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Quintos Rabalias - Unowned

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:11 am
by Dejkar
Durrr, had toon for a while now and forgot to post this *face palm*

Basic Information

Full Name: Quintos Rabalias / Birth name: Flaming Mistake (Only known by him IC'ly)

Nickname: None

Name on Identification: Quintos

Age: 5 (1yr = 4 human years making him 20 in human yrs)

Gender: Male

Species: Mixed - Likes to call himself a Hyppogryphon

Sub Species/Breed: Flameward Hyppogryph X Snowy Gryphon

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Tall and lanky.

Physical Details: Raven-like beak, long feathered horse ears, a pair of antlers on his head. Feathered down to the hips where fur continues and finishes at the end of a long, thin tail.

Physical Markings: Feather pattern

Physical Drawbacks: Stumbles over things as if not used to walking on two feet. Very little body strength.

Current Inflictions: None

Physical Defenses: Can run at high speeds once he gets going. Talons, claws, antlers, beak are all means of defense but prefers to run away.

Appealing Attributes and Attraction: Bright and rare coloration and species.

Clothing: Changes, mostly skyclad.

Other Items on Person: None


Feral or Cultured: In the middle.

Phobias: None

Disorders: None

How do they present themselves: Doesn't bother to show himself off, can get bored very easily. Can be more friendly towards females then males.

Feelings towards being owned/rented: Hates the idea. Again more inclined to behave with females.

Overall Attitude: Can be cocky and blunt, fidgety, doesn't like to sit and do nothing.

Quirks: Makes smoke rings with his hands when bored - when his suppression shackles are removed or lessened.

Hobbies/Interests: Exploring, flying, burning things.

High or Low Maintenance: Low.

Diet/Allergies: Omnivore.


Languages Spoken: Common

Can they Read/Write: Yes + Yes

Can your character produce magic: Yes

Talents/Skills: Pryomancy, can mimic sounds and voices perfectly with practice.

Training: None


Previous Owners: Two NPC's - A dwarf then sold off to a human mage. After their death he was free for a short while then captured.

Previous Usage: Mount, test subject.

Previous status: Free

For Rent or to Own: Either

Unbroken, Untrained Slave:
1 Night Rental = 10 Gold or 1 Platinum.
To Own = 80 Gold or 8 Platinum.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: I'm GMT timezone but I'm around most of the week. Can fully explain my timetable to anyone interested or wishing to know.

What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay:
Generally open to a lot of different things if you have an idea feel free to let me know. I'm a fan of gore and horror, that's always amusing. Not looking to be instantly set free.

What are your allowances for your character: I don't do that yiffy nonsense. Otherwise anything but death or disablement.

Long Term/Short Term: Either I'm flexible

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