Lynden. Owned, Available for Rent.

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Lynden. Owned, Available for Rent.

Post by Lynden »

Basic Information

Full Name: Lynden. Last name unknown.

Nickname: Lyn, Freak, Sunshine. (These last two are often met with hostility.)

Name on Identification: Lynden.

Age: 18.

Gender: Male.

Species: Neko/Piranha

Sub Species/Breed: Persian/Red-bellied piranha

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Lithe, gangly.

Physical Details: Sickly pale skin, crimson scales up each limb to the joints. Eyes are solid black, lacking pupils and irises alike. Crimson hair, shaggy fashion. Black ears and tail with white speckling, long haired. Fins on either side of his neck and one traveling the length of his spine.

Physical Markings: Crimson freckles.

Physical Drawbacks: Lacking in strength, as he is built for speed.

Current Infliction(s): None.

Physical Defenses: Sharp claws and teeth. Teeth can cut through bone. Poisonous spines on the ends of fins that inflict paralysis. Scales are thick, hard to injure.

Appealing Attributes: Rare, bizarre specie.

Clothing: Plain breeches, occasional shirt; usually lacking due to fins.

Other Items: N/a.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured.

Phobias: N/a.

Disorders: Upon the sight and scent of blood, he goes into a 'frenzy'. Not really a mental disorder, but more instinctual (although he often considers it an issue).

How do they present themselves: Distant, uncaring, aloof. More often than not, sarcastic.

Feelings towards being owned/rented: Dislikes most people, but is surprisingly tolerant.

Overall Attitude: Sarcastic, but not overly violent in any way. Mostly indifferent and uncaring.

Quirks: N/a.

Hobbies/Interests: Swimming.

High or Low Maintenance: Medium. Grooming and water needed to keep him looking his best. Able to take care of himself, if needed.

Diet/Allergies: Prefers meat. No allergies known.


Language(s) Spoken: Common.

Can they Read/Write: Yes/yes.

Can your character produce magic: No.

Talents/Skills: N/a.

Training: Limited basic training.


Previous Owners: Novel Hodder (current).

Previous Usage(s): Caregiver/babysitter.

Previous status: N/a.

For Rent or to Own: Owned. Rent only.

Cost: 5 gold per day rental.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Every day, approximately 1 pm - 3 am EST.

What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay: Character development, continuing plot ideas.

What are your allowances for your character: No-consent character.

Long Term/Short Term: Long term preferred, short term welcome.

General Information

Character Description: Everything about this male was bizarre. Kid looked too young, with demure stature and gangly limbs. Skin was sickly pale, covered in crimson freckles. Wild locks of matching hue obscured vision, sticking up in numerous places, more often than not. Eyes lacked any sort of irises or pupils to speak of; pitch black. Scales traveled up all four appendages, each ending with five dangerous claws. Fins jutted from neck, and one traveled the length of his spine; all tipped with blue spines. Demeanor was for an acquired taste. Often distant with sarcasm as sharp as the rows of fangs he was bestowed. Yet a loose collar flopping about his throat suggested he was part of the business.

Contact Details: Lynden, Evelyn M. on Furc.
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