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Rongyu - Unowned.

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 4:02 pm
by Rongyu
Full Name:
Rongyu is Chinese for honor, but may also mean: credit, laurels, luster, glory.


Name on Identification:

Unknown; estimated in the hundreds at least. He is considered young for his species.


Foo tiger.
Please note that although most of Ro's art is feral, he is by default an anthro.

Sub Species/Breed:


Body Type:
Mesomorphic; wide, broad shoulders, slightly tapered waist, digitrade legs.

Physical Details:
A powerhouse at eight feet tall, mixed with exotic markings, Ro isn't exactly the hardest to spot in a crowd. He is of an a typical furre build, however his most striking detail is the molten amber pupils against black sclera, like magma pulsing through burnt rock.

Physical Markings:
Ro's hindquarters and tail are marked like a tiger, but half way up his body his fur becomes pitch black. His mane is also completely black, and very thick and luxurious. His face has markings similar to a tiger but not quite, with pure white ears that sit crooked. He has horns that curve backwards over his skull and are embedded with gold decorations. He has a set of typical foo teeth, which curve out of his mouth and are always on display.

Physical Drawbacks:
Large, lumbering frame, somewhat slow.

Current Infliction(s):

Physical Defenses:
Powerful jaws, teeth, claws, can turn to stone.

Appealing Attributes:
Exotic, powerful, obedient.

Just a loincloth to give him some dignity.

Other Items:
A crystal ball.


Feral or Cultured:
A mix of both. It depends on the situation and surrounding stimuli whether or not he'll act like a feral feline or conscious being.

Getting stuck as a stone guardian again.

Anger issues.

How do they present themselves:
Cold, stoic, uncaring.

Feelings towards being owned / rented:
Begrudging, uses silence as perceived obedience.

Overall Attitude:
Ro isn't quite as distant as he makes himself out to be. Unused to this realm of existence, he keeps himself guarded around all the peculiar creatures that stalk around him. He doesn't quite understand the concepts of personal space or even etiquette and may come off as rude to some people, where as he's simply too honest for his own good. He may open up to the right person, which will take an equal measure of physical and mental conditioning.

Typical feline quirks. Loves his ears and stomach being rubbed. Hates his tail being touched or yanked.

Hobbies / Interests:
Tea making/drinking, polishing/refining gems or precious metals, playing the yueqin (or moon guitar). More to come.

High or Low Maintenance:

Diet / Allergies:
Can only eat rocks, minerals or gems.


Language(s) Spoken:
Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese), common, celestial.

Can they Read / Write:
Yes, and no.

Can your character produce magic:
In a sense, yes.

Talents / Skills:
As mentioned before, he can turn himself entirely to near impenetrable stone. Most weapons or attacks will simply bounce