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Lyere - Unowned Tea maker & Courtesan

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 3:39 am
by Allexander
The following papers seemed to be in two different inks, the first being a crisp gold that contained official documentation written in clear manuscript. The second however was more freehand, most likely done by a guard or scribe and seemed to be more like footnotes.. these were a simple red.

Basic Information

Full Name: Lyere (Pronounced Lie-ear)

He informed me that he has no last name as only nobility with important lineages are given such honors.

Nickname: Lyre

Name on Identification: ID# 753226

Age: Unknown

When asked his age his initial response was that he didn't remember, taking this for sarcasm we placed him under threat of whiplash and he told us that he simply does not age, he has lost track of how many years he has been alive. He is however quite mortal and can die just as easily.

Gender: Male

Species: Leviathan

Also known as a Sea serpent these great monsters of the open ocean are responsible for many lost or shattered ships. It seems that this one has chosen to retain a more 'human' form, though he tells me that his full size sits at a very large 320 meters long.

Sub Species/Breed: Trench

'Trench' Leviathans are the deep water sub breed of their species, capable of diving to the darkest depths of the oceans limits and surviving in the darkest waters unknown to us all.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Toned muscles of those often found in athletic swimmers and archers make up most of his body mass resulting in a lean, slender form capable of high flexibility and maneuverability.

Physical Details: I have gone into additional detail below

Hair: Falling to his waist in length it seemed to be a mixture of two different hairstyles one being layered micro braids while the other was to simply allow the stands to fall where they will. Only the hair at the back of his skull was decorated, a headdress of twine made from kelp fibers that was woven directly into his hair itself in a pattern similar to Celtic knot work designs the highlight of which was a large teardrop shaped pearl that hung from it's bottom middle edge.

Skin: White as snow it's non transparent like human skin, even feels the same and seems to cover every single inch of his body save for his tail which consists of a more leathery hide and sapphire hued scales.

Eyes: As if poured from the Deep ocean itself they are featureless, nor do they reflect anything of the world around him.

Fins: Found upon his tail, spine, edges of his ears, and head almost in a fashion similar to the horns of a dragon they are of a thick translucent membrane suspended between dense bone like spines. Spaced evenly to support and fully extend the length of the webbing when flared, they can collapse against one another when out of water or not in use to lay flat against his hair and clothing alike.

Physical Markings: I have again gone into additional detail below

+ A series of scars decorate the underside of his throat as if someone tried to slit it, repeatedly.
+ Four large scars almost like claw marks trail down his back from his right shoulder to his left hip.

+ A Chinese dragon of living stone and earth sits upon his back with it's head resting upon his right shoulder.
+ In both his human and true forms he will begin to glow a natural cyan in a wave like pattern that travels the full expanse of his body when within complete darkness.

Physical Drawbacks:
+ Cannot be out of water for longer then 24 consecutive hours. After that he begins to dehydrate and will become very ill, very fast.
+ As an Aquatic species he is very dependent upon hearing and sensitivity. Loud noises, specially high pitched ones like a sonar ping can cause intense pain, injury, disorientation, and panic. In terms of sensitivity his tolerance for pain is not very high but even the lightest touch will gain a reaction out of him.
+ Increased effectiveness of all other schools of magic when used against him

Current Infliction(s): Chronic Adaptive Nightmares

We often see him writing within the pens when he sleeps, sometimes talking, sometimes crying, sometimes screaming. To prevent injury or raise alarm to other slaves he is kept isolated when sleeping, this happens frequently if not every other night or so and sometimes he wakes with injures we cannot explain though their are usually minor and heal quickly

Physical Defenses:
+ Can breathe both in and out of water
+ Can hear both vibrations and sound with crystal clarity when submerged.
+ Dense bones are not so easily broken
+ Absorbs all base elemental magic damage (Fire, Wind, Water, Earth)

Appealing Attributes:
+ Well groomed appearance
+ Dresses to compliment a frequent/important renter or client
+ Exotic appearance and heritage adds to his rarity, another like him will not be captured.
+ Well mannered and well spoken
+ Rich coloration and good lineage, ideal for breeding.
+ Multi-talented due to previous status in life.
+ Able to shift between True and 'human' forms at will, size of true form is dependent upon the amount of water he is placed in.

