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Gamelan - Unowned

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:35 am
by Malvoisin
Basic Information

Full Name: Wayan Ionathius
Nickname: Ion
Name on Identification: Gamelan
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Species: Merfolk
Sub Species/Breed: Mimic octopus

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Lean and sinewy.
Physical Details: Narrow, green eyes with horizontal slits for pupils; shoulder-length wavy black hair tied back at the nape of his neck; extremely sharp and strong teeth; typically dark, tanned skin (though this varies based on mood and environment).
Physical Markings: A dark brown, almost black stripe across his eyes, like a mask.
Physical Drawbacks: As an octopus, can only spend a few hours above water before becoming ill. Extremely sensitive to pain and discomfort.
Current Infliction(s): None.
Physical Defenses: (If any.) Excellent camouflage as he can change his skin color based on mood and necessity; extremely strong, sharp teeth; venomous bite; able to regenerate lost octopus limbs.
Appealing Attributes: His pretty face, though some may say his eight tentacles.
Clothing: None, save for a tightly-fitting collar suppressing his ability to shapeshift, and a pair of weighted bracers to slow his movement.
Other Items: None. Recently captured, he hasn't had the time to accumulate any personal possessions.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured.
Phobias: Noted fear of sharks, barracudas, and wide-open empty spaces.
Disorders: None that have manifested.
How do they present themselves: Proud, with as much dignity as his current circumstances will allow.
Feelings towards being owned / rented: He loathes it, but he's intelligent enough to learn fast.
Overall Attitude: He alternates between proud and bewildered as he has still not fully accepted his new position in life. As an ex-slaver, he is familiar with the methods used to break willful slaves, knowledge which both benefits and harms him. He is very aware of how effective pain is as a motivator.
Quirks: None noteworthy.
Hobbies / Interests: Displays strong interest in music; building and destroying structures and objects; puzzles; complicated patterns and designs.
High or Low Maintenance: As an octopus, high maintenance. As a human, low.
Diet / Allergies: Exclusively carnivore. In the past, his diet consisted primarily shellfish and other sealife, but is slowly building a tolerance for other kinds of meat. Allergic to alcohol.


Language(s) Spoken: Balinese, Common.
Can they Read / Write: He is literate in Balinese, which helps no one. In Common, he can recognize and write numbers, but appears otherwise illiterate.
Can your character produce magic: Upon leaving the water and stepping on dry ground, he will involuntarily acquire human traits such as ears and legs. These disappear upon returning to salt water. The collar forced upon him prevents him from shifting between the two.
Talents / Skills: Extremely flexible, intelligent, has a good mind for numbers.
Training: None.


Previous Owners: (If known.) None.
Previous Usage(s): Previously a slaver.
Previous status: Free.
For Rent or to Own: Rent.
Cost: 15 gold to rent/200 gold to own

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Whenever he's online.
What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Currently only for rental, but that could change if you make an intriguing offer and are looking for long-term RP. More on this later as it occurs to me.
What are your allowances for your character: Everything up until death and certain types of mutilation.
Long Term/Short Term: Yes to both.

General Information

Character Description: A mimic octopus merfolk is in his mid-thirties whose green eyes look as friendly as his mouth full of sharp teeth. Wavy black hair frames his face where it has not been tied back. His slender and sinewy humanoid torso flows seamlessly at the waist into the soft mantle of an octopus where eight long tentacles curl and flex with semi-autonomous movement beneath him. A gold collar fits tightly around his neck marks his status as a slave, while weighted bracers impede his movement beneath the water.
Images: RPR profile.
Contact Details: Whisper or RPR.
Notes: N/A