Humility - Unowned

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Humility - Unowned

Post by FaKyu »

Full Name: N/A (nameless)
Name on Identification: Slave
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Species: Bengal Tiger
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Diet: Meat, Fish, Grains, some vegetables
Allergies: N/A

Current Owner: None
Previous Owner(s): None
Previous Usage: None
Status Prior to enslavement: Ronin
For Rent or to Own: Rent-to-Own
Rental Prices: 20g (no sexual acts)
Purchasing price: Asking price of One Hundred fifty gold flat.
*Slaves belongings are also optionally available upon purchase, per request.
These include:
  • One Katana and Wakizashi
  • One set of Yoroi armor

Height: 6'6" (198.12cm)
Weight: 215lb (15.3571 stones)
Scent: Black Pine, Fresh parchment and Ink
Physical Drawbacks: Requires glasses to see. Without them everything appears hazy and blob-like.
Physical Markings: Natural stripes, as well as full body tattoo (Collar bone, to wrists, to ankles)
Physical Defenses: Claws and teeth
Body Type: Muscular, fit, toned (good for manual labor)
Clothing: Standard Kimono, Waraji, and Tabi
Physical Detail: Current on file:
[*] Hair - Jet black, kept short and slightly tousled. Well groomed, with cleanly trimmed beard.
[*] Eyes - Pale sky blue, flecked with silver.
[*] Skin/Flesh - Fair, bares no noticeable flaws. Heavily tattooed under the clothing line, quite possibly to cover previous scars and/or impurities.
[*] Claws -Filed down for protective purposes, extremely dull.

Language(s) Spoken: Common
Reading or Writing skills: Yes, Yes
Magic capabilities: Qi mastery (weaponized and healing purposes)
Training: No prior slave training.
Talents / Skills: As following:
[*] Various sword and combat related techniques
[*] Acupuncture (Massuer)
[*] Calligraphy
[*] Healer

Feral or Cultured: Cultured
Phobias: N/A
Disorders: Low Vision
Quirks: N/A
Hobbies / Interests: Calligraphy, Books
High or Low Maintenance: Low
Feelings towards being owned / rented: Indifferent
Overall Attitude: Changes pending on who, or what he's dealing with. Generally flows with the movement of things unless feeling threatened, or otherwise uncomfortable.
How do they present themselves: Respectfully

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Generally if I'm on I'm available. Feel free to just drop me a whisper.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Pretty much open to anything, please discuss any intentions to have him killed off prior to doing so though. For plot sake it's fine but I don't want him picked up and murdered for the hell of it.

What are your allowances for your character: Pretty much NC beyond death or maiming.

Long Term/Short Term: Either

General Information

Character Description:

Website: Site

X , X , X

Contact Details: Humility on Furc

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