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Eri'oni (Rent Only)

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:43 pm
by Erioni
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Eri'oni

Nickname: Eri

Name on Identification: Eri'oni

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Species: Half-Elf

Sub Species/Breed: Sidar

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Toned, Slim, Fit

Physical Details:
Hair: Long, Brown, Pulled back in a messy bun.
Eyes: Bright Blue
Skin: Milky Gray, almost white

Physical Markings: Large Black Lotus tattoo on her left shoulder with leaves and smaller flowers going down her back. Ears are Pierced.

Physical Drawbacks: Crescent shape scar under right breast, small arrow scars across body.

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: Ninja by trade (D&D 3.5 Skills)
Search 12
Spot 13
Sense Motive 12
Swim 4
Escape Artist 17
Intimidate 15
Move Silently 30
Hide 30
Clime 9
Jump 15
Balance 13
Disguise 15
Listen 13
Bluff 13

Appealing Attributes: Her eyes are a bright blue, almost to the point of glowing in the dark. She is skilled in several areas along with: (D&D 3.5 skills)
Appraise 9
Craft: Posion Maker 9
Perform: Wind Instrument 10
Perform: Dance 10
Perform: String Instrument 10
Perform: Sing 10
Profession: Merchant 10
Disable Device 9
Gather Information 17
Open Lock 15
Diplomacy 23
Sleight of Hand 13
Use Magic Item 6

Clothing: Image

Other Items: See Image


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Autophobic

Disorders: N/A

How do they present themselves: Quite/Loner

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Unsure, though the idea of it seems to sent chills down her spine.

Overall Attitude: Very cold, well trained at staying calm under presser. Though she seems to know how to have a good time in her down time.

Quirks: None that she knows of.

Hobbies / Interests: Playing cards/dice, dancing, playing the flute or harp.

High or Low Maintenance: Low

Diet / Allergies: Pescatarian, red meats tend to make her sick in large amounts.


Language(s) Spoken: Common, Sidar, Elven

Can they Read / Write: Yes/Yes

Can your character produce magic: No but she has some skill in using Magic Items.

Talents / Skills: See above for skills on a d20 level

Training: Ninja/Shadow Dancer by trade


Previous Owners: No, Sold into slavery by Vampires

Previous Usage(s): N/A

Previous status: N/A

For Rent or to Own: Both

Cost: Rent:
1 Night Rental, 5g - 10g or 1p
To Own, 50g to 100g or 5p to 10p

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: 10am-10pm PST M,T,W,T (Fridays are my D&D game night)
All Day Saturday-Sunday

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Both Con or Non-Con

What are your allowances for your character: Talk about In RP

Long Term/Short Term: Both

General Information

Character Description: What stands before you is clearly a half-elf female, though her origins of birth can be questionable. Her flesh that of milky gray -almost white-, her hair reddish brown tied back in a messy bun and blue eyes so bright that they almost seem as they could cut threw the deepest of darkness. She seems to stand no taller then five foot five, with a body clearly built for stealth and speed which aids her more "questionable" line of work...when she is working that is.


Images: On Site

Contact Details: PM or Whisper
