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Sutta- Unowned

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 12:11 pm
by Sashabo
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Rakshasa

Nickname: Sutta, Sasha, Raksha

Name on Identification: Sutta

Age: 19, almost 20

Gender: Female

Species: Canid

Sub Species/Breed: Asiatic Wild Dog/ Dhole

Physical Appearance

Body Type: 5'8"/173 cm; Slender, small-medium bone structure, slight pear shape or triangle shape: Medium to small bust size, fleshed out more toward hips and thighs. Lack of muscle tone due to inactivity with captivity, but could easily build a sprinter's frame. Evidence of strength left over, mainly from labor and traveling lifestyle.

Physical Details:
Fur- Tawny, burnt orange over most of her body, prominently her back, shoulders, and upper arms. A long stretch of white starts at her nose and continues down the front line of her body to her toes. White encompasses her arms from elbow to fingertip, though its glove-like appearance is interrupted with splotches of color every now and again. The base of her tail begins in the burnt orange and quickly tapers to a dark auburn, then dark brown. It's kept relatively short over most of her body except her exceptionally fluffy tail, and if she doesn't have proper trimming equipment, her scruff and wrist tufts.

Hair- Longest layer past her bust; hasn't been cut in a while, slightly disshelved. Gradient coloring, starting at the top with dark brown similar to her tail, fading gradually through a spectrum of color to the tips, which are a whitish blonde that closely matched her undercoat.

Face- A narrow heart shape. Defined, but not sharp jawline, brow, cheekbones. Accentuated almond eye with a slight upward slant at the outer corners, doe brown with undulations of copper and amber near the pupil. Under-defined cupids bow, medium thickness lips.

Misc- Claws in place of fingernails and toenails. Fox like ears perched atop her head, burnt orange on the outside, dappled white on the part.

Physical Markings: Half of right ring digit cut off. She used to have a brass jewelry piece that took its place before slavery. She hides that hand most of the time.

Physical Drawbacks: Doesn't have much to defend herself from brute strength. She can land a good kick or punch, but if she's subdued by brute force, she doesn't stand much of a chance. No real fighting experience, only limited knowledge of fighting with a knife from her days on the street- she's not really tactical about her fighting she just does whatever she can to get away in one piece.

Current Infliction(s): None.

Physical Defenses: Can run very fast in short bursts. Can train to run at a decent clip for longer periods of time, but her endurance has deteriorated with inactivity. Squirmy all get-out and flexible; can wriggle her limbs and body into a lot of small spaces that are generally inaccessible to people who are the same size as her.

Appealing Attributes: Distinctive coloration. Fairly attractive. Virginal. Quite bright and attentive in most conversation. Very good with her hands. Nimble.

Clothing: All but two of previous possessions seized and used to repay incurred losses from theft record. Most days she wears the canvas dress the establishment granted her:

The establishment does hold two of her old garments that they can grant her on special occasions or good behavior. The release of these garments is only permissable by the staff, renters, or purchasers: 1) 2)

Other Items: Two finger covers for her right ring finger. Help bring some functionality and aesthetic appeal back to the digit: 1) 2)


Feral or Cultured: Cultured.

Phobias: She doesn't have a fear pathological enough to be a phobia, but she hates guns. Especially loud noises spook her, and explosions can shake her enough to be out of sorts for the rest of the day.

Disorders: Mild PTSD, but it rarely expresses itself.

How do they present themselves: Cultured, critical, methodical, independent, but still young. Nearly savant in her ability to determine implied expectations of social comportment from one place to the next. Will change her eloquence and speech depending on the person she's talking to and their relationship to her (colloquial with friends and those she knows well, elevated speech with strangers). Prefers to be a wallflower among nobility unless she has an agenda. Will either be extremely charming or exceptionally ancy if interrogated by a member of upper class- depending on her motives and preparation. Physically attractive individuals can make her stutter if they catch her right. Enjoys gossip among friends, and will quickly shun a person if they scorn her. She obviously new to this structure of slavery.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Ambivalent. She knows she needs to be compliant to survive, but she hasn't internally relinquished her sense of freedom. She will seek to appease most of the time, but she can still have her willful streaks.

Overall Attitude: General courteous and pleasant in passing conversation. Observant, always seems to be taking mental notes of situations and people (so she can use her reservoir of information to her advantage at a different time). There is nothing that directly denotes her as a threat, but something about her demeanor can be insidious at times. She has the potential to be incredibly charismatic and persuasive, a personality trait that could be easily groomed to be both useful and deadly.

Quirks: Keeps many of the vocal and body language habits of her species, especially when emotional (or in the company of similarly behaving canids). Wraps her tail around her waist or thigh most of the time when standing; keeps it up in her lap when sitting unless she is particularly emotional. Picks at her claws- on her hands especially- when nervous, anxious, annoyed, or bored.

Hobbies / Interests: Reading, seamstress work, procuring tobacco and appraising it, people watching, making jokes, watching theatre.

High or Low Maintenance: Medium to high. She's relatively new to this structure of slavery, and highly ungroomed. She will need a lot of attendance to get to a basic level of performance.

Diet / Allergies: Carnivore, not especially picky about what she eats. Will eat some berries, greens, and herbal matter as well- especially when her stomach is upset. Allergic to cacao bean and all it's derivatives.


Language(s) Spoken: Common, Mandarin, Cantonese, Kasurian, Hindi, a smattering of South-Eastern Asiatic languages (primarily for trade).

Can they Read / Write: Yes, proficiently.

Can your character produce magic: No.
Talents / Skills:

Petty thievery skills. 4-5
Deception/acting (non dramatic, probably easily trained in theatre, though).4-5
Tobacco and opium harvesting, grading. 4
Literacy. 4, reads better than she writes.
Animal care, herd and exotic. 3-4
Skinning, pelt work, & silk spinning. 3
Meat curing; making cheese, cream, & milk. 3
Fabric dyeing. 3
Seamstress skill- basic stitches and some detail work 2-3
Cooking- basic meals, over campfire. 2-3
Childcare. 1-2.
Dance. 0-1. No rhythm, reluctance to engage.

Training: Plantation work, labor work. No formal slave trading.


Previous Owners: Various plantation and industry heads through Eastern and Southern India and Bangladesh (or Furcadia Equivalents)

Previous Usage(s): Tobacco plantation worker, textile worker.

Previous status: Slave before import, free person before age 16.

For Rent or to Own: Rent to Own.

Cost: 7 gold/night; 70 gold to own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Whenever I'm on!

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver roleplay: Long term and short term are both welcome. I'm just looking for some interesting plots.

What are your allowances for your character: NC except extreme physical or mental trauma. Just give me notification before you do something drastic- usually I'll go along with it.

Long Term/Short Term: Either welcome!

General Information

Character Description: " She fulfills a namesake, flame-hued and shadow-licked limbs constituting most of a nimble frame with shocks of white to vary the pattern and hold a wandering eye. Burnt at both ends, umber gradients trailed from a dusky orange pelt, forepaws resembling the gloved nobility with half the effort. Simple canvas and cotton replaced fine silks once worn, occasional curves and dips along narrow-set bone structure to flesh out her femininity. Thick lashed, amber streaked doe browns hinted at a deep intelligence which could be complimented if one asked her the right questions. The devil was in the details, so they say, but the femme wasn't revealing much."

Website: Definitely a work in progress, but getting there.

Images: On their way.

Contact Details: Whisper Sutta in game!