Panthera Tigris altaica - Unowned

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Panthera Tigris altaica - Unowned

Post by panthera »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Slave seems to have no name.

Nickname: Slave has no known nicknames.

Name on Identification: Identification is Slave number 1620

Age: Slave appears to be five years old. Adulthood for their breed.

Gender: Slave is clearly female.

Species: Slave is quadraped feline.

Sub Species/Breed: Slave's species is obviously Siberian White Tiger.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Slave appears to be toned, built for hunting and fighting.

Physical Details: Slave has a pelt of ivory, and typical blue eyes. Slave also has black stripes in her fur.

Physical Markings: Black stripes cut through the Ivory fur, typical black dots are on the back of her ears.

Physical Drawbacks: None known at this time

Current Infliction(s): None recorded at this time.

Physical Defenses: Slave appears to be able to defend herself with brute strength, natural claws, and fangs.

Appealing Attributes: Slave is exotic in nature. Rare to our tropical island.

Clothing: Slave wears no clothing.

Other Items: Slave only has a chain link collar held around her neck by a heavy lock. No other posessions.


Feral or Cultured: Slave is fully feral.

Phobias: Slave appears to have a fear of fire.

Disorders: Slave doesn't seem to show any signs of disorders at this time.

How do they present themselves: Slave appears to present herself as a wild animal.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Slave shows no signs of objecting or accepting of their role in life now.

Overall Attitude: Overall the slave expresses a laid back attitude.

Quirks: Slave seems to have a slightly short attention span, and is quick to lose interest in most patrons or other slaves.

Hobbies / Interests: Slave expresses interests in hunting, stalking prey, and fighting. Typical behavior for the wild beast.

High or Low Maintenance: Slave is determined to be medium maintenance. If left alone to her own devices the slave can become troublesome. Though as long as food, and water are provided the slave tends to be less then troublesome. It is not recommended that an owner or renter leaves the slave alone for long.

Diet / Allergies: Slave's diet consists of pure meat and water. Slave shows no signs of allergies.


Language(s) Spoken: Slave seems to be able to understand and communicate with other feral animals.

Can they Read / Write: Slave is unable to read or write.

Can your character produce magic: Slave is unable to produce magic.

Talents / Skills: Slave expresses the following talents and skills:

Training: Slave has had no formal training.


Previous Owners: Slave was owned one other time, slave was transferred into our ownership to pay off her owner's debt upon her original owner's passing from this world.

Previous Usage(s): Slave appears to have been used as an exotic pet.

Previous status: Slave appears to have been free prior to being captured and put into slavery.

For Rent or to Own: Slave is available for rentals, aswell as full ownership. See pricing below.

*Rental: One night rental- 10g/1plat.
*Full Ownership: 100g/10plat.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Daily from the hours of 8am EST until whenever.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Storyline progression, and plot.

What are your allowances for your character: I am NC save for Death, toilet play, and age play.

Long Term/Short Term: Long term preferred, but short term is accepted aswell.

General Information

Character Description: Stark white pelt marred only by streaks of ebony identified the tigress as being siberian. Muscles rippled under the pelt of ivory and ebony that stretched over her form. Her weight reached a decent two hundred and fifty pounds, while her overall height reached about three and a half feet tall. Tigress measured a total of eight and a half feet in length from the tip of her nose, to the tip of her tail. Massive feral was often found bound and muzzled in the main slave pens, a fire continuing to burn in the depths of her eyes. She was a fighter, and refused to be broken easily. Chain-link collar wrapped about her throat, a lock holding the item in place. No marks of ownership marked this one as unowned. (Unowned)(Feral)(WF)

Website: In progress

Images: Ask

Contact Details: Furcadia

Notes: I try to make my character realistic, but with a slight twist considering we don't have x-amount of months to have Panthera get used to your character and such.
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