Maxwell Malleus - Unowned

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Maxwell Malleus - Unowned

Post by AceofSpades »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name:
Maxwell Malleus

Max, Doc

Name on Identification:
Maxwell Malleus




Sub Species/Breed:
French-European Human

Physical Appearance
Tall, lanky, he looked like he ought to have been a 6'3" tree. A crooked nose and gaunt cheekbones gave him a rather serious appearance, though his mess of blond curls seemed to contradict the otherwise stern appearance. Pale, grey eyes often stared out with calculating thought, though glasses betray their fragility. He was pale, and thin of muscle, suggesting that he had in fact, spent most of his life sheltered or in a much more refined environment than the harsh, world-weathering life of a slave. Long fingers were built for delicate work, and he's yet to receive any proper scars or callouses as of yet. Fresh meat, as it were.

Body Type:
Tall, skinny

Physical Details: (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc)
Grey eyes, blond sheep-curl hair, pale skin, generally takes any opportunity to remain clean and neat.

Physical Markings:

Physical Drawbacks:
Short-sighted, not strong for his size and height, can be physically clumsy when nervous. May have a slight tendency for insomnia.

Current Infliction(s):

Physical Defenses:
Swift and dextrous, he likes to imagine he could throw a punch, but is most likely a pushover. Unless he gets his hands on a sharp tool.

Appealing Attributes:
Proper, gentle, neat. Most of his movements are calculated, careful, and low-key. He isn't known to be rowdy, and will most likely be obedient if treated with some measure of respect.

Basic button-up shirt, vest, and travel-worn pants. Boots, glasses, his clothing is honestly quite cheap and plain, most likely bought while on the road.

Other Items: (Remember slaves cannot have belongings let alone have them on them, they may be made available when rented / purchased.)
In storage would be Maxwell's travel bag. Within it would be his medical tools of trade; scalpel, syringe, thread and needle, rolls of gauze, a few salves, a medical book or two, even one or two vials of healing potions, assuming none of it is robbed.

Quiet, polite, neurotic. He's easily nervous, and a little jumpy. At worst, he posesses a sharp tongue and a judgemental stare, but he has no record of outright rebellion or lashing out as of yet. His quiet nature is sometimes betrayed by sudden boughts of enthusiasm, mostly towards tea or things of his specific intellectual interests. Otherwise, he's a little socially awkward, prone to rambling, or retreating to himself when feeling depressed over his current situation.

Feral or Cultured:
Cultured, and clings to his noble mannerisms as some form of comfort in this reckless and chaotic world.

No known phobias, some paranoia about homophobics

No known disorders

How do they present themselves:
Tall, proud, low-key and sharp.

Feelings towards being owned / rented:
Begrudging acceptance, with a heavy dose of neurotic worrying.

Overall Attitude:
Polite, nervous, proffessional

Currently a virgin, very paranoid about sexual situations, may be a bit clinical

Hobbies / Interests:
Medicinal practices, discussions of psychology and philosophy, plants though he knows nothing on the subject

High or Low Maintenance:
Low maintenance if treated with respect.

Diet / Allergies:
No known allergies, prefers clean and fresh foods.

First aid, minor surgeries, medicinal practices; though his trainning is incomplete.

Language(s) Spoken:
English, broken french

Can they Read / Write:
Fluently, if not obsessively

Can your character produce magic:
He does not remember ever using magic, and if he can, it was never learned.

Talents / Skills:
Good with his hands, researcher, sharp wit

Incomplete trainning to become a proper Doctor-Surgeon.


Previous Owners:

Previous Usage(s):

Previous status:

For Rent or to Own:

One night rental: 10 gold
To own: 180 gold
Untrained, but in remarkably good health, and educated.

OOC Info/Notes

Most evenings, though I live on the American East-coast, so I cannot stay up too late if I wish to function the next day.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay:
Currently: I'm open to anything.

What are your allowances for your character:
More or less anything.

Long Term/Short Term:
Either way. Long term only if it's interesting enough to last.

General Information

Character Description:
This human seemed always out of place. He stood like a skinny 6'3" tree, tall and gangly. Blond curls lay haphazardly around his tired face, and a pair of rectangular glasses often hid icy grey eyes. Pale skin and clean hair hinted in more noble upbringings, which brought into question his attire: Traveler's vest, dusty-white dress-shirt, thick trousers, black fitted boots. He's rarely seen without a leather bag over a shoulder, along with firmly-closed pouches and pockets at his belts. His distant stare and delicate mannerisms hinted at intellectual pursuits, but the dirt on his shoes and the stains at his sleeves hint at something morbid. The scent of medicine and disinfectant seems to linger on him.



Contact Details:
Maxwell Malleus in-game

Notes: I am very flexible in my RP styles, settings, and can adjust as neccessary.
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