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Barrow Wight -- Unowned

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 10:34 am
by TanuKyle
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Barrow Wight, Guardian of the Tomb and Possessor of the Cantrips, Child of Ghosts End.

Nickname: Wight

Name on Identification: Barrow Wight

Age: For all purposes, appears and acts around twenty. Doesn't seem to age, and is inherently curious about the process.

Gender: Male (Albeit androgynous)

Species: Feline Ghost

Sub Species/Breed: Norwegian Forest Cat -- Barrow-Wight

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Built for flexibility rather than strength, Wight is supple and slim though the thick double-coat of his fur prevents him from receiving the label 'slender'. Unbound his form fades into mist at the edges, though thanks to the magical binding of the Tether he's currently in full solidity. The species-typical ruff exists and his facial contours also align to his heritage. His tail too is the almost explosively furred poof normal to the species. Upon shifting to feral form he resembles in every way an average Forest Cat, save for the ghost-like tendecies he also possesses. He's also a little on the small side for a fully-grown male of the species. As a furless specimen Wight comes closer to skinny than slim due to the lack of fur, with over-large eyes and obvious animal influences despite the human facade. The fur disguises his low weight, but it fails to draw attention from the fact that Wight is /short/. Topping out at four foot eight not including his ears, Wight is definitely not tall.

Physical Details: Wight's headfur is an ice blue shade and style-wise somewhat tatty and uneven, despite being neatened before being put in the cage. It falls in a bob-like cut with wispy ends and bangs that fall in his face. His eyes are heterochromatic in a neon pink and yellow, but which eye is currently in which shade is always a matter for debate. As a human wight possesses a deathly pale shade of skin. In his other forms his fur is marked in shades of blue.

Physical Markings: There are no visible scars upon Wight, but his fur is quite intricate. A slightly darker shade of pale blue than his hair is the base colour, however this only shows through as 'socks' upon his limbs and a tummy/muzzle marking. Overlayed in an almost husky-like manner is a dull medium blue which marks his chest , the edges of his muzzle and eyes and the thighs and upper arms. A deeper and slightly darker blue then marks the rest of his body including the entirety of his back and tail save the tip which is the same ice blue as his headfur. Finally a dull blue that is almost black tips his ears and marks speckly stripes across his fur.

Physical Drawbacks: Whilst a childhood clambering around old tombs increased his reflexes and made Wight supple and gave him enough strength to pull himself up, his eventual ghost-like nature means he simply phased through obstacles that required too much strength and has developed no real musculature for feats of strength, especially combined with his cantrips as a combat mechanism. He's also used to dark enviroments as a matter of course and dislikes bright lights. His layered fur also means he struggles with the heat.

Current Infliction(s): N/A.

Physical Defenses: Whilst possessing both sharp claws and sharp teeth Wight is too used to relying on magic to make any real use of them.

Appealing Attributes: Young and limber, Wight is visually appealing with his coat being intricate enough to attract attention without clashing or overloading on information. His eyes are somewhat startling and his fur luxurious. But the most appealing attribute of Wight is definitely his ability to bend his body into delicate and often almost impossible positions. A contortionist by nature if not by trade, the feline is able to make his body into a work of art.

Clothing: To allow Wight to perform small acts of contortion whilst in the cage to potential buyers and show off his coat to the most degree, Wight is dressed in the 'silk' outfit as described within the 'typical outfits' page.

Other Items: Upon being surrendered to the golden tether as a business agreement with a trader, Wight procured many items out of midair of ancient make. Most of these have been sold on but a few remain because nobody else can get them to work. These include a pair of dagger hilts that when given to Wight produce ethereal blades, a pair of bracers that increase his spell-casting ability and a large book of cantrips written in a language that has been dead for thousands of years and requires his blood to open.


Feral or Cultured:
Whilst certainly not Feral, Wight doesn't exactly fit the cultured criteria either. He can read and write in numerous languages but none of them current, and his talking often lapses into archaic ways of speaking. His personal standards and understanding of social standing is somewhat outdated, though he's picking it up quickly. This is probably easier for him due to his current position - after all, there's not really anybody except other slaves who doesn't merit being addressed as 'sir' or 'ma'am.'

Whilst like any Furre he has likes and dislikes, the only true thing Wight is phobic towards is fire. Even candles and rush lamps make him nervous, and putting him too close to an open flame is going to provoke shivering and sweating. Should anyone actually try and make him interact with fire it can provoke crying, screaming and even fainting.

Quirks perhaps, but there's nothing about Wight quite disturbed enough to provoke a 'disorder' label.
The closest he comes to it is something approaching seperation anxiety - he hates being left alone with a fervor that is almost destructive. Whilst if you give him a concrete time period or a task to be doing he's fine, leaving him alone with no promise of coming back and/or without anything to do is a recipe for disaster.

How do they present themselves:
Wight's most noticeable quirk is curiosity. Not one to slump sullenly in a cage corner he's usually found at the edges, ears perked and tail high scanning the crowds or examining the others within the cage. Bright-eyed if not exceptionally naive, Wight is interactive and always happy to receive attention or just something interesting to do.

Feelings towards being owned / rented:
At the moment, Wight is a little too excited to be in the outside world instead of underground to really pay attention to what he's got himself into. Happy to obey orders and having not come across anything too onerous yet, Wight views the whole thing with ambivalence, though stories from some of the others has pressed a little caution onto his mind.

Overall Attitude:
+ Nice +
Aggression is almost a foreign concept to Wight - whilst he understands that people get angry and sometimes the reasoning behind it, conflict is something he doesn't enjoy so he always tries to make nice when he can. This isn't to say he can't be provoked, but simply that it takes a while to get there. As a ghost there's little that can truly harm him so his upbringing as one means that he's unused to physical violence and is unafraid of it. This is going to give him a nasty shock some day now he's been imprisoned into a fleshy form, but for now it just means he's a soothing presence and enjoys looking after people rather than going for them. Wight likes attention and interaction and they tend to go better if he's nicer, so that's the face he generally presents to the world.

