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Freedah Quinelle - Unowned

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 6:32 pm
by Evette
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Freedah Quinelle

Nickname: Freedah/Free

Name on Identification: Freedah Quinelle

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Sub Species/Breed: Unknown - possibly avian.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Athletic, extremely thin. Sports corded muscle, long-legged and short-bodied.

Physical Details (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc): Long curls of indigo hair, murky blue, almond-shaped eyes with thick lashes, unblemished, smooth, pale skin, wings of mottled brown, cream and indigo, large enough to support her, brittle bones due to avian heritage, but not hollow.

Physical Markings: N/A

Physical Drawbacks: Scattered scars along arms, torso and legs due to lashings and various fighting encounters

Current Inflictions: None

Physical Defenses: She's quite fit and exercises/trains regularly, her stamina and speed are high, while her defense is fallible and her strength is average, working on being trained. Wings can support her weight and therefore provide for an escape from an opponent as well as increased speed. Digits are humanoid but sport avian claws, kept sharp for the arena but wrapped in tight bandages/tape while in the pens.

Appealing Attributes and Attraction: She's an attractive specimen beneath the scars, and other than the said afflictions themselves she has smooth, unblemished skin. Her eyes are an attractive, odd colour and are thickly accented even without make-up, though she's often found wearing khol where possible. She has a defined bone structure and a deceitfully soft appearance despite her athleticism. Her wings and claws are also attractive - depending on one's tastes - the feathers are downy and soft, and her claws are well manicured.

Clothing: Simple grey tunic covered by a black, half-sleeved woolen cardigan. Dark-coloured woolen leggings.
Shoes: Black flats, tied to thin ankles with silver ribbon.
Accessories: Black leather gloves, black band 'round left forearm.

Other Items on Person: (Or would be if not in cages) A small dagger, about three inches in length, blade of silver, serrated on one side, sharp but smooth on the other, hilt of bone wrapped in leather. She calls it 'Sasha' and it is given to her whilst within the arena.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: None known

Disorders: None known

How do they present themselves: She can often be found curled up in a corner looking inconspicuous. She attempts to avoid notice in this way and often covers her form with her wings as if to shroud any sort of beauty a slaver might see in her. When approached, she's fairly obedient, but if she suspects that a slaver intends to buy her or has an unfavorable idea for her purchase, she will either play dumb or ignore the patron.

Feelings towards being owned/rented: She's not one of your typical unbroken slaves. She appears resigned to her situation, and is fairly passive in an everyday environment to avoid notice. However, she can become disobedient when captured and chooses to be passively aggressive or to ignore her renters/buyers.

Overall Attitude: Passive and resigned to her situation. She has hope that she can fight her way through the ranks of the arena and claim her freedom, but being a cynic, she doesn't have high hopes for such an occurrence.

Quirks: A strange mix of obedience/disobedience. She appears to have a cunning for those who have ill-intent and tends to try to stay away from them.

Hobbies/Interests: Brawling. Any others are unknown at this time.

High or Low Maintenance: Fairly low maintenance. As long as she's fed, bathed and allowed to train, she appears content.

Diet/Allergies: Appears more content with vegetables and fruits, though she won't turn down a steak or fish. She refuses to eat any kind of poultry or eggs, but enjoys dairy products and bread.


Languages Spoken: Common

Can they Read/Write: Yes

Can your character produce magic: No

Talents/Skills: Natural skill in speed, average strength, speed and stamina is also trained and she is fairly violent when need be. She is talented in brawling and has some knowledge of weapon use.

Training: Hand-to-hand combat, highly trained. Loosely trained in weapon use; she's adequate enough in the area. Very fit and has light muscle but is unbroken and prone to fits of passive-aggressive disobedience.


Previous Owners: (If known.) None

Previous Usage: Always used as a fighting slave

Previous status: Lower class

For Rent or to Own: Either

Cost: (Please see Slave Pricing in the Library for price range.)

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: I'll be on most days, I'm on GMT+10 - I'm Australian

What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay: It is my intention to have Freedah engage in a large array of official arena fights, for both the entertainment of patrons and myself. If she gains enough XP for freedom and is still owned by TGT, I'll have her take that opportunity. However, I would also like for her to become a slave for the use of a sparring partner or have her undergo further training

What are your allowances for your character: She's NC. She can die in the arena, she can be maimed, scarred, have her wings chopped off. Anything.

Long Term/Short Term: Both

General Information

Character Description: A rough 'n tumble, freaky-thin gal who'd got herself cornered and forced into the fighting and slaving industry. The leggy creature donned black leggings for convenience, a worn woolen cardigan for what little warmth one could salvage on cobblestone floors, and a battered beater beneath. Fingerless leather gloves appeared to be her soul companions; eerie, grey-blue eyes were only lightly make-uped, which did not hide the loneliness and neglect reflected in otherwise empty pools of hazy mist. A sinewy, modest figure and an assortment of battle scars showed off her expertise in the pits, though a featherweight she clearly was and, considering her avian bone density, a featherweight she'd always be. Yet to mar an almost-pretty visage, the woman wished only for the freedom she could gain through blood.

Website: ... page=14129

Images: None yet

Contact Details: Whisper on furcadia, on email, AloliEshe on TGT forums.

Notes: N/A

Arena Match Listings

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:04 pm
by Evette
**Attached to her slave papers is another page documenting her challenges in the arena.

Opponent: Fellyn
Winner: Fellyn
Loser: Freedah
XP Gained: 5
Injuries: Thin slice along the left side of her face. Bruised chest and stomach. Wing membrane ripped. Deep gouge running across the top of her wrist.
Capable to fight again on: 9th October
Eligible to gain XP again on: 13th October