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Liam Lockley - Unowned

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:32 am
by Samuel
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Liam Lockley

Nickname: Lee

Name on Identification: Liam

Age: 146 (Apparent age 18-20)

Gender: Male

Species: Jackal

Sub Species/Breed: Arcanian Jackal

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Feminine structure, thin with light curves though rather nicely toned.

Physical Details: Hair dipping slightly past waist length whilst front bangs were cut a bit shorter, just barely reaching past those crimson eyes. Lack of pigment was obvious from a simple glance at the ghostly figure. Even skin had lost all of it's color and reverted to a pale white; Aside from gums and tongue which had miraculously kept their light pink quality. And of course the nose as it stood out charcoal black.

Physical Markings: Blood red gemstone the size of a thumb-pad embedded within forehead with red arcs spreading a few inches in every direction though usually unseen from underneath the layer of fur.(Can be surgically removed during a full moon, which greatly severs the connection to magic)

Physical Drawbacks: Albinism and some hollow bones.

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: Fangs and claws.

Appealing Attributes: Blood-red gem attached upon forehead only adding to the jackal's exotic features. Wingspan definitely wide enough to grant flight and probably even enough to carry another with. Innocence of mind and behavior. Defensive and regenerative magical abilities. (Gem upon forehead can be removed during a full moon to cut the jackal's ability to produce magic.)

Clothing: All updates regarding that best sought from description.

Other Items: -


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Fear of loss of sight and the unknown.

Disorders: -

How do they present themselves: At this point rather cautious and frightened of mostly everything. Should there be a time and place where the jackal felt safe then there would be significant amount of innocent playfulness, curiosity and overall friendly attitude.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Frightened and confused though depending on the approach might either try to hide from or act somewhat polite and respectful.

Overall Attitude: If looking past the current frightened state then definitely friendly, playful in an innocent manner and of course overly curious.

Quirks: Has a tendency to poke something new and intriguing or throw pebbles at it to see if it eats his face in response or not. When frightened, tends to hide away within wings as if that provided ultimate safety.

Hobbies / Interests: Moon-bathing, bright colors and patterns, sparring, reading, flight.

High or Low Maintenance: Very high. Needs training and supervision. Liam's understanding of the Tether is virtually non-existent. If something was not said to him IC, then he will have no knowledge of it until done so.

Diet / Allergies: Omnivore though avoids seafood at all costs due to it's specific smell.


Language(s) Spoken: Common, Arcanian(Ancient)

Can they Read / Write: Yes

Can your character produce magic: Yes. (Increased regeneration, light healing etc. Mainly supportive and defensive. Although requires energy source aside from own blood to to perform without harm. All of course based on Bloodmagic.)

Talents / Skills:
  • High magical affinity(Able to sense and detect magical properties).
  • First aid/Healing (Both magical and not).
  • Considerable flight speed and agility.
  • Significant physical training as a former guard.
  • Fast flight
Training(By non-NPCs): -


Previous Owners: -

Previous Usage(s): -

Previous status: Crimson Class Sentry

For Rent or to Own: Either

  • 10Image one night rent
  • 100Image to own

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Almost always

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Further character development, intrigue and of course fun!

What are your allowances for your character: No consent, though death and permanent blindness do have to be agreed upon prior to role play. I don't mind having the character killed off for the greater purpose of some kind of epic plot. But just like that, out of the blue, no go.

Long Term/Short Term: Either, although long-term highly preferred.

General Information

Character Description: For once a cover that matched it's pages as the show white figure only carried innocence within mind. Crimson eyes often seen darting about, marvelling at the world that opened before with it's wonders and horrors. Long ears perked and twitching in youthful curiosity when no eyes rested upon, otherwise pinning back and trying to hide within the safety and comfort of those white-feathered wings. Five and a half foot frame covered from head to toe in luxuriously soft and warm fur, better suited for colder climate; Offering a rather thin and fragile appearance despite the strong frame underneath. Alluring figure clad in but a simple black collar and dust-colored loincloth, a bare minimum for decency. As if the creature was of any real threat, wrists were bound in shackles that were specifically made to negate any possible magic.


Images: ... 254658.png

Contact Details: RPR, TGT forums or in-game whispers.

Notes: -