- Needy -
The thing is Wight doesn't just like attention, he thrives on it. After so long spent in a place where you could never be alone, Wight hates being left alone. Whilst easily solved by giving him a task to do or even just a piece of clothing that smells of you, Wight and boredeom isn't a good combo. This isn't to say he needs interaction or even physical contact. Simply the fact that he can hear you in the next room over or knows there's someone in the house is usually enough to settle him and keep him behaving appropriately. Silence is fine, the dark is great, but loneliness strikes a chord that terrifies him.

= Curious =
Curiosity killed the cat is a saying that never fails to make Wight laugh as he's curious, feline and dead! But it is a trait he does embody, wanting to know everything about everyone and everything. After his social training he's got better about not pestering people who are 'above' him, but it often doesn't stop him for long because he really /has to know/, he promises he'll be quiet just let him ask a few questions please, because that fabric looks exquisite how was it produced? You don't know? Oh. Well, what about your amulet, is it enchanted? Yes? How? What magic path? Wow, interesting! I bet I could replicate that, hmmm....

+ Affectionate
Whilst not often able to reign himself in, Wight is aware that he can be annoying and is always grateful for any attention he recieves. He's casually affectionate whether through praising words or physical actions and enjoys any type of petting from cuddles to mussing up people's hair. The latter he tends only to do to people who would be okay with it - he's been scolded for messing up other slave's hairdo's before.

- Emotional Aptitude -
Wight is pretty curious about all these living things, so used to the same situations and stories over and over. This influx of new stimuli is no longer paralyzing but it's still new, and he's prone to reacting strangely, especially in emotional fields. Anything relating to death makes him happy and tales of injuries don't bother him. Tales of being alone or anything involving fire make him over-react, and wealth is lost on him. He's learning how to react properly but it's a journey and a half that he's only taking baby steps along.

= Chatty =
Give Wight a conversation partner and he will never shut up. He's got so much to say and so much to learn and everything is really interesting and exciting. Wight could carry a conversation with the dead - wait. Okay bad metaphor but you understand. Wight loves to talk and he very rarely shuts up.


Hobbies / Interests: Wight enjoys anything relating to history and artifacts and is an avid user of magic though not any of the official disciplines. He also enjoys plants and knows some herbal medicine.

High or Low Maintenance: Medium. Whilst not actively disobedient Wight is an extremely active fur and leaving him alone for too long makes him liable to find some kind of trouble or other. He's also quite emotionally needy as described in his personality.

Diet / Allergies: Wight views eating with the same curiosity he approaches most biological functions with, and is happy to try it. Now he's locked into a solid form he finds that he actually needs to eat, although his appetite is far below any normal standard. This means that feed costs are so low as to almost be non-existent.


Language(s) Spoken:
Wight speaks Common fluently if archaically, and also speaks numerous long-dead languages.

Can they Read / Write:
Yes, but only long-dead languages. Nothing current or particularly useful.

Can your character produce magic: (Slaves that can produced magic will be bound in such away they can't use it unless rented / purchased.)
Yes, although he has to recite cantrips each time or bind a cantrip to an object and then use that object to cast.
The collar he wears negates the magic.

Talents / Skills:
Ancient Lore
Magic (Cantrips)
Regeneration upon Death.
Ability to become semi-ethereal.

Basic Social Training.


Previous Owners: A trader by the name of Saltpaw, and a brief time under a Captain Serch. [NPC's]

Previous Usage(s): Pet/Lucky 'Charm', along with occasional instructions to cast or imbue cantrips or help with archaeological digs.

Previous status: Prior to being captured by the guards, Wight lived in a tomb with completely ethereal ghosts for company and guarding it from intruders. However due to a series of circumstances the tomb became uninhabitable and this led to his eventual arrest.

For Rent or to Own: Ownership if the owner allows Wight to be rented. Wight is my main playing character so I don't really want to be restricted to him only if you are online.

Cost: 12 gold per night.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: GMT Times mainly, but I often stay up late.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: For both players to be enjoying it.

What are your allowances for your character: Scarring is fine, Maiming needs permission. Death would simply cause him to 'revive' in perfect condition, but again, permission.

Long Term/Short Term: Either is fine by me.

General Information

Character Description:> What better plaything for a ghost then the living, so curious are they with hearts a beating and breath steaming. So strange the way they move and react, bound by the physical plane and the narrow tracks they bind themselves to in soul and form. And so come the tales of those stolen away by spirits who hunger not for the taste of flesh but for the delights of it. Most often the victims of these tales are children, be it babies spirited from cribs or a wolfling straying too long from the den. Usually these children are never seen again. But rarely they come back, always stranger for the experience, though joyfully reunited. And then of course, sometimes they come back like me.


Images: Found on his website.

Contact Details: Whisper me on Wight or TanuKyle, Tanukikyle for AIM, Tanukyle for skype, tanukikyle for tumblr. IDK however you want really~

Notes: More info about Wight such as his backstory and opinions on those he's interacted with ICly can be found on his website.

Re: Barrow Wight -- Unowned

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 5:08 pm
by Siena
Barrow Wight served patrons and staff during a game of Wheel of Reward & Punishment last night. He proved to be a capable and obedient slave. I must note that he handled himself quite well, singing bawdy sailor songs and handling glasses being thrown at him without any issue.



Re: Barrow Wight -- Unowned

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 10:28 pm
by Tanta
A scrap was attached to this slave's paperwork --