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Aei'No - Unowned

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:20 am
by Ayra
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Aei'No Kre'thyth

Nickname: None given.

Name on Identification: Aei'No

Age: Twenty.

Gender: Female.

Species: Zykla

Sub Species/Breed: Snow leopard x Anubian jackal

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Lithe, borderline hourglass.

Physical Details: Dark auburn hair. Tangerine eyes. Dusty tan fur.

Physical Markings: Pitch black rosettes. Unique birthmark over both eyes.

Physical Drawbacks: Night Blind

Current Inflictions: None

Physical Defenses: Claws and teeth.

Appealing Attributes: Silken fur texture. Unique coloration and markings.

Clothing: Traditional Golden Tether slave wear. Bland top, lengthy, though revealing loin cloth.

Other Items: None


Feral or Cultured: Cultured; rare and sporadic feral tendencies.

Phobias: Nyctophobia - Fear of darkness.

Disorders: Nyctalopia (Night blindness).

How do they present themselves: Extremely standoffish, acts mute.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Highly resentful

Overall Attitude: Extremely stubborn, mildly aggressive.

Quirks: Tail must be constantly brushed, fur must be extremely clean. Hates getting dirty.

Hobbies / Interests: None stated.

High or Low Maintenance: High maintenance until broken/trained properly.

Diet / Allergies: Omnivore, no known allergies.


Language(s) Spoken: Common.

Can they Read / Write: Yes, to both.

Can your character produce magic: No.

Talents / Skills: None stated.

Training: None; Unbroken.


Previous Owners: (If known.) N/a

Previous Usage(s): N/a

Previous status: Free

For Rent or to Own: Rent only until properly trained.

Cost: 10 Image Per night.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: 10am-1pm; 10:30pm-?

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: General and developing Story line and Plot Rp's are what I look for most. Though typical interaction is more than welcome.

What are your allowances for your character: Anything save for mutilation and/or death of this character.

Long Term/Short Term: Long term is preferred, but short term is welcome as well.

General Information

Character Description: Perpetual visual delights would lead one to the darkly hued Zykla. From the dark pumpkin locks that fell to the middle of her back, bunched together in what would appear to be dreads, coupled with the pair of tall Anubian ears and then to the even darker tangerine eyes that cast an eerie glow in the dim shadows where she crept. Pitch black rosettes, coupled with spots, adorned her form, lining sides and coating a luxuriously plush tail. Those same spots would leave a blank slate from near bared breasts to between plump thighs, whilst backside was over populated with the same markings. Their appearance, however peculiar they may be, were not simply painted on.

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