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Maximillian -- Unowned

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 12:02 pm
by Kalev
"Thine, Roman, is the pilum; Roman, the sword is thine
The even trench, the bristling mound, the legion's ordered line.
-- Sir Thomas Maculay.


Full Name: Maximillian Maximus-Tiberius.

Nickname: Max, horse, pony, you, slave.

Name on Identification: Maximillian.

Name Meaning: "Greatest", "River God".

Age: Twenty-five.

Gender: Stallion.

Species: Anthropomorphic equine; palomino Vyatka horse.

Sub-Species: One quarter Incubus.
This ups his sex drive to intense levels, and means he suffers a from a decline of energy and mood if deprived of intercourse or sexual interaction for too long. He gets a massive boost of energy from release. The aging process is slowed for him. Max is currently unaware of this part of him.

Ethnicity: Middle European; Italian; Roman.

In game Furcadia canon would see him from Theriopolis, Catolia.

Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
"Chaotic Neutral is called the "Anarchist" or "Free Spirit" alignment. A character of this alignment is an individualist who follows his or her own heart, and generally shirks rules and traditions. Although they promote the ideals of freedom, it is their own freedom that comes first. Good and Evil come second to their need to be free, and the only reliable thing about them is how totally unreliable they are. Chaotic Neutral characters are free-spirited and do not enjoy the unnecessary suffering of others, but if they join a team, it is because that team's goals happen to coincide with their own at the moment. They invariably resent taking orders and can be very selfish in their pursuit of personal goals. A Chaotic Neutral character does not have to be an aimless wanderer; they may have a specific goal in mind, but their methods of achieving that goal are often disorganized, unorthodox, or entirely unpredictable."

Tarot Card: The Moon.
The moon as we know has an effect over our emotions. When it's full and bright it brings illumination into our darkened world in the form of imagination and unexpected opportunities. This emotional card is linked to artistic expression such as music, writing and poetry. We should let these abilities flow which may lead to opportunities in these venues. We must realize however, that the moon does not necessarily illuminate like the sun and this card can, in the negative, be associated with lack of clarity, befuddled emotions, worry, and a blindness to what is before us. If this shows up in your spread, watch for lies and deceit from others. Look to understand what is not easily understood and be careful of your own indiscretions.

Religion: Previously he followed the recently founded religion of Christianity, but upon becoming enslaved he is no longer practicing.

In game religion would have him worshiping these Primes (Gods/Deities):

Patrilius -- Prime of Equines and Lord of Wisdom, Scarlong -- Prime of War and Lord of Shields, Gavil -- Prime of Swords and Lord of Metals, Suffrith -- Dark Prime of Gluttony and Lust and Lady of Disasters, Dyarr/Dyarra -- Dark Prime of Lies and Lord/Lady of Confusion.

Sexuality: Bisexual, with no qualms either way.
He would score a three on the Kinsey Scale, marking him as "Equally heterosexual and homosexual".

Love Style: A heavy mixture of Eros - "a passionate physical and emotional love based on aesthetic enjoyment; stereotype of romantic love" - and Storge - "an affectionate love that slowly develops from friendship, based on similarity."

He doesn't kiss and tell.

Marital Status:
Single and heartbroken.

Sex Life:
Fairly active and invigorating.

Mania - Obsessive love; experience great emotional highs and lows; very possessive and often jealous lovers.

Light to medium bondage, slave play, pony play, humiliation and degradation, biting, scratching, being left with a few bruises.

Turn Offs:
Drunk partners when sober, unhygienic people, piss, shit and vomit.

Dominant with females, submissive with males.

Long gone, the idea of virginity means nothing to him.

Element: Wood.
The essence of wood is a tree. The force inside the tree is like growing upward to the sky. Trees often compete with each other aggressively when growing up. Because of the characteristics of trees, Wood-type people are steadfast, organized, logical, practical, innovative, unique, assertive, fortitudinous, independent, challenging and direct. They like to plan things, take action, and go on adventures and challenges. They are perfectionists who tend to push themselves to the limit and seek out the best, and take first place in competition. When their ambition and optimism is overwhelming, Wood-types can become upset, nervous, unstable, impatient, intolerant, and lose their humor by the frustration of many obstacles. People with excess Wood are often inflexible, prejudiced and biased. They tend not to accept or absorb others' opinions.


