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Filigree - Owner: Dawn Stormwing

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 5:56 pm
by Filigree
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Not documented.

Nickname: Filigree.

Name on Identification: Filigree.

Age: 22.

Gender: Female.

Species: Cheetah.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Lithe, a little less curvy than the average female (a bit less than the reference pic down there, due to her species), but still sexy.

Physical Details: Black hair. Eyes are hazel-reddish coloured. 1,60m (5'3'').

Physical Markings: Usual cheetah coat, yellow fur with black spots; a bit of black around her eyes and both sides of her muzzle; tail ends with three black stripes and a light-tan tip. Black spot over her nose (unusual if compared to her species)

Physical Drawbacks: Filigree didn't get this nickname for nothing. She's very fragile and uncapable of fighting, despite her musculature being very effective to agile and fast movements. She's also mildly short-sighted, and will have a little trouble distinguishing details from a distance - none of her masters ever bothered about this, so she never got it fixed. This may have been developed a bit further because of reading too much under low illumination.

Current Infliction(s): None.

Physical Defenses: She's amazingly fast, so she mostly avoids fighting by getting away (if she ever needs to, of course).

Appealing Attributes: Other than her healthy appearance, the fact that she's very intelligent, even though she wasn't taught much other than reading and writting.

Clothing: red silks, barely covering her breasts and crotch, leaving her shoulders and tummy bare, just as her entire arms and legs. She also wears a white and red collar around her neck.

Other Items: None.


Feral or Cultured: She's been taught the common language, but she refined her ability to read and write mainly by reading any books she could put her hands on.

Phobias: She feels extremely vulnerable in completely open spaces and large empty areas, getting very anxious and nervous to the point she might pass out. Just includes this form of agoraphobia; she's perfectly fine with crowds.

Disorders: None

Feelings towards being owned / rented: She likes to feel safe, it doesn't matter if she's getting rented or owned. She feels a bit anxious when a new master comes to rent her, and only hopes they will not condemn her to being a sex slave for the rest of her life. She appreciates being out of the cages, getting to see new people and usually wearing more clothes than she gets to wear while locked. However, she also feels at home when she's taken back to the cage, as she knows obedient and well-mannered slaves are (usually) treated well.

Overall Attitude: Calm, friendly and obedient. She also tries to be helpful with anything she can.

Quirks: Even though she's aware of her condition, she will try to keep her modesty at all occasions, unless she's asked to act the other way.

Hobbies / Interests: the Cheetah loves to read, and will embrace the opportunity to grab a book whenever she's allowed to. Obviously, those are very uncommon situations.

High or Low Maintenance: Low. She doesn't eat much. Even though she generally wears basic clothes, there were times when she was forced to remain nude.

Diet / Allergies: Doesn't need any specific kind of food, but just as anyone else, needs to have varied food from time to time.


Language(s) Spoken: Common.

Can they Read / Write: Yes. Even though she's limited to the common language, she's a great reader and kinda good as a writer as well.

Magic: No.

Talents / Skills: Manages a decent level of work as a tailor or cook, and she can do fairly well as a maid, in cleaning and organizing. However, what she's know for is her ability to be an extremely pleasant and refreshing companion. She can also do a very relaxing massage (learned by books and practiced), but it annoys her when it's confounded with sexual foreplay (she won't complain though).

Training: One of her masters insisted he wanted her to go hunting with him, so she ended up learning a bit of archery, but she's nothing like an actual archer. He also trained her for basic horse riding.


Previous Owners: None. It has always been better business to rent her.

Previous Usage(s): Many.

Previous status: She was taken as a child out of her tribe, so she's been a slave for most of her life.

For Rent or to Own: Traders will encourage masters to rent her, but she's up for sale too.

Cost: 18g for 1 night. 240g to own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: a couple of times a week. That can vary, but we can talk about it.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: people who want to have a slave to keep them company, talk, travel. I'll also join rps with more than one person, if one desires to use Filigree to show off their possessions or even just participate in more open settings. Things might even develop into more familiar rp, if one wishes to own Filigree and bring her to inhabit their house, as a maid or some other function.

What are your allowances for your character: I'd rather keep sexual content limited, but I'm okay with it. I'm not willing to be part of stories where main characters die or are severely changed (but we can talk about this last part). Magic users are fine, but Filigree is not one to learn magic. Fighting is also fine, but Filigree has no experience as a fighter, so she will have a hard time if she needs to display combative abilities. Other extreme situations can be discussed during the sessions, but I might not want to be part of too weird things.

Long Term/Short Term: we can start short-term. If some story happens to be very interesting and promising, we can make it long-term, especially if it involves many players!

General Information

Character Description: Black hair, tied up with a small red ribbon in a ponytail (it just go past her shoulders while tied, and half down her back otherwise). Eyes are hazel-reddish coloured, but look much lighter under heavy ilumination, and also emit a glimpse of her intelligence. Her body is fully covered by the usual cheetah coat, yellow fur with black spots; face marked with a bit of black around her eyes and both sides of her muzzle; tail ends with three black stripes and a white tip.


Contact Details: Filigree @ Furcadia.

Arena Stats
These are here just because she may need it for specific rps. I might remove this if it becomes useless or move it to the Arena thread if she finally gets to be using it constantly.

Strength: -1
Speed: +1
Stamina: -1
Hit Points: 23
*Primary Weapon(s): 0 (hands, teeth, claws - her natural weapons are not powerful)
Secondary Weapon(s): +1 (with bows - but she doesn't have a bow)
**Primary Armor: 0 (none)

Explanation for Points:
Strength: she's not naturally apt to grow much stronger. The fact that she's never been a worker and never had much physical activity or training doesn't help her strength either.
Speed: being a cheetah, her body allows for fast movement and agility, but since she never developed this aspect, it's just a little above average.
Stamina: basically the same reason for her low strength. Even though she's healthy, her physical build is fragile.
Weapon(s): she doesn't know how to use most weapons, and doesn't have any, so, if she needed to fight, she would have to use her natural weapons. However, since she had some little training with a bow, she might be able to use it as a weapon if given the chance, but she's not very skilled with it.