictions, just realize she is not the sexiest looking thing in the world when you take into account her disfigured jaw, ears and scars so unless you are really into that for sexual rp you might not want her for a pure sexual slave.

What are your allowances for your character: Any save for just buying her to kill her, castrate, mutilate her.

Long Term/Short Term: long term preferred

General Information

Character Description: She was not the most darling of temptations, not the little girl down the street nor the one to trick or treat. Tattered remains of her ears stood out from that mess of unkept, dreadlocked hair that spilled out and down her back. The savage features, face was distraught with massive scars. Right jaw was permanently ripped open and exposed a few of those yellowed feline fangs to any bothering to stare. The one menacing, milky white eye peers out from the mess. The body of this creature was slimed, refined from toning, lacking a lot of so called feminine graces, charms and curves. Chiseled arms, chest were tamed out by the rather thick, shapely thighs of hers. Scant clothing did its job poorly upon her frame as burlap tatters covered the bare necessities in a charmingly crude manner. The grace and civility of a rabid wolverine on the rag.. As smooth, as fifty grit sand pape

Re: steyr(alittle late but finaly...)

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 7:31 am
by Fera
Slave seems to have a mouth on her when she chooses to, though will sometimes try to act good for staffmembers to avoid punishment. Do not be fooled. Due to an unfortunate use of the word "cockholster" in her words to a patron, this slave will be wearing a phallic gag for twenty-four hours and is to miss every meal for those twenty-four hours. [Punishment ends 11:30 FST on 10/6/11] Any rental of this slave during this time period notes that to feed the slave before the punishment is up is to forfeit renting her again. In addition to this, every slave in the pen with this slave at the time her infraction occurred was given a phallic gag as well for the next twelve hours and will miss breakfast.

Slave had a psychotic episode after the punishment was inflicted and a patron was eating food nearby. Slave was taken to the more empty cage to avoid disturbing the rest of the slaves who were behaving.

Recommend permanent restraints (arms, legs, and mouth) should this happen again.

-Carreau Naamah