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Northelm - For rent / Sale

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:18 pm
by Northelm
(Credit to whomever else has used this system, it adds a nice flair to the way its read.)

The form seems filled in for the most part in black ink, however numerous additions have been made by guards, or patrons as to details he had himself been reluctant to give, these are presented in Yellow.

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name:
The slave insists he simply has a single name, no first name.


Name on Identification:

Due to the slaves Vampiric nature, we have been unable to conclude how old he truly is, but a few have suggested he may be newly converted, and thus relatively true to his appearance, we estimate he is roughly 24, although it is hard to tell.


Humanoid Vampire

Sub Species/Breed:

Physical Appearance

Body Type:

Physical Details: (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc)
Blue of eye, Brown of hair and pale of skin.
The slaves form is particularly well conditioned, arguably due to his vampiric nature. His hair is shoulder length and his skin is pale white, as one would expect.

Physical Markings:
Numerous tattoo's and scars
The slave has a tattoo of an eye upon the back of his neck, although this is usually obscured by hair. A number of small scars cover his back, looking like whip lashes.

Physical Drawbacks:
Unable to go into Sunlight.
Like one would expect from his kind, sunlight burns away at his flesh and can rather quickly lead to death. We have found apt covering for him to travel during the days if he is rented, thick black robes - although he is still extremely vocal and almost forceful in his hatred of testing the idea..

Current Infliction(s):
The details of the mans turning are currently unknown, it is not known whether he does not know, or does not think we have a right too. Either way, one could suspect he may be willing to open up slightly more to one of his own kind, but we have yet to have a client of such.

Physical Defenses: (If any.)
Vampiric strength, reflexes and enhanced senses.
The slaves vampiric nature make him physically dangerous, as such he is shackled heavily upon the wrists and ankles, even though he is not known for violent outbursts. However as suggested he could possibly be a newly converted vampire, and as such we have been warned he would not be used to restraining feeding urges. He is fed as often as possible and has yet to present this as an issue.

Appealing Attributes:
Handsome appearance, charming outward speech, although quiet. Multiple usable talents.

Simple black button shirt, red trousers tucked into leather boots.
When originally bought in by slavers, the vampire was also wearing a black hooded robe with leather armor down the inside, this has for obvious reasons been placed within the holding areas until he is rented or purchased. He had a staff, and a number of medallions which are all also within the Tethers Storage.

Other Items: (Remember slaves cannot have belongings let alone have them on them, they may be made available when rented / purchased.)
Numerous Medallions
A staff
Black lightly armored robe.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured.
The vampire seems well read, cultured and highly intelligent.

The sun, Open Water.
Obvious reasons show why this vampire is scared of the sun, he also seems to have a fear of open water, which apparently proved a problem during his transport to the tether.


How do they present themselves:
Smartly, relatively confidently, almost patronizing at times.
While as said above, he is usually well behaved within cages, he has had numerous complaints of being 'superior' to some inside the cages, he believes his vampiric nature gives him a flat advantage and superiority over other races, although this is rarely the case, it has been noticed.

Feelings towards being owned / rented:
Dislikes the idea of being owned.
Although the being is in little risk of escaping, he is still adjusting to his new incarceration, as such can be vocally dismissive of orders, however he has proven relatively trustworthy.

Overall Attitude:
Pessimistic and dark, he has a habit of being manipulative at most times, through magic or through words. He has a slightly superior attitude towards other humans, although this is not always openly evident.
Due to his magically persuasive nature, we have fitted him with a collar that restricts this magical talent of his, this can be, if wanted, removed by rental, but it is not encouraged. The slave seems resistant to pain control, while not entirely he does seem to have a strong threshold, and almost seems to enjoy it at times..


Hobbies / Interests:
Manipulation, Reading, writing, architecture, fine art.
The vampire seems extremely educated in the art of writing, being used as a scribe by a number of rentals. He also seems to have a penchant for fine arts, whether he can paint himself is not known at this point.

High or Low Maintenance:
The slave requires feeding to keep under control, if he does not feed he will become extremely agressive, and significantly stronger. We recommend at least feeding once a week, although the more the better. This is not required to be human, or furre blood. It can be animal, although human is preferred by him.

Diet / Allergies:
Blood. No known allergies.


Language(s) Spoken:
He seems capable of understanding the basics of Dragon tongue, and numerous other languages, although the only he seems to speak is common.

Can they Read / Write:

Can your character produce magic: (Slaves that can produced magic will be bound in such away they can't use it unless rented / purchased.)
The vampire seems extremely talented in illusionary and persuasive magics, giving people nightmares, dreams, or persuading them to do outlandish things. This doesn't seem to work as well on mentally strong, or magic users. However we have fitted him with a magical restraint collar to at least keep this at a manageable level.

Talents / Skills:
Skilled Illusionist.
Skilled Healer.
Skilled Scribe.
Skilled Archer.

The vampire seems to have a long list of abilities one can only assume were learnt in the fields of combat, healing wounds, firing bows and so on. However he does not seem to be able to use a sword quite as well, however the closer one gets to him the more effective his illusionary abilities become, assuming he does not have the collar.

None officially done at the tether.
All his abilities were as are when he entered the tether, he has no received any other.


Previous Owners:
No previous owners are listed, or known. He seems recently captured.

Previous Usage(s):

Previous status:

For Rent or to Own:


To rent: 15 gold
To buy: 300 gold.

OOC Info/Notes

Usually daily.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay:
Good rp, character development, enemies, friends and so on!

What are your allowances for your character:
He is NC barring male relationships, death or severe mutilation.

Long Term/Short Term:
Both, long term preferred.

General Information

Character Description:
The Maestro of Mesmerisation. Vampiric in nature, long brown hair lays lazily down to his shoulder blades. Sharp featured and quick witted, smooth and pale skin would give evident advance notice on his kind. Lithe form hung with simple clothing, an ebony shirt and red trousers tucked hurrily into leather boots, hard to assume he was as used to high society as many of his kin. Piercing china blue eyes hang lazily upon onlookers, giving a hint of an almost predatory instinct. Intelligence is what he valued most, and his voice carried its self with such, grasping frostily on every word. intriguing.

Work in Progress!

Draw me? :3

Contact Details:

I'm extremely whisper and RP friendly, so please don't hesitate to give me a poke!