Body Type: Ecto-Meso; slender but defined with muscular tone.
He has what is known as a typical swimmer's build.

Physical Details: Six foot five inches and roughly around two hundred to two hundred and fifty pounds in weight. His coat is a velveteen chocolate delight, contrasted by his bright platinum mane and plumed tail; both luxuriously long, as is common in his breed, and well maintained whenever possible. His body colour could be considered 'dark bay' for equine coats. At the ends of all extremities the hair grows long and feathered, which unlike the rest of his fur is the exact shade of blonde of his hair and tail, hooves curved into half moon circles as was common for his equine breed. Muscles were taunt and very much visible through his thin fur from years of physical exertion and training, legs curved into an unguligrade shape. Upon the end of his fingers are tough fingernails, oblong shaped like a humanoid but made of the same hardened material of his hooves which makes them formidable to break.

Physical Markings: Across his withers and hind quarters there are the fainest of dark, zebra-like stripes, and his fingers and the tips of the feathering about his hooves darken to a deep sable shade. There are also hints beneath his coat of scarring from battles and punishment.

Drawbacks: Narcissistic; overtly confident in himself and in his abilities, as well as being sickeningly vain and shallow. He also has a tenancy to 'forget' about the line of authority and often pushes at the boundaries. He is manipulative, as is any good Roman, and often plays a game of charades with potential owners and renters. He is not afraid to use other slaves as stepping stones, nor does he feel bad when others take the fall for his mistakes.

Voice Reference: Taric.

Current Infliction(s): Healthy.

Defenses: Sheer brute strength, hooves strong enough to crush skulls. His intellect, which he keeps from public view often which usually causes people to underestimate his intelligence.

Appealing Attributes: Thought to be extremely attractive by both men and women. Strong enough to conduct manual labor with ease. He is also very manipulating, and can even wield his status as a slave to get what he wants; often he employs wit and charm to spin a web, and is not beyond lying.

Clothing: Typical outfit, belly dancer outfit, Emperor's toga and casual gladiator.

Other Items:
A lute.
Twin scimitars.
A full bodied Roman shield.
A threadbare black loincloth.
A lop-sided pearl, given to him by Galvaeus.
A single gold solidus coin with a small hole punched near the top and a thin, tattered rope pulled through.
A basic spear with a wooden pole and a serrated steel blade, tipped with a decorative crimson ribbon.
Entire Centurion's armor, though quite battle-worn and bearing proud scuffs and dents. In need of repairing before it can be used again. His armor is light steel plates atop a red cotton tunic and linen undershirt. It is not a spectacular work of art, but it certainly keeps the dangers of the battle field at bay, made thick enough to deflect a decent sword blow. The body armor is made from overlapping iron strips - these metal strips are fastened with hooks and laces at the front and hinged at the back. They are held together by vertical leather strips on the inside and this enables him to be well protected and also be flexible enough to allow him to bend. The armor is strengthened by front and back plates below the neck, the shoulders are protected by a pair of curved pieces. Max's helm differs from the common solider. Whilst remaining vaguely shaped the same; with the two facial flaps to cover both his cheeks, the low, heavy brow and the back sliding curve to protect his neck from attack, a black and white plume sits upon the crown of the steel helmet to mark his upper rank - retired and no longer in use. In it's stead, Max now wears a new armor set inspired by his heritage, crafted by Kodachrome.

"Ahi serva Italia, di dolore ostello,
Nave sanza nocchiero in gran tempesta,
Non donna di province, ma bordello!


"Oh slave Italy, hostel to sorrow,
ship without helmsman in great tempest,
not lady of the provinces, but a brothel!


Feral or Cultured: Extremely cultured.

Phobias: Children; the thought of having children of his own scares him. He also fears the amputation of any of his limbs, for any reason; the thought of being impotent in mobility frightens him.

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder in which the individual is described as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity; it was historically called megalomania, and is severe egocentrism.

