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Tempest Kitty - Unowned

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:06 am
by tempest
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Tempest Kitty

Nickname: tempest, kitten

Name on Identification: tempest

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Species: Feline

Sub Species/Breed: Panther

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Slim/Medium, Athletic

Physical Details: Straight black hair to mid back, deep violet eyes

Physical Markings: Small data jack port lower left hand side at base of skull

Current Infliction(s): Very susceptible to hypnosis and trance induction.

Appealing Attributes: Data interface with any machine, intimate knowledge of the mind. 24C boobs LOL

Clothing: Mostly always naked


Feral or Cultured: Very well spoken intelligent, and very respectful. Very well trained in serving.

Phobias: losing her IQ

Disorders: Sleep walking

How do they present themselves: Rather confident for a salve, but not too self concious about her own body or appearance unless she has some how been damaged, in which case she will try to hide the flaw in her body.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: enjoys serving very much, enjoys the things that come with being owned. Lives to serve

Overall Attitude: Happy and caring.

Quirks: Because she falls into hypnosis and trance so easy, she is often fascinated by flashy and shiny things very easily. Can be unresponsive while "connected" to an interface via data jack.

Hobbies / Interests: Music, Plays Piano, Plays Guitar, Plays Anything With Strings, Plays Drums.

High or Low Maintenance: Can take care of herself. But can be high maintenance only because she seeks acknowledgement, approval and physical contact a lot. Most of this can be averted with simple petting.

Diet / Allergies: She is lucky to be fed or eat anything that is deemed fit to be given to her. However, she does prefer fruit, fish, and rice.


Language(s) Spoken: English

Can they Read / Write: Can write and read.

Can your character produce magic: yes medium TK ability only.

Talents / Skills: Musical, Technical Wiz, Pleasure inducing, hypnosis, fitness coaching

Training: Has been well train in traditional service with what could be called "gorian" styling but not strictly from that style. Has been in service almost all of her life.


Previous Usage(s): As hypnotised furniture, as pleasure slave, as house keeper, as bar keep, as musical entertainment.

For Rent or to Own: for rent.

1 Night Rental, 10 to 20 or 1 to 2

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Most nights (Australian time)

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: as a sub thats into hypnosis and mind control i guess that's my first port of call, but im quite open to most things. please just ask.

General Information

Character Description:> You see a pantheress, standing 6ft 2inches, she has long black hair that tumbles down over her shoulders ending at mid back length. She looks at you with deep obedient submissive eyes. You notice a sliver colar around her neck, with a tag attached to it. On one side it has her name, "Tempest". She smiles warmly as she sees you looking at her...[Hypnosis/Mind Control (rl/rp) whisper friendly]

all me