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Delima || Untrained || Unowned || Open for Rental

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:04 pm
by Delima
Basic Information
Full Name: unknown & undisclosed

Nickname: Delima || De-le-ma || 'jewel, ruby, pomegranate'

Name on Identification: Delima

Age: twenty-one

Gender: female, ‘queen’

Species: Singapura Cat (pedigree)

Sub Species/Breed: Anthro

Physical  Appearance
Body Type: Anthromorphic; digigrade legs.

Physical Details: Black hair near perfectly straight save for a few inches towards the ends, worn loose and ending at about mid-back and bust level. Warm golden eyes. Good bone structure and moderately muscular, giving an impression of elegance. Fair of shoulder, slight of hip and overall with a lean, healthy muscletone with appropriate softness at the hips, buttocks and thighs; akin perhaps to that of a dancer. Dusky skin under faded golden ivory fur with a soft warm look, ticked with sepia brown-tawny; short and silky to the touch, with a long tail with a darker streak on the top half.

Physical Markings: 'Ticked' sepia fur, tabby 'm' on her forehead, barring on her forearms and lower legs.

Physical Drawbacks: Not made for outright brute strength. Ill-suited for cold, winter climates.

Current Infliction(s): 100%

Physical Defenses: Teeth and claws. Her knowledge of self defence is rudimentary at best although she does have some limited in experience with a kris dagger*.
*Seeking trainer

Appealing Attributes: Foreign species. Fur colouration and markings. Heritage/origin.

Clothing: Kebaya; plain black chest wrap under a fine gauze blouse with black detailing on the sleeves, collar and hem. Lower half is geometric patterning in mid-chocolate brown, crimson red and mid-gray brown. Cotton. Floor-length, loose fit on her lower half.

Other Items:
- Small leather-wrapped parchment notebook
- Black feather quill & small, secured silver inkpot
- Wooden flute
- Old violin

Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Necrophobia – fear of death and/or the (un)dead
Tokophobia – fear of childbirth or pregnancy

Mild Opoid dependance
(Risk of) Dependant Personality disorder

How do they present themselves: Calculating, frugal, over-critical.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: She sees slavery as a debt that she will earn her way out of, rental by rental if neccesary. Slow and steady wins the race.

Overall Attitude: Modest, meticulous, reliable, intelligent and potentially pioneering. Potentially good trainable material, given a decent system of reward & punishment. A conservative perfectionist, and prone to worrying and fuss over the result of her duties.

Quirks: Her left ear twitches when nervous, and she fidgets with her hands and tail when thinking. Unlike the stereotype for felines, she shows a liking for bathing and enjoys keeping herself as well-groomed as possible.

Hobbies / Interests:
Music; writing/playing music for the violin in her possession. Shows a similar talent for the flute.
Household management; primarily finances, and input/output. A potential merchant's aide.
Navigation; by the stars.

High or Low Maintenance: Medium

Diet / Allergies: Vegetarian by choice, omnivorous leaning to carnivorous by species.

Language(s) Spoken: Common/English and Malay

Can they Read / Write: Yes / Yes

Can your character produce magic: No

Talents / Skills:
# Music; violin, flute – both the music playing and composure of for both
# General work; messenger, secretary, companion.
# Finances; input/output, stock keeping

Training: None IC, and none via her backstory.
Seeking training in;
i, Dance; bellydance preferable
ii, Massage skills

Previous Owners: --

Previous Usage(s): --

Previous status: Freewoman; lower merchant class; former merchant's assistant

For Rent or to Own: Ownership after 2 trial rentals.

1 Night or Day Rental = 10 Image
To Own = 100 Image

OOC Info/Notes
Availability: GMT timezone.
Weekends; 11am – 2am estimated (5am – 8pm FST)
Weekdays are pending until after the Christmas Holidays; full-time student.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Role-play: Character development, primarily. I am eventually seeking to have her turned, through the course of long term roleplay into a demon (see notes).

What are your allowances for your character:
Refused: Death, Severe mutilation (ie, limb removal), NC sex.
Most other things are negotiable; aka, it is polite to ask.
IC actions = IC consequences.

Long Term/Short Term: Long-term for ownership and rentals preferred. I really want her to get some allies going, and constant rentals. Short-term is ok too, as any encounter adds to her continuous story.

General Information
Character Description:
Singapura pedigree; long straight hair the colour of charcoal framed an angular face with expressive golden eyes while those large ears flicked and perked accordingly to her surroundings. Pale faded golden ivory fur with a soft warm look, ticked with sepia brown-tawny; short and silky with slight barring stripes on her forearms, lower legs and tailtip. An old pomegranate necklace hung around her neck; forbidden fruit, a symbol of fertility and prosperity - one denied, one a wish. A floor-length cotton and gauze kebaya was worn; traditional attire. Snug to her throat, was a worn old leather collar. Shrewd in mind, a businesswoman at heart; bankrupt, in debt, enslaved.


Sketch by Augustine
WIP sketch by neat-o-rama
sketch by Batu

Contact Details:
PM via TGT's forum system
Whispers in-game

* Due to her ethnicity, regardless of the type of demon that turns her, she will become a Hantu demon. Definition: A Hantu demon is a legendary evil spirit or demon in Philippine mythology. They are notorious in the Philippines for allegedly possessing people and driving them insane.This creature is said to have a power to possess people or animals and kill their souls to become the creature that he/she possessed. Hantu Pusaka are those specifically from Malaysian culture, of which Singapore is influenced.

Re: Delima || Untrained || Unowned || Open for Rental

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:08 pm
by Delima

Past Owners

Past Rentals
20th December 2011: Smidge
21st December 2011: Ratheshtar - fined; shallow cut along her left collarbone
21st December 2011: Awena Tamwood
22nd December 2011: Draconic