Symptoms of this disorder include:
- Takes advantage of others to reach own goals
- Expects to be recognized as superior and special, without superior accomplishments
- Expects constant attention, admiration and positive reinforcement from others
- Envies others and believes others envy him
- Is preoccupied with thoughts and fantasies of great success, enormous attractiveness, power, intelligence
- Lacks the ability to empathize with the feelings or desires of others
- Is arrogant in attitudes and behavior
- Has expectations of special treatment that are unrealistic

In addition to these symptoms, the person may display arrogance, show superiority, and seek power. The symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder can be similar to the traits of individuals with strong self-esteem and confidence; differentiation occurs when the underlying psychological structures of these traits are considered pathological. Narcissists have such an elevated sense of self-worth that they value themselves as inherently better than others, when in reality they have a fragile self-esteem, cannot handle criticism, and will often try to compensate for this inner fragility by belittling or disparaging others in an attempt to validate their own self-worth. It is this tendency that is characteristic of narcissism as opposed to other psychological conditions affecting level of self-worth.

Histronic Personality Disorder;
Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is defined as a personality disorder characterized by a pattern of excessive emotionality and attention-seeking, including inappropriate behaviour and an excessive need for approval, usually beginning in early adulthood. People affected by HPD are lively, dramatic, vivacious, enthusiastic, and flirtatious.

HPD lies in the dramatic cluster of personality disorders. People with HPD have a high need for attention, make loud and inappropriate appearances, exaggerate their behaviors and emotions, and crave stimulation. They may exhibit sexually provocative behavior, express strong emotions with an impressionistic style, and can be easily influenced by others. Associated features include egocentrism, self-indulgence, continuous longing for appreciation, and persistent manipulative behavior to achieve their own needs.

Symptoms of this disorder include:
- Exhibitionist behavior
- Constant seeking of reassurance or approval
- Excessive sensitivity to criticism or disapproval
- Pride of own personality and unwillingness to change, viewing any change as a threat
- Inappropriately seductive appearance or behavior of a sexual nature
- Using somatic symptoms (of physical illness) to garner attention
- A need to be the center of attention
- Low tolerance for frustration or delayed gratification
- Rapidly shifting emotional states that may appear superficial or exaggerated to others
- Tendency to believe that relationships are more intimate than they actually are
- Making rash decisions
- Blaming personal failures or disappointments on others
- Being easily influenced by others, especially those who treat them approvingly
- Being overly dramatic and emotional

Some histrionics change their seduction technique into a more maternal/paternal style as they age.

A delusion is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary. As a pathology, it is distinct from a belief based on false or incomplete information, confabulation, dogma, illusion, or other effects of perception. Delusions typically occur in the context of neurological or mental illness, although they are not tied to any particular disease and have been found to occur in the context of many pathological states (both physical and mental). However, they are of particular diagnostic importance in psychotic disorders including schizophrenia, paraphrenia, manic episodes of bipolar disorder, and psychotic depression.

Max's delusion is that he still believes that the Roman Empire is strong, still thriving in his homeland when in fact the Empire is broken and no longer a sovereignty; a doomed enterprise. He will vehemently reject any claims that his Empire has gone, that after the fall of Constantinople it was no longer a world wide power but a diminishing flame. He will often exaggerate or completely rewrite famous battles taken by Roman generals, will claim to be in battles that he was not, and believes that Rome will once more rise to power has it had in the past.

Temperament: Sanguine.
"The sanguine temperament is fundamentally sociable and pleasure-seeking; sanguine people are impulsive and charismatic. They tend to enjoy social gatherings, making new friends and tend to be boisterous. They are usually quite creative and often daydream. Sanguine personalities generally struggle with following tasks all the way through, are chronically late, and tend to be forgetful and sometimes a little sarcastic. Often, when they pursue a new hobby, they lose interest as soon as it ceases to be engaging or fun. They are very much people persons. They are talkative and not shy. Sanguines generally have an almost shameless nature, certain that what they are doing is right. They have no lack of confidence. Sanguine people are warm-hearted, pleasant, lively and optimistic. They have been called 'people-oriented extroverts.'"

Enneagram: The Helper/The Individualist.

Element: Wood.
Wood-type people are kind, steady, sympathy-sharing, understanding and gentle. They like to help people and make donations. Because of the characteristics of trees, Wood-type people are steadfast, organized, logical, practical, innovative, unique, assertive, fortitudinous, independent, challenging and direct. They like to plan things, take action, and go on adventures and challenges. They are perfectionists who tend to push themselves to the limit and seek out the best, and take first place in competition. When their ambition and optimism is overwhelming, Wood-types can become upset, nervous, unstable, impatient, intolerant, and lose their humor by the frustration of many obstacles. People lacking Wood essentially are weak in their opinions. They lack the determination to change their options when situations change. They are likely to be jealous when they don't have a strong viewpoint of their own. People with excess Wood are often inflexible, prejudiced and biased. They tend not to accept or absorb others' opinions.