Clothing: Often changes depending upon the will of his clients and renters though it always seems to be of an oriental, or elven decent sometimes a mixture of the two in style.

Other Items:
+ Satchel containing various goods needed to offer his services to tether patrons.
+ A giant glass gourd with a cork that seals from the inside, it's attached to a harness made from twine similar to his headdress. It's capable of holding 24 people comfortably, we've kept it in storage until it is needed.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured and from a rather complex society at that.

Phobias: Claustrophobia

Disorders: Chronic Adaptive Nightmares

How do they present themselves: He has remained quite pleasant and respectful to both myself and the guards through this evaluation. When asked questions he has given us clear and well defined answers, and upon physical inspection he made no attempts to hinder our efforts in the least. He is not dominant, but free spirited, not submissive, but passive and indifferent to his fate or bonds. It is clear he lacks formal training, but he is well mannered and talented enough to earn a seat in the harem pens, his movements are fluid and graceful trained to be pleasing to the eye and he is mindful of his place and his surroundings.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Renters he views as he once did clients of his services when he was a courtesan and host, willing to fulfill whatever wishes or desires they might have. When it comes to ownership however he has expressed mixed feelings, he desires to be owned but simply does not know what to think of it at this moment.

Overall Attitude: Optimistic, Eager to serve

Quirks: Not Yet discovered

Hobbies / Interests:
+ Renting various books about unknown subjects within the library
+ Exploring and enjoying the sea surrounding the isle when he is allowed.
+ Making, brewing, selling, serving, teas.
+ Has expressed interest in learning how to produce medicinal Salves, ointments, and teas.

High or Low Maintenance: Medium, when left to his own devices he can handle himself. Leave him alone too long and he begins to forget laws or boundaries left for him to follow and acknowledge.

Diet / Allergies: Omnivore, Can only process sea grown plants and animals.


Language(s) Spoken:
+ Atheric. Language of the old magi.
+ Common.
+ Viast. Trade-tongue.

Can they Read / Write: Both and quite well.

Can your character produce magic: Yes. He is capable of manipulating any source of water that is nearest to him, no manner the amount. Because of this we have secured his throat with a forge lock metal collar that prevents any type of such magic from being used, he has only the freedom to change form and nothing more.

Talents / Skills: These can be located here

Training: He lacks formal slave training and is thus available to interested handlers/trainers


Previous Owners: None

Previous Usage(s): Multi-talented Courtesan, Host of a respectable Host Club

Previous status: Freelance.

For Rent or to Own: Both.

Cost: Non-sexual Rental: 15Image Sexual/Full services Rental: 30Image Ownership price: 350Image

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: I'm always around, if I'm not on Lyere I'm on my main character Levinth

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Storyline, Plot, anything that will see Lyere used to his full potential and aided in growing as a character. Most of all? Fun of course.

What are your allowances for your character:See the play styles chart on my RPR's homepage. I'm generally a consent based role-player but I have a few allowances if things take place as part of a proper plot line.

Long Term/Short Term: I don't much mind, RP is RP but if your interested in owning him I would prefer long term or at least add something to his character in terms of development.

General Information

Character Description: > Eyes of featureless deep ocean were his darkest feature, the rest left to waist length cerulean locks kept to fall down the length of his back by a headdress of sea soaked twine. Leaving bangs to frame a masculine yet soft featured face of oriental and elven lineage, traits that carried into the rest of his toned yet slender form. His skin white as snow, flawless and smooth while the worst lie hidden beneath garments of the same heritage as he. Yet nothing could hide his origins, marked by the translucent fins that crowned his head and the scaled tail that often trailed in the wake of his footsteps.


Images: None yet but I'm always interest in free art if people are willing to donate :D

Contact Details: Lyere or Levinth in Furcadia

Notes: Thank you for reading this far <3 Suggestions are welcomed~