Slave Papers for Convalesce: Owned.

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Slave Papers for Convalesce: Owned.

Post by Ephemeral »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Camilla Convalesca.

Nickname: Cami, Little Bird.

Name on Identification: Convalesce.

Age: Twenty-one.

Gender: Female.

Species: Human-Avian Hybrid. Whooping Crane subtype.

Sub Species: Caladrius bird.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Very small, fragile body. Feminine, but with modest curves and bust. No significant musclulature.

Physical Details: Very physically attractive for a humanoid creature. Light blonde hair, almost white. Lower-back length with shorter bangs framing face. Very soft, wispy texture. Eyes are bright, deep blue. Skin is neither pale nor tan, somewhat average, and almost completely free of flaws. Two avian wings on her back; too small for flight, and the color pattern resembling that of a Whooping Crane.

Physical Markings: Scar high up on the inside of her left thigh.

Physical Drawbacks: Very delicate avian skeletal structure. Bones are hollow and broken with surprising ease. Even someone of below-average strength could likely snap one of the slave's bones if enough pressure was applied.

Current Infliction(s): None. Any afflictions the slave incurs generally heal up or otherwise resolve themselves within a span of hours or days, depending on severity and if she has had sufficient exposure to sunlight.

Physical Defenses: No real defenses. Very physically weak and more or less defenseless.

Appealing Attributes: Physical attractiveness, including wings. Very unique, potent healing and regenerative abilities.

* Addendum: Blood is very potent restorative when consumed. Can be addictive when consumed in larger doses, even to creatures not accustomed to the consumption of blood.

Clothing: Wears a gown of her current master's colors, red and black, as well as a pair of black heels. When working with patients, she wears a white gown and flats.

Other Items: When working, carries a brown leather satchel which houses her tools, medicines, records, coin, and such.


Feral or Cultured: Very much cultured.

Phobias: Extremely and something paralyzingly afraid of death and undead creatures. Afraid of heights to a lesser degree.

Disorders: None noted.

How do they present themselves: She is usually calm and courteous to others, presenting herself in a well-behaved, docile manner. Not formally trained in the slave lifestyle and sometimes speaks out of turn or in a manner not befitting of her status, but usually means no ill will.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: She does not enjoy the thought of being owned, but can seemingly tolerate slavers if they do not act antagonistic towards her.

Overall Attitude: Usually has a pleasant attitude. For a slave, she is actually very intelligent, clever, and articulate – obviously not born into slavery. Usually tries to be helpful when she is able, especially if there is an issue of a medical nature that she observes. Can also be somewhat timid. Towards those who approach her in an antagonistic manner, she has been observed to return the hostilities. However, as of this writing, she has never shown any tendency towards violence and her sharp tongue has been reprimanded and meals withheld once or twice as a warning.

Quirks: Hums or sings when working or otherwise distracted. Often falls into daydreaming if she is left to her own devices long enough with nothing to occupy her mind. When extremely stressed, nervous, or frightened, she is prone to fainting spells.

Hobbies / Interests: Very interested in reading, whether it be medicine-related, histories, biographies, or even fictional stories.

High or Low Maintenance: Medium. Has the capacity to take care of herself. However, due to lack of formal training in slave behavior and etiquette, she can sometimes get herself in trouble if left to her own devices.

Diet / Allergies: Mostly vegetarian, with occasional indulgences in fish. Not fond of other meats, but can eat them if forced. Particularly fond of fruits and sweets. No known allergies.


Language(s) Spoken: Common.

Can they Read / Write: She can read and write extremely well. Her vocabulary is large, her comprehension and interpretation skills sharp, and her handwriting is very neat.

Can your character produce magic: No real magical abilities, other than her ability to heal others. She kisses the affected area of another person and she is able to take their illness or injury onto herself. The patient heals very rapidly, and she develops their condition over the same span of time. However, she is very resilient and her own regeneration is very rapidly increased. As long as she has been aqequately exposed to sunlight, which seems to "recharge" her, she is able to heal the gained affliction much, much more rapidly than a normal person.

Talents / Skills: Adept in traditional medical practices and the creation of herbal medicines. Pleasant singing voice.

Training: No formal training, not even in basic slave etiquette.


Previous Owners: Was previously 'owned' by the King of a small country, but she was not so much a slave as simply a captive.

Previous Usage(s): Personal healer / medic. Companion, non-sexual.

Previous status: Was born a free woman before capture.

For Rent or to Own: Owned.

Cost: Currently not for rent.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Pretty much from early afternoon to early morning hours EST, all week long, until I find a job.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: See the bottom of the 'Encounters' page under 'Seeking' on her RPR for more information. I've explained it all there!

What are your allowances for your character: Pretty much everything goes, save for death, permanent mutilation of fundamental design-altering changes, pregnancy, ownership, and the claiming of her virginity.

Long Term/Short Term: I prefer long term, but short term also works.

General Information

Character Description: Just a fancy little quote. Nothing special. x:


Images: All references available on her RPR.

Contact Details: Whisper me on Convalesce, Ephemeral, or Kjrn!

Notes: If Convalesce is gone from the cages and you want to play with her, feel free to let me know on either of my other alts if I'm on! I don't always have her logged in because I also have two other characters. However, I'm open to being asked to log her on if you really want to RP! c:
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