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Hugue | Exotic Sea Creature | Unowned

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 1:20 pm
by Izekial
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Hugue von Kleis (Hue-gh von K-lice)

Nickname: None

Name on Identification: Hugue

Age: 25 Winters

Gender: Male

Height: 6'5

Weight: 230lb's

Species: Atlantean

Sub Species/Breed: Human

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Well toned but thin

Physical Details

Hair: Dark navy, edging on black. Hair length

Eyes: Yellow

Skin: Covered in small, unnoticeable scales, smooth and clammy to the touch, tougher than average human skin. The color is a combination of light blue-gray with darker markings along the spine and traveling down elbows to hands, as well as knees to feet.

Back: Starting at the back of his neck, a finned ridge starts and ends at the small of his back, each protrusion corresponding with every three spinal discs, linked with webbing. When startled, angered or scared, they will rise and stick out a good three and a half inches in a defensive measure. Each bony quill ending in a sharpened point. When laying flat, they are slightly unnoticeable.

Two strange leafy protrusions rest on either side of his spine, just below his shoulder blades. What's hidden within those strange slits might surprise you! The Atlantean possessed a set of flexible, webbed wings, allowing fluid movement and speed through the cold, ocean waters, and allowing minimal gliding at top speed above the ocean waves. (think a flying fish and how it gains speed under water and leaps out of it, gliding a few feet then diving back down.)

Ears: Finned, can flare and flatten much like a Betta fish.

Shoulders: Just under his collar bone are two small slits, these lead into a second set of 'lungs' consisting of thin filaments of tissue that filter water and absorb oxygen and filter out contaminants, when breathing, water is pumped in and out of these lungs.

Other: Possesses five fingers and five toes, each tipped with sharpened nails, able to pry open oysters and clams with little to no trouble. Each digit is connected by a nearly transparent webbing.

Physical Markings:
Hands and feet leading up toward elbows are a darker, bluer shade of gray, the same goes for down his spine. Wings are the color of his flesh, webbing speckled with the darker color.

Physical Drawbacks: Spending more than five hours on land can cause minor dehydration, as time progresses, skin will start to dry out, lips will crack and he will become lethargic, a real fish out of water.

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: Teeth, sharpened nails, back quills.

Appealing Attributes: Captivating eyes, glorious hair, unique origin.

Clothing: Knee long loin cloth made of light silk, covers both front and back. Held together by silvery thread.

Other Items: A spear from his home land, confiscated and put into storage, seemingly useless to some, but has been seen glowing when in his presence, radiating some sort of electrical discharge.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Ailurophobia- Fear of cats.

Note: This does not mean he will not converse with feline characters, but due to his aquatic nature, he has come to dislike them.

Disorders: None

How do they present themselves: Silent, ridged, bold.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Highly dislikes the idea, he was captured from the ocean by sailors and towed along to a nearby town, where he was soon sold as the ' catch of the day ' to slavers, who saw him as being worth more than they'd bargained for.

Overall Attitude: Stoic, emotionless, uncaring, protective to the right people.

Quirks: Blows bubbles out of his mouth when bored, sometimes sleeps belly up, stares at shiny things sometimes for no reason.

Hobbies / Interests: Fishing, hunting, sea shell collecting, necklace making, weaving.

High or Low Maintenance: High

Diet / Allergies: A strict meat/seafood diet, some leafy greens can be consumed, but otherwise meat and seafood are main nutrition.


Language(s) Spoken: Common, Atlantean

Can they Read / Write: Yes

Can your character produce magic: Not physically, but can channel energy through the crystal in his spear to produce an electric discharge.

Talents / Skills: Fishing, hunting, Shell collecting, Kelp/Sea weed weaving.

Training: None


Previous Owners: an NPC fisherman, sold off to some Traders.

Previous Usage(s): Unknown

Previous status: A royal Atlantean guard.

For Rent or to Own: Both. Preferably 3 rents then own. (must be discussed ooc'ly on owning)

* 1 Night Rental, 25Image or 2Image
* To Own, 320Image or 32Image

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: When I'm online, I am available!

What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay: Various things, friends, enemies, fishy friends!

What are your allowances for your character: Anything that needs to be question can be asked ooc'ly.

Long Term/Short Term: Both!

General Information

Character Description: This man, he was as bold as the ocean and just as deadly. A creeping enigma hidden under the crashing waves in which he called home. Amber hues were set into sockets, framed by flowing, navy locks, the only touch of softness to the hard lines of his face. Born as one of Poseidon's many children, he was raised as a protector of his home, a long forgotten civilization, The City of Atlantis. He was a man of his word, with a heart as cold as the depths he came from. Such magnificence was a long way from home, caught off guard and traded off like the catch of the day to slavers. His only weapon, an ancient spear passed down by generations, now locked away from yearning fingertips. Many would soon come to find out, that even though the ocean is beautiful, it's more deadly than you can imagine.

Website: Link

Images: None yet :( Donate?

Contact Details: On furcadia via Hugue.

Notes: Questions and comments are most appreciated!