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The Owl - Unowned

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 3:08 pm
by TheOwl
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Elizabeth Jackson

Nickname: "The Owl"

Name on Identification: Elizabeth Jackson

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Species: Avian

Sub Species/Breed: Great Horned Owl

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Lean

Physical Details: Slave is presented with brown hair, yellow-orange eyes, feathers are common for a horned owl. Browns, black, and whites. Has two whispy feather like ears.

Physical Markings: Slave has black speckles scattered about her body, coupled with creamy feathers on the chest, extending to over lower regions. Primary flight feathers have been clipped to prevent her from being a flight risk.

Physical Drawbacks: No appearant drawbacks.

Current Infliction(s): No current wounds, or illness.

Physical Defenses: Slave has natural defenses in the form of her sharp beak, and razor sharp taloned feet.

Appealing Attributes: Slave is an exotic breed of avian. Her overall display of training, and exotic feathers have made her more appealing to the eye.

Clothing: Slave wears no clothing.

Other Items: Slave has no personal items.


Feral or Cultured: Slave is cultured

Phobias: Slave shows a phobia of spiders, and clocks.

Disorders: Slave seems to have no disorders appearant.

How do they present themselves: Slave presents herself as eager, and willing to serve.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Slave has accepted her role in life, and views ownership and rentals to be an honor.

Overall Attitude: Slave expresses an overall neutral attitude, slave does appear to be shy at first. Once the slave warms up to someone, her attitude is more calm.

Quirks: Slave sometimes makes feral sounds when startled, or nervous.

Hobbies / Interests: Slave expresses interest in the culinary field, and gardening. Slave also has an interest in reading, and playing instruments.

High or Low Maintenance: Slave is relativly low maintenance.

Diet / Allergies: Slave has no appearant allergies. Slave has a balanced diet of all food groups. Primarily Carnivore if allowed a choice.


Language(s) Spoken: Common

Can they Read / Write: Yes/Yes

Can your character produce magic: Slave is unable to produce magic.

Talents / Skills: Slave has expressed skills in hunting, and tracking. Also has skills in the fields of child care, and care for the elderly.

Training: Slave has been trained in domestic household chores, scribe work, entertainment, and pleasure


Previous Owners: Four Winds slave trades

Previous Usage(s): Entertainment, general servitude

Previous status: Born into slavery

For Rent or to Own: Available to rent, or purchase.

Cost: To Rent: 10G. To Own: 180G

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Daily

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Character development, storyline. I am looking for someone who will work to help expand on her training. I am not looking for her to be a pure sex slave.

What are your allowances for your character: NC save death, vore, and diapers.

Long Term/Short Term: Long term pref. Short term accepted.

General Information

Character Description: Exotic beauty of the Avian kind. Lean muscles were stretched over a taunt figure. Ample breasts were perky, a sign that time had been kind to the owl. Having been born into slavery, she made the perfect servant. Silken feathers were all that covered this one's body, allowing all to behold the natural beauty that made up the horned owl. (Whisper Friendly)(<a href="Unowned">#S3</a>)

Website: In the works

Images: Artwork Copyrighted to Daekazu of DA.

Contact Details: Whisper The Owl on furcadia

Notes: None.