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Laosan Lha-mo (Arouse) - Owned.

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 6:39 am
by Monstrum
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name:
Laosan Lha-mo.

San, Lao or Lha.

Name on Identification:

Unknown; estimated around early-to-mid twenties.

Male; castrated.

Anthropomorphic blackbuck, also known as a Antilope cervicapra.

Sub Species/Breed:
Quarter Prime. (Not known ICly.)

Physical Appearance

Body Type:
Ecto-mesomorph. He is not scraggly or scrawny, but nor is he incredibly well built or buff.
He is the epitome of a slender athlete, akin to famous martial artists such as Bruce Lee.

Physical Details:
He stands at an impossibly average five feet and seven inches. The majority of his body is covered in short fur, sans the afore mentioned palms and soles of his hands and feet. His colorings consist of whites and dark browns, the borders of which are met with a lighter, more caramel color. His ears are antelope shaped, and he has a set of horns protruding from his skull that curve backwards somewhat, featuring the atypical ridges that cervines often develop. He also wields large feathered wings, around fourteen feet in length and are capable of physical flight.

Physical Markings:

Physical Drawbacks:

Current Infliction(s):

Physical Defenses:
Horns, physical strength.

Appealing Attributes:
Virginal, combat ready.

He has a few sets of clothing;
  • Shaolin monk robes, which were gifted to him upon learning the concept of Wushu and the martial arts. Often worn in the arena, and usually accompanied with prayer beads.
  • Tibetan monk robes, which equates to his everyday attire.
  • A pair of bright red harem pants. Worn when it is too warm for full robes. Usually accompanied with above mentioned prayer beads.
  • A pair of bright red harem pants. Worn when it is too warm for full robes.
  • Most, if not all the time, he has prayer beads around his neck.
Other Items:


Feral or Cultured:

Apotemnophobia; the fear of amputations (specifically about losing his wings).

Narcissistic personality disorder.

How do they present themselves:
Emotionally sound, fearless, wise.

Feelings towards being owned / rented:
He enjoys serving others.

Overall Attitude:
At the heart of him, Lao can be considered a truly 'good' spirit. While he has a habit of mischief, it is often meant in little more than harmless fun and would never truly harm someone maliciously.

Preens feathers when distracted or bored, rubs his fingers on the ends of his robes/the end of his braid when anxious.

Hobbies / Interests:
Meditation/reflection, martial arts, music, painting, weaving, flying, swimming, yoga.

High or Low Maintenance:
While he needs proper, strict maintenance of his training and diet, he can be left for days on end with no contact and be able to fend for himself, with no flight risk.

Diet / Allergies:


Language(s) Spoken:
Common/English (fluent), Standard Tibetan (fluent), Sanskrit (fluent), Hindi (fluent), Punjabi (fluent), various other Tibeto-Burman languages (mildly fluent), Classical and Old Tibetan (non-fluent, still learning).

Can they Read / Write:
Yes and yes, in English, Standard Tibetan, Sanskrit, Hindi and Punjabi.

Can your character produce magic:
Yes. See his RPR profile (linked below) for details.

Talents / Skills:
Martial arts (a mixed talent of various martial arts, such as Wushu, Kalaripayattu, Taijutsu and other Eastern practices), creating incense, creating wooden jewelry (beads, necklaces, etc), weaving (robes, tapestries, etc), musical instruments (Xiao flute, conch/dung, singing bowl, bell and dorje, tingsha, tang du), yoga (tantric/relaxation), contortionist, contact juggling, fire poi, massage (various techniques). Minor painting skills.

Has been trained in several different styles over the years through different owners.


Previous Owners:
Yao Zhu.
Zelanze Balestra.

Previous Usage(s):

Previous status:
Monk at a Tibetan temple.

For Rent or to Own:
Owned by the Tether. For rent only.

30 gold or 3 platinum for one day/night rental.

OOC Info/Notes

Whenever I'm online and sitting in the pens or the main hall.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay:
While I don't mind sexual interaction with Lao, I would prefer it not to be the main source of roleplay. He is supposed to be a chaste and castrated monk after all, and he will definitely appose such an idea at first. However, I am not looking for someone who will coddle and protect him; he will simply take advantage of that and grow lazy and fat. Rather, I want someone to really test his boundaries, change him mentally, and try to draw his loyalty as well as his obedience. He's good at acting the obedient slave, but he can and will act out if he thinks he can get away with it.

What are your allowances for your character:
Pretty much no consent. However, that doesn't mean you're free to do what you like to my character with no IC consequence. I'm not particularly interested in sexual encounters with Lao, but that doesn't mean I'm going to freak out if somebody comes onto him. It happens. Also, for free-form fighting experiences, please keep in mind that Lao is a highly trained martial artist, meaning he has a lot of skill when it comes to offensive and defensive techniques regarding both close quarter combat and weapons. He is not an easy character to fight nor will he go down easily.

Long Term/Short Term:
Either or would be great.

General Information

Character Description:
Trickster; Hanuman incarnate, his image brings about thoughts of Indian summers and Oriental Aesops. A form shaped by martial prowess, slender but well toned, it boasts that quiet confidence he radiates upon the sharp, roguish smirk that often dances across his mouth, accentuated by coin gold eyes that glint with a hidden mischief. Hair of an outlandish mint green twists into an endless braid, simply adding to his charming appeal, off set by the monochrome of tasteful dark cocoa and creamy white fur that blends flawlessly into his exotic allure. He could be the Arabian prince of every peregrine fantasy, or the perfect image of willful submission with every desire to serve, often at odds with that urge to create tomfoolery where ever he stepped.


See RPR.

Contact Details:
Whisper me in-game on Arouse, or leave a guestbook comment.

None at the moment!
