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Acyuta - Unowned

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 3:10 am
by Acyuta
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Youta Aichi

Nickname: Acyuta (Uh Kyoo ta) –Name he gave himself-

Name on Identification: Youta

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Species: Humanoid Peacock

Sub Species/Breed: Unknown; assumed to be a non-mortal being.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Skinny, but with fine muscle tone

Physical Details: His hair consists of midnight blue feathers intermixed with a lovely green that matches his eyes. His skin is pale on the front of his body, though fades to a shimmering green and blue blend on his back, wrapping around his hips and back again just before reaching his inner thighs. The colour extends down the side of his legs, stopping just before his knees. His shoulders display two large, wing-like patches that are outlined by small coloured feathers, fading before reaching over his shoulders and again half way down his back. The center of his back (i.e., spinal region) is coloured a fleshy tone, though remains unfeathered.

Physical Markings: Old whip lashing scars on his back. Corset styled piercing that goes up his both his forearms. Each laced with blue ribbons.

Physical Drawbacks: Can’t fly for long distances.

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: None

Appealing Attributes: Extreamly colourful plummage and Eyecatching! Also considered a pretty boy.

Clothing: His clothing tends to be light but stylish. Normally he is found wearing black skinny jeans and a white cotton top accented with a black bandana tied loosely around his neck. Shoes are black and normally are skate boarding shoes.

Other Items: Assortment of crafted rings. Piercing Jewelry (TGT clearly has these stored)


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Extremely Large animals/creatures and spiders.

Disorders: Obsessive compulsive about his feathers.

How do they present themselves: Clean Well kept.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Not overly pleasant but seems to put up with it.

Overall Attitude: Slightly big mouthed and some aggressive attitude.

Hobbies / Interests: Loves to bathe and shower. Sleep, shop for clothing! Hang out in trees.

High or Low Maintenance: About Average.

Diet / Allergies: Will eat pretty much anything.


Language(s) Spoken: English

Can they Read / Write: Yes

Can your character produce magic: No

Talents / Skills: He can Dance. Flight wings are capable of being compact and hidden in his back.

Training: None, though probably could use some.


Previous Owners: Unknown

Previous Usage(s): Uknown

Previous status: Forgotten

For Rent or to Own: Both

Cost: One night rental: 5Gold
To Own: 50Gold

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Pretty much every day.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: I Accept Any sort of Slavery for Acyuta.

What are your allowances for your character: No death

Long Term/Short Term: I accept Both.

General Information

Character Description: > Azure and teal hair, much like soft feathers, fell across one side of the male's face, partially obscuring one bluish-green eye. An inverted cross shaped mark could be seen below his right eye, the black standing out against his pallid flesh. Wings began as a brownish hue on the arches, fading into the same colours as his hair. Attire consisted of a black form-fitting shirt with a gold collar and trim around the bottom and sleeves, with a red long-sleeved undershirt beneath. Pants were black like his shirt, held up by a single belt. Skater shoes were donned on his feet, black ones with mismatched yellow and red laces. Behind him trailed a train of extravagant feathers. Brilliant peacock hues contrasted sharply with his clothing, complete with the typical showy eyespots at the end of each plume.

Images: N/A

Contact Details: Acyuta on Furcadia