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Allyria - Unowned

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 6:36 pm
by Brynn
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full name:

Nickname: Ly, Lyre.

Name on identification: Allyria.

Age: 22.

Gender: Female.

Species: Half-elf.

Sub-species/breed: N/A.

Physical Appearance

Body type: Reasonably full-figured, with an ample bust and decent set of curves. She isn't overweight, per se, just quite well-endowed in the curves department.

Physical details: Her hair is long, falling nearly halfway down her back and of a silky, glossy, silvery blonde color. When well-taken care of, the gossamer strands accentuate her features rather nicely, though they are often kept braided and out of her way. In contrast, her eyes are a deep, stunning emerald green, acting like a crystal clear window to her thoughts and emotions. Though they most often reflect little more than haughty indifference and stubbornness, they also speak of a greater depth to her character, somewhere beneath the arrogance and self-centered tendencies. The girl's skin shows a remarkably clear complexion, smooth and soft, and just barely kissed by the sun's rays to give her a healthy glow.

Physical markings: Etched into the underside of her left forearm in bold scarring is the word "slave."

Physical drawbacks: She's really just not a fighter, at all. She doesn't have the body or experience for it. She also doesn't have too much in the way of stamina for running or any other physical activity, due to a fairly pampered lifestyle.

Current infliction(s): A bit malnourished, as she's been refusing much of the food provided to slaves at the Tether. Constant hunger has forced her to start eating at least a little bit of the less atrocious options, however.

Physical defenses: You're kidding, right? It's possible the girl has some sort of magical abilities, but, if so, they've remained utterly dormant thus far.

Appealing attributes: Gorgeous silky hair, brilliant emerald eyes, clear complexion, soft skin, and fairly generous curves.

Clothing: A rough cloth shift, in some sort of gray hue. Also wears shackles on her wrists and ankles, to prevent any attempts at escape.

Other items: Just an old journal, which was confiscated when she entered the Tether's ownership.


Feral or cultured: Highly cultured. Refined, even, when allowed to be.

Phobias: Gerontophobia.

Disorders: Nothing diagnosed. Just extremely spoiled.

How do they present themselves: Basically, she's very full of herself and can be extremely self-centered.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Extremely opposed, though she's just about convinced herself that being a slave is just a mistake that will soon be sorted out.

Overall attitude: Arrogant. Can also be blindly optimistic or bitter and cynical, depending on the situation.

Quirks: Flips her hair with one hand when really upset or stubborn. Sometimes actually stomps her foot when she's being particularly adamant about something.

Hobbies / interests: Enjoys the theatre and classical music, gossiping, and all the other sorts of activities someone of higher class might enjoy.

High or low maintenance: Very high.

Diet / allergies: Allergic to shellfish. Very picky eater.


Language(s) spoken: Common, elvish.

Can they read / write: Yes, in common and elvish.

Can your character produce magic: None has been seen, yet, but the potential remains. She will be restrained accordingly, if any abilities manifest.

Talents / skills: Can play the flute and cello.

Training: Very little.


Previous owners: Several NPCs, including a rival elven lord.

Previous usage(s): None managed to get any decent use out of her.

Previous status: Eldest daughter of an elven lord and his favored human concubine. She was given her freedom at her mother's request, and grew up rather spoiled.

For rent or to own: Both!

Cost: 8 gold to rent, 90 gold to buy.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Generally available on evenings 1 - 3 times per week.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver roleplay: I want someone to mold her into a good slave, and I'd also really love to develop her as a character, and reveal more than just the arrogance and prissiness she so often shows.

What are your allowances for your character: I'll allow most things, aside from death and limb removal, so long as you ask first.

Long term / Short term: Long term strongly preferred.

General Information

Character description: Surely this woman was placed here by mistake. Haughtiness was all too apparent in striking emerald eyes and full lips pursed in an expression of discontent. Then, too, there were the features hinting at elven lineage; the girl's ears bore a distinct point, and she bore the graceful sort of beauty common to the fair race. A slightly fuller figure and soft, rouder features suggested she was naught but a half-breed, however. Perhaps that was the reason the elven beauty found hersalf bound in irons, clothed in naught but a crude cloth shift, and chucked in the pens amidst common slaves. Or was there more to her story?

Website: N/A.

Images: N/A.

Contact details: Whisper me on Furcadia as Allyria or one of my other alts.

Notes: N/A.