How do they present themselves: Max likes to keep himself able and useful; of course, the term useful varies from person to person, so the stallion would be doing what he assumed would be helpful unless and until he is told otherwise. He does not like to stagnant, and would rather do something that he did not like than sit around bored; and despite his previous transgressions against the House, Max has come to accept his role as a slave beneath the establishment. His only goal now is to become the best of what he has become, as if it were some form of competition. Because of this, he will also appear ready, willing and able to help a patron or a member of staff - but the same could not be said for his opinion on other slaves.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Being the two-faced bitch that he is, he would easily feint joy like a skilled actor at being owned by an incompetent Master or Mistress - whilst dropping passive-aggressive hints or saying otherwise behind his or her back. This depends on the type of person who purchases him; should they be weak willed he will take this trait and use it to his advantage, whilst submissively respecting someone of a stronger nature.

Quirks: Braids his hair when bored or stressed. When he is being insulting or cursing, often he reverts back to the deities of the old Roman Pantheon.

Hobbies / Interests: Sparring, fighting, weapon-smithing, general merry-making, song writing, games of strategy.

High or Low Maintenance: High. He absolutely needs someone to put him in his place otherwise he will constantly push at the boundaries of his slavery. He also needs consistent care to keep him looking fabulous; one doesn't wake up this good looking.

Diet / Allergies: Omnivore. He eats whatever is available to him.


Language(s) Spoken:
Italian. Native.
English. Mastered.
Greek. Basic.
Latin. Basic.
French. Very poor.

Can they Read / Write: Yes/Yes; in all mastered languages.

Can your character produce magic: No; nor does he possess the ability to learn.

Talents / Skills:
He has extensive combat training not only due to his time in the military and serving in the Ottoman conflict, but thanks to a previous pit master owner who profited from the equine's ability to throw a punch and swing a sword it could be fair to claim that it was once of his most proficient talents.

Likewise due to his duel time in the military and the aforementioned master, Max has a good grasp upon horticulture; including herbs that can be used for wounds, diseases and infections, along with potent poisons and cures. The prior is definitely a stronger talent than the latter, as Max does not often resort to poisons. Beyond this he can correct broken bones, extract natural venom, and patch moderate to severe inflictions.

After being sold on when he no longer satisfied the pit master's needs, he was bought by a wealthy Harem Lord; and from the experience he gained over the years, Max was taught several forms of Persian dances than ranged from the entertaining to the erotic. He also learned a basic level of massage, along with an elementary understanding of oils and scents to accompany either.

A tidy place of living is a healthy place of living, and unsurprisingly Max does not enjoy living within filth and finds it easy to clean to perfection. From stone, wood, to varnished surfaces and marble, the stallion know the various differences between cleaning each surface and has an almost natural understanding of chemicals that can help wash away stains such as blood, vomit and other questionable substances.

It was common for Roman soldiers - however young - to also be administrators for the Empire when there was no threat of war looming. It was here that Max discovered that he had a natural head for numbers, maths and equations that would later become useful for his future owners and their prospecting businesses.

Max is also a natural entertainer, beyond his need for attention the stallion has also picked several tricks along his carved path of slavery; he can juggle fruit, stones and rocks, leather balls and even weapons. He can play the sitar and the bone flute, though admittedly instruments are his hardly one of his stronger talents, along with play writing, acting and pantomime.

Training: Has considerable training due to previous owners -

Old Alchemist from Albion;
The first to buy the horse when his status was stripped from him; the poor fellow only wanted the equine as handsome company and he ended up being used by Max for being weak willed. The old fool probably knew that the slave was squeezing him of his gold and of his wine, but since he did his job and did his job well the man put up with Max's feisty ways until his dying breath. In retrospect he does regret treating the old man in such a manner, but he will always recall the time spent with lack of emotion.

