Prizefighter - Unowned.

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Prizefighter - Unowned.

Post by Prizefighter »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Refuses to give a real name. If pressed he will say his name is 'Boxer'.

Nickname: Prizefighter is nickname, but he also goes by various other names meaning fighter;
Boxer, Slugger, Bruiser, Gladiator, Fighter, Duelist, etc.

Name on Identification: 'Prizefighter'.

Age: Relatively young, likely around about thirty (human) years.

Gender: Male.

Species: Anthropomorphic equine.

Sub Species/Breed: Palomino Camargue.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Mesomorph. Physically fit and healthy. His body is of gladiatorial build but without the stark and obtuse definition of bulging muscle. It's there, but not exaggerated to gross proportions.

Physical Details: Covered in short velveteen fur of palomino tan, with a lighter sections of cream across his neck, muzzle, underbelly and down to his crotch. And the ends of his appendages (arms/legs), his fur becomes a milk chocolate with longer, exaggerated 'feathers' across his ankles and elbows. While the only section of fur that is black it right at the end of his muzzle where his nostrils are, his mane and tail are ebony in color, usually kept short but choppy and untidy. His eyes are a light china blue. He stands at around 7ft5", give or take an inch.

Physical Markings: A scar running across the curve of his right shoulder.

Physical Drawbacks: He's only mortal.

Current Infliction(s): None as of current.

Physical Defenses: Heavy shod hooves. Hell of a bite, too.

Appealing Attributes: Something of a pretty boy, when he's not all beaten up and bloody.

Clothing: All he's got is a red loincloth around his hips, and a brown tail binder. May wear beads and hawk feathers in his mane if allowed.

Other Items: Cestus gloves he uses to fight in the arena. Confiscated by the guards unless requested by a renter/owner.


Feral or Cultured: He's classed as wild, but may act cultured.

Phobias: Pyrophobia; the fear of fire. Apotemnophobia; the fear of amputees/amputations. Astraphobia; the fear of thunder and lightning.

Disorders: Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Has some signs of Sociopathy, but has never been diagnosed.

How do they present themselves: Rude, abrasive, challenging and coarse. He doesn't seem to have a nice bone in his body. Selfish, unkind and wholly vain, he'd talk down guards and gladiators a like only to get his ass beaten, and never seem to learn his lesson.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Absolutely hates it.

Overall Attitude: His disruptive nature stems from a deep rooted fear of never making anything of himself. He wants to prove that he is strong, or capable of doing something efficiently. Deep down, while he still may be a brat he's not quite as nasty as he makes himself out to be. Subconsciously he exaggerates his bad traits because he's absolutely terrified of people relying on him. If he can't trust himself, how could he manage the trust of others?

Quirks: Speaks with a thick French accent, as seen in this example, though with a deeper, more baritone voice. (Will not be written out in direct speech, just assumed)

Hobbies / Interests: Fighting, getting beaten up, challenging higher authorities, annoying the other slaves, star gazing, hunting, map tracking.

High or Low Maintenance: Definitely high maintenance. Has a high flight factor, along with needing to keep up his extensive training and diet in order to stay healthy.

Diet / Allergies: Wholly vegetarian. While he can eat products like milk, eggs etc, any kind of meat will make him violently ill. Needs to eat close to his own body weight in food in order to have just enough energy, due to a high metabolism. If underfed, he's become more irritable, weak and show signs of dizziness and fatigue.


Language(s) Spoken: English/Common, French, small pieces of Italian and Spanish.

Can they Read / Write: Yes, and no.

Can your character produce magic: No.

Talents / Skills: Fighting, wood carving, hunting, forging, botany, tracking, trapping, making basic weapons (flint/wood).

Training: No slave training.


Previous Owners: None.

Previous Usage(s): None.

Previous status: Free.

For Rent or to Own: Rent-to-own.

Cost: 10 gold/1 platinum to rent for a night. 100 gold/10 platinum to own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Whenever I'm on!

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Updating. Please ask via whispers.

What are your allowances for your character: Pretty much anything sans fatal injuries, amputations, and other disfiguring actions. Anything that might affect my character in the long run, please ask for permission first!

Long Term/Short Term: Either or, I'm not entirely bothered.

General Information

Character Description: Updating.

Website: Doesn't have one.

Images: Here.

Contact Details: Whisper me.

Notes: None for now.
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