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Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 4:59 pm
by Munyiga
Updated, please read for details on renting! For aspect stats please look at General Information!

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Munyiga

Nickname: One That Presses

Name on Identification: Munyiga

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Species: Hippopotamus

Sub Species/Breed:None

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Thick and fat, decent musculature. Stands at 11' 5", weighs in at 4,182KG (9220 lbs)

Physical Details: Hairless with black eyes. Skin is dull gray when not secreting "blood sweat."

Physical Markings: Numerous barbed-whip welts on back. Some scarring around the eyes.

Physical Drawbacks: Due to both fat and muscles, movement is hindered.

Current Infliction(s): Several stab wounds to the upper back, one just above the left hip.

Physical Defenses: Thick hide prevents deep dermal penetration. Powerful bite pressure of approximately 2000 lbs.

Appealing Attributes: No notable sexual appeal physically. Size and weight alone would kill average furres and humans, or at the very least break their hips, rib cages and spines.

Clothing: Usually none, due to size and shape. Wears a red-and-gold loincloth with copper belt for modesty. Loincloth draped over a layer of leather to protect genitals during combat.

Other Items: Old coin fashioned into a collar (From Leofrik) Pendant depicting a tree on an island at the center of a lake (Gift from Bryg)


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: None

Disorders: None

How do they present themselves: Begrudgingly. Despises being put on display. Has been tamed to accept others around him.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Mixed.

Overall Attitude: Incredibly violent, gruff, quiet. Becomes loud and wild when provoked. When acquainted, considerably improves to a calmer, more kinder approach. Overall caution is advised with this unstable hippo.

Quirks: While alone, can be heard quietly uttering something to himself.

Hobbies / Interests: Mud-wallowing, sleeping.

High or Low Maintenance: High maintenance. Requires large amounts of food. Please keep chained up when unsupervised. Warning, may brutalize others.

Diet / Allergies:Mostly vegetarian, will eat meat/people if stressed or enraged. DO NOT FEED MEAT REGULARLY, meat will trigger violent reaction.


Language(s) Spoken:Commonspeak (Very little), Nkore Bantu

Can they Read / Write:No

Can your character produce magic: No

Talents / Skills: Heavy duty manual labor.

Training: No formal training. Learns from example.


Special Notice
Leofrik has purchased Munyiga. However, to afford his hefty price as a heavy-labor slave/large fighter, Munyiga is to be rented off to others. This loan service will pay for Leofrik's ownership. 60% of the gold used to pay for Munyiga's rent will go towards Leofrik's owed fees. Once the sum has totaled up to 1500 gold, Munyiga will be Leofrik's permanent slave unless disowned or sold back into slavery.

Previous Owners: Ysabel Cãrdoba (Deceased), Sir Reginald Lexford (Deceased), Lady Mary Florence Lexford (Deceased), Liu Chungiao

Previous Usage(s): Manual Labor, Sadism, Fighting

Previous status: Tribal Ugandan child of 10 years

For Rent or to Own:Rent, Owned on Loan Service by Leofrik

45 gold for a day, incrementally increases by 25 gold for each day.
Notice: Loan payed for: 27/1500 Gold

OOC Info/Notes

On relatively often

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay:
Anything that keeps my interest.

What are your allowances for your character:
Anything goes, except for permanent death.

Long Term/Short Term:
Either or.

General Information

Character Description: Exotic man from distant lands, if exotic were another word for "heavy." This Ugandan hippo spoke very little Commonspeak, not that he was given much time to learn after being captured and sold into slavery at a young age. Years and years of transfers, unhappy or dead owners, long voyages, and a plethora of wounds and scars forged him into a beast far more aggressive than his territorial kin back in Africa. Bulky and brutal, he was given the name Munyiga, one who presses... Pray you are not the one who is pressed.

Website: None


Contact Details: Whisper

Notes: As made abundantly clear, Munyiga is violent. However, through recent efforts by Leofrik of the Ulfrikson clan, Munyiga has been tamed partially. While Munyiga's strength and violence has been focused into a positive manner. Although he will not attack others without provocation, it is ill-advised to attempt provocation all the same. While in the cages, he is supervised by a guard to ensure other slaves will not be injured. While rented, guards WILL NOT be provided. Please handle with care.
Also, here's his aspect stats: viewtopic.php?f=75&t=15593&p=131315#p131315

Re: Munyiga

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:50 pm
by Leo
A strange wax sigil has been stamped onto the papers in the shape of a lion, rampant, in a bright blue - Leofrik's standard.