Oreias - Unowned, Unbroken, Exotic

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Oreias - Unowned, Unbroken, Exotic

Post by Oreias »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Oreias

Nickname: None yet

Name on Identification: Oreias

Age: Unknown, looks to be in his early twenty's.

Gender: Male

Species: Dryad

Sub Species/Breed: Cherry

Physical Appearance

Body Type: androgynous

Physical Details: His skin is light green, while the rest of his features a more tree like. Like his hair, which is made out of leafs and cherry flowers, or perhaps his legs, which are made of living wood from the knee down. Also it is worth mentioning that his eyes are a bright cherry red, and that he has a generous amount of freckles.

Physical Markings: He has no tattoos, or scars. Yet.

Physical Drawbacks: He has to be careful around an open flame. Also, he does not have much in the way of physical strength.

Current Infliction(s): N/A

Physical Defenses: He can hide himself into a tree, for a short amount of time.

Appealing Attributes: He's very pretty looking, and he is much more intelligent than he seems.

Clothing: He would prefer not to wear clothing, though for decency he wears a pair of peasant fashioned pants. Very baggy, so it won't be ruined by his odd legs.

Other Items: None at the moment.


Feral or Cultured: Feral

Phobias: Fire, disease, his own death. The only thing that scares the dryad is him dying and not being able to protect his forest, as long as he is alive he knows that his forest is okay.

Disorders: N/A

How do they present themselves: Aloof, very fickle.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: He has no idea what it means to be owned, only that he is being kept away from his forest.

Overall Attitude: Unsure.

Quirks: He views people, animals, and plants as being no better than each other, they each have their own roles. He also cannot get drunk, or be drugged by conventional means. He can, however, be effected quite easily by magic.

Hobbies / Interests: None, at the moment.

High or Low Maintenance: Depends.

Diet / Allergies: He survives off of sunlight and water. He is able to eat normal food, but he does not gain the nutrients or the benefits of said food, it's really only done for either the taste, or to be kind to the cook.


Language(s) Spoken: Only a small amount of common.

Can they Read / Write: No

Can your character produce magic: He can excelerate the growth of plants, and produce a small amount of healing magic. He would only be able to heal cuts and bruises, nothing fatal or that would take a long time to heal. Such as a broken leg.

Talents / Skills: Great at tending to a garden, so far not much else.

Training: Very little at the moment.


Previous Owners: N/A

Previous Usage(s): N/A

Previous status: Guardian of a forest.

For Rent or to Own: Rent, or own.

Cost: Ten gold to rent, one hundred to buy.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: It depends on how my insomnia treats me.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Interesting rp, and story lines.

What are your allowances for your character: Ask me before you do anything to strange, or if you are going to damage him in some way. But other than that, I am pretty open.

Long Term/Short Term: Long term is preferred.

General Information

Character Description: The lush greens of leaves and the vibrant colors of flowers made this dryad's hair, giving it appeal that normal hair could not hope to copy. This being his opinion. The androgynous dryad stood around five and a half feet tall, his features fair and allmost elvish in nature. Rich brown freckles covered his face and body, accenting his allready strangely feminine features even more. Though he did not look like a woman outright, it would probably be hard for most to guess at a glance. The only thing else that might be immediatly noticable is his wooden legs, the limbs looked like they where shaped by a master craftsman to give the wood the appearance of life. His feet, on the other hand, looked like he had uprooted himself and walked away. Those gnarled roots sticking out of his feet jutted out in odd ways. The living wood ended at his knees, where it melded back into the green flesh of a dryad.

Website: None, yet.

Images: Same.

Contact Details: Oreias - furcadia

Notes: I will edit this some, later.
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