Seamstress from France;
She taught the brute how to sew and do general housecleaning tasks, as well as managing her appointments, tending to her customers, until such a thing was of habit to him - an untidy room is an uncomfortable one, and an unhappy patron is one that will not tip very well. She also used Max as a model for various of her clothing, most notable for tight leather since his form is very appealing to the eye.

Pitmaster from Pakistan;
Most notably the horse's most favoured of all of his owners despite his firm strictness; he is the man that taught him the ways of carnal lust and love, of wine and woman (and men!) and of disciplined. He also taught him how to fight clean and dirty, unarmed or with weapons, both naked and armored. He was oft' put into slavers tournaments and has won the championship title a few times over before being sold to an obtuse Harem Lord after losing him a considerable amount of gold.

Harem Lord from Egypt;
At the Lord's palace Max would find himself immersed in fine luxury, however the indulgences were available only to the slaves that behaved. Max struggled to work with his fellows slaves, often allowing them to take the blame for his grievous errors and smiled as he watched the innocent creatures get executed for his treason against the master. He learned several forms of dance and entertainment, he was taught how to juggle and how to act, and because he absorbed the information so swiftly, he quickly became the head slave that watched over - and often manipulated - the freshest arrivals.

Former Enforcer Manky;
Under the bull's temporary wing before his absence from the isle he taught Max the basics of smithing; how to make proficient weapons such as swords and daggers, the difference between the varying types of metal (steel and iron being the most dominant) and how to decorate the hilt with silver, gold and jewels.

"Lasas assist us, Lasas delight us, Lasas come to our aid! Neither plague nor ruin, Marmor, allow to be visited on us. But if however we are invaded, like Mars we shall leap across our borders To sate you with the blood of our enemies and stay the barbarians. Marmor assist us, Marmor defend us, Marmor come to our aid. Triumph, triumph, triumph, triumph, triumph!"


Previous Owners: Manky, Zelanze Balestra, Latikara.

Current Owner: None.

Previous Usage(s): Max has been used for a whole variety of different things - he was previously used as a clothing model for his seamstress Mistress, a pit fighter and bodyguard, a lover to warm the sheets on a cold Winter's night and an escort to make a man or woman feel wanted and more attentive. He has also been used as a bondage pony for expensive displays of wealth and power, and for manual labor in working the fields for the harvest.

Previous status: Solider, then captured as a slave for various purposes. In a sense Max has always served beneath a master, be it a single person or an entire Empire, he has always been upon a bent knee.

For Rent or to Own: Rental only. Purchase only comes after discussed OOC.

Cost: Thirty gold for rental, three hundred for purchase.

Kindred Spirits:

Captain Jack Sparrow;
"I’m dishonest and a dishonest man you can trust to be dishonest. honestly its the honest ones you have to watch out for. Its hard to predict when they’ll do something incredibly ... stupid."

Captain Jack Harkness;
"Rose ... you are worth fighting for. Wish I'd never met you, Doctor. I was much better off as a coward. See you in hell."

"Go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb!"

Johnny Bravo;
"Man I'm pretty!"


Website: Here.

Availability: Whenever I'm in the main hall; that usually means I'm on the hunt for an RP!

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Absolutely anything; anything that could be gathered toward a good plot line or interesting story. If extreme mutilation is to occur, I would rather it be spoken about beforehand, and that anything permanent to have good reason behind it rather than pointless bloodshed. I'm not looking for an endgame to Max's slavery, and at this current moment I can't ever see myself agreeing to his release.

What are your allowances for your character: I would like it to be known that Max is completely no consent, and whilst I will need a good reason or plot behind extreme mutilation, I would like to see what people have up their sleeve for him. Don't be afraid to punish him and put him in his place, treat him like a slave because that's exactly what he is. Don't let him step out of line; if you have any worries don't be afraid to ask me what you can and can't do!

Re: Maximillian -- Owned.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 7:59 am
by Dagger

A note, bearing the handlers insignia was added to the slave's papers.
Slave has volunteered to be one of the seven combatants in the "Cock-in-a-Sock Contest".
He has shown that he has humor, is creative and obviously skilled in skinning indian squirrels.
Instead of gold, a small package containing pony-gear was forwarded towards his owner.

Re: Maximillian -- Unowned

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 1:03 am
by Kalev
As of today, Maximillian has been re-enslaved.