Looker - Unowned/ Slightly Exotic

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Looker - Unowned/ Slightly Exotic

Post by Caspien »

Slave Form

Basic Information
Full Name: Louise Dubois
Nickname: Loo, Looker
Name on Identification: Looker
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Domestic Bengal
Sub Species/Breed: Human

Physical Appearance
Body Type: Thin, but not unhealthy. Very curvy and appealing. Hence her nickname.
Physical Details: Long, snow-white hair. Sidebrushed bangs and soft layers, falling past her breasts but not yet reaching her waist. Eyes are a very light, but not icy blue. Coat is nice and smooth, as she takes good care of herself and keeping clean.
Physical Markings: Here. No piercings, brandings or tattoos.
Physical Drawbacks: None.
Current Infliction(s): None.
Physical Defenses: Tooth and nail. She does not have much muscle behind her.
Appealing Attributes: She is quite the looker, and has a very alluring appearance. Unfortunately, this is something she doesn't quite believe about herself. Her markings make her look exotic, even though she is not a rare mix of breeds or anything more than just a beautiful breed of feline.
Clothing: A one-sleeved (quarter-sleeve), goddess-type dress. Purple in color, with golden details. Goes a little past her mid-thigh.
Other Items: A small coin purse with a small strap that makes it so that it can be worn on her wrist. A bag that holds all of the materials she needs to craft jewelry.

Feral or Cultured: Extremely cultured
Phobias: Achluophobia- Fear of the dark
Disorders: Possible anxiety disorder
How do they present themselves: Will not look patrons in the eyes, and won't speak unless directly spoken to.
Feelings towards being owned / rented: She hates it, but does a good job of pretending like she enjoys serving.
Overall Attitude: Very kind, polite and obediant.
Quirks: Extremely gullible, anxious
Hobbies / Interests: Singing, crafting jewelry, reading
High or Low Maintenance: She may look high maintenance, but she is not.
Diet / Allergies: She enjoys fish, but no other seafood. No allergies.

Language(s) Spoken: English. Has a soft French accent, but cannot speak the language.
Can they Read / Write: Yes and yes.
Can your character produce magic: No
Talents / Skills: Crafting jewelry, sewing and singing
Training: None

Previous Owners: None
Previous Usage(s): None
Previous status: Free person
For Rent or to Own: Both
Cost: To rent - 14 gold/ To own - 187 gold

OOC Info/Notes
Availability: I am on every day, times may vary.
What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Character development.
What are your allowances for your character: Louise is no consent, unless you wish to change, maim, kill or dismember her. Most everything else is allowed, but don't hesitate to tell me what you plan on doing with her.
Long Term/Short Term: Both are welcome.

General Information
Character Description: Doesn't have one, really.
Website: Hurr
Images: On the site.
Contact Details: In-game on Looker
Notes: Whisper me if you want to chat me up, or would like to roleplay.
New Patron
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:38 pm

Re: Looker - Unowned/ Slightly Exotic

Post by Caspien »

[ Sorry for the millions of edits, I am a retard. ]
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