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Siraj || Owned; available for short-term rent

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 5:35 am
by Siraj
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Siraj Devan
Nickname: Raj
Name on Identification: Siraj
Age: Unknown - appears in his late teens, early twenties
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Sub Species/Breed: Awassi Ram

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Slender, lightly muscled.
Physical Details: Long, auburn hair that brushes the swell of his hips, slanted green eyes and dark skin. He stands at a mere 5'4" with lean muscle tone suited more for a dancer than for a fighter. Curved ram horns protrude from either side of his skull but aside from that minor throwback to his sub-species, the rest of him is 100% human.
Physical Markings: Raj is fond of henna tattoos and has them on his hands, his feet and around his navel.
Physical Drawbacks: He's small with no real muscle to speak of, so it would be easy to subdue him if needed.
Current Infliction(s): None, he has a clean bill of health.
Physical Defenses: Teeth, horns, his speed and agility.
Appealing Attributes: His utter subservience and his willing to please. Raj's eyes and the henna markings across various parts of his body could also be considered attractive.
Clothing: Harem pants and a short, embroidered waistcoat or an ankle-length 'skirt' that hangs low on his hips and has slits on either side for ease of movement. Raj generally goes about barefoot but when the occasion calls for footwear, he wears sling-back gold leaf sandals. His jewellery is made of semi-precious metals in the form of bracelets and anklets.
Other Items: A Sitar, a Sundari and a collection of massage oils - all kept by the Tether until he has need of it.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured.
Phobias: Heights, small spaces and spiders.
Disorders: None.
How do they present themselves: Calm, patient and obedient.
Feelings towards being owned / rented: Extremely positive - he has been bred to serve and gains satisfaction from being of use to someone.
Overall Attitude: Pleasant and attentive.
Quirks: Refuses to use a patron's given name in public and will always refer to them as sahib out of respect.
Hobbies / Interests: Currently, Raj has no hobbies or interests that do not involve bettering himself as a slave.
High or Low Maintenance: Raj is relatively high maintenance insofar as if he believes he is not getting the attention he deserves, he will become surly and disobedient until his Master or Mistress' eyes are solely on him, irregardless of whether their regard is positive or negative. He also doesn't like to be left alone or be kept idle.
Diet / Allergies: Raj's diet generally comprises of fish, rice, vegetables, dairy products and fruit. He will not eat meat. He does not have any allergies.


Language(s) Spoken: Hindi, common, some French.
Can they Read / Write: Yes.
Can your character produce magic: No.
Talents / Skills:
[*][/color] Massage; Chavutti Thirumal, Ayurvedic, Indian Head Massage and various forms of Tantric Massage
[*][/color] Dance
[*][/color] Instruments; the sitar and the sundari
[*][/color] Cooking - nothing too substantial, mostly sweet treats and a couple of home-made Indian recipes
[*][/color] Singing - it isn't considered a great talent but he can hold a tune to some extent and generally uses his voice as an accompaniment to his dance if there is no music available
Training: Raj has been trained in all of the above by his (NPC) household, however should it be deemed that he needs further training, he will be more than happy to participate.


Previous Owners: Maharaja Sudel Sahib (NPC)
Previous Usage(s): Pleasure slave, companion, dancer.
Previous status: Personal slave
For Rent or to Own: Currently owned by Nacola, but is available to rent on a short-term basis.
To Rent: 25 Gold
To Own: 30 Platinum

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: London GMT, generally on all day when I'm off and I have been known to make appearances between 9pm - Midnight when working. If I'm not going to be on for awhile, I'll be sure to let you know.
What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: I'm currently looking for character development - Siraj is a fairly new character and although he appears to be a model slave, there is always room for improvement. I am open to brainstorming plot-lines but please be aware that he is played in TGT settings, so should any of these ideas be for a more modern time, then unfortunately he will not be available to participate.
What are your allowances for your character: No severe mutilation unless discussed beforehand and no death please - I'm quite fond of this character. Raj is a consent character.
Long Term/Short Term: Both.

General Information

Character Description: A wild creature with coy eyes and a come hither smile, born of wind and sand in the barren wastelands of the Cholistan. He was of a moderate height, all coltish limbs and flyweight muscle beneath the rolling fluidity of skin as dark as Peruvian chocolate. Auburn hair, streaked white from the sun in places, was long enough to brush the enticing swell of the boy's hips and the edges of high cheekbones, luminous green eyes almost hidden behind an artistically layered fringe. Clad in near-transparent gauze and silk, he was a treat for the eyes and for a price, he was available to satiate the most voracious of appetites.
Website: Link