Jaidhan - Owned, Rentable

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Jaidhan - Owned, Rentable

Post by Jaidhan »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Jaidhan Alexander

Nickname: Jaid

Name on Identification: Jaidhan

Age: Unknown, looks 20

Gender: Male

Species: Phoenix

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Skinny, lithe, with hollow bones, but does not look unhealthy.

Physical Details: (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc) Shoulder length dark gold hair with pale white and yellow highlights, red eyes that can change colors depending on his mood. His skin is tanned with tufts of feathers on arms, chest, back. He is not a furre because of this, or anthro. He has miniature wings on his skull, ears tipped in feathers, and wings large enough to fly with, as well as a plumage of peafowl feathers.

Physical Markings: Feathers on his skin, taloned hands and feet.

Physical Drawbacks: The cold. His bones are hollow, so they are very fragile

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: (If any.) When he isn't collared, he can reach molten temperatures and harm others with fire.

Appealing Attributes: His exotic appearance, the wild fiery coloration that names his species.

Clothing: Shirts and harem pants. Short-sleeved, typically, and always barefoot. The colors are usually fiery.

Other Items: (Remember slaves cannot have belongings let alone have them on them, they may be made available when rented / purchased.) A charm bracelet that, when worn, keeps him from severe harm. A suppression collar to bind his abilities that he is forced to wear.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: The cold, having the wings on his head broken or ripped off.

Disorders: The colder it is outside, the more heat he needs to survive.

How do they present themselves: Well mannered, though a bit outspoken and very independent.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Doesn't like it, but doesn't have a choice. Doesn't outwardly show a hatred towards it.

Overall Attitude: Shy, soft-spoken

Quirks: Making bird noises when he's bored or trying to impress another

Hobbies / Interests: Cooking, baking, flying, being in feral form

High or Low Maintenance: Low

Diet / Allergies: Anything except bird meat. He loves spicy foods!


Language(s) Spoken: English

Can they Read / Write: Both

Can your character produce magic: (Slaves that can produced magic will be bound in such away they can't use it unless rented / purchased.) Yes. He produces flames to keep himself alive, and agreed to wear a suppression collar so he wouldn't die having his powers suppressed by a spell. He can only produce fire at a temperature that doesn't harm others but keeps himself alive.

Talents / Skills: His tears heal, and when he molts his feathers make a good profit. He can cook and clean.


Previous Owners: (If known.) Nikkolai, Malice

Previous Usage(s): Sex, abuse

Previous status: Freeborn

For Rent or to Own: Rent only

Cost: (Please see Slave Pricing in the Library for suggested prices.) 350 gold to own, 20 to rent

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Whisper!!!

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Anything...except death.

What are your allowances for your character: Anything except death.

Long Term/Short Term: Both, long term preferred if you buy him.

General Information

Character Description: Golden locks spill down to his shoulders, streaked with yellow and white and edged in fire. Two feathery appendages perch on top of his head. They aren't ears, but miniature wings with flames dancing along the tips like candles. His crimson gaze lacks emotion, hiding their ability to change color depending on his mood. Sprouting from his back are two fire-hued wings, coiling about him in a cocoon of heat while giving him the ability to fly. His ears are pointed like an elf's and topped with feathers. His tanned, heated skin is hidden by tufts of plumage, and extending from his fingertips and feet are bird-like talons, giving him quite the ethereal appearance. A blue hued peafowl tail streams behind him, his tears gifted with the ability to heal all ailments. Adorned in robes of crimson and gold, he walks with elegance befitting such a creature. He is a child birthed from the ashes and eternal fire, a pure-bred phoenix.

Website: http://www.wix.com/timelesse/phoenix

Images: On site!

Contact Details: Cersie or Nickolai in Furcadia.
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