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Ashar Doven - UnOwned

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 1:10 am
by Ashar
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name:
Ashar Doven

The Goyle'

Name on Identification:
Ashar Droven

Appears within his early 20's.



Sub Species/Breed:
Gargoyle / Incubus.

Physical Appearance

Body Type:

Physical Details:
Silver Hair, Golden Eyed, Grey Skinned.

Physical Markings:
Runic Tattoo sleeves down both arms, Unknown origin. Many scars cover his back, lower arms and thighs, possibly self Inflicted, some assumed not.

Physical Drawbacks:
Dislikes direct sunlight.

Current Infliction(s):
Nicotine Withdrawal, broken ring finger on left hand.

Physical Defenses:
Has the ability to turn to stone, also known for being quick on his feet. The fact he physically enjoys pain could be considered a defense, although it is just as much a weakness.

Appealing Attributes:
Unique, skilled scribe, talented Mason, able to do observation and defense work, talented Medic, or healer.

Slave rags, simple grey clothing provided by the Tether/

Other Items:
When Rented or Bought, Ashars possessions are such:

- Black Leather Armor
- Pair of small curved Daggers
- Rolls of Parchment
- Numerous Quills
- Shackles
- Needles
- Chisels


Feral or Cultured:

A distinct fear of high heats, his skin becomes extremely dry and he begins turning to stone involuntarily after long exposure.

Insomnia, Debatable Depression, Extreme Masochistic tenancies.

How do they present themselves:
Ashar is usually known for being slightly sarcastic to those who are interested in him, although this is not always the case. He carries himself with a lazy posture, although he always seemed observant and interested in his surroundings.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Mixed feelings. His respect can easily be earned through slight force, although his disagreement can be vocal.

Overall Attitude: Pessimistic, rather quiet unless approached and dark humored.

Quirks: None

Hobbies / Interests:

- Stonework
- Reading
- People Watching
- Suspected Self Mutilation

High or Low Maintenance:

He can he left to his own devices, if required. Reasonably low.

Diet / Allergies:
Due to his half Incubi Nature, Ashar requires to 'feed', although far less often than his full blooded brethren. No known allergies, will eat pretty much anything, although he does have a love for whiskey and rum.


Language(s) Spoken:

Can they Read / Write:

Can your character produce magic:
He has the ability to turn to stone. No other magical abilities are known.

Talents / Skills:
- Talented Scribe
- Skilled in the arts of Observation, subterfuge, torture, restraints and Information Gathering.
- Skilled Stonemason

He has had very little training since he began his tenure as a slave within the Teather


Previous Owners:
None known, Numerous suspected.

Previous Usage(s):
Stone Mason, Sexual Slave, suspected interrogator.

For Rent or to Own:

10 Gold to rent
300 gold to own

OOC Info/Notes

Often, if im not going to be on for a long period of time, I will let you know.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay:
Long term, preferably! Character development, interesting plots.

What are your allowances for your character:
This character is NC, barring a number of things:
- Death
- Severe Mutilation (The loss of limbs)
- The only more Sexual things he will not do are: Male relationships, vore, scat.

Long Term/Short Term:
Long term preferred, although either is acceptable.

General Information

Character Description:

This Hybrid of flesh and stone seemed rather modest. Incubi and Gargoyle heritage contorted into one body. Pale grey skin laced over the lithe form, runic tattoo's cover both arms, concealing a few of the numerous scars under their obsidian ink. His look was memorable, sharp featured with a cunning gaze set upon his face, the small nicks and cuts did little to diminish his charm. His body told the tales of years far beyond his own, appearing in his early twenties, one could only assume he was far older. Topped off by long silver hair, tied back to the nape of his neck, the only clothes donned, were slaves rags.

"Beware the man who enjoys pain, for he has little to fear in you.."

Work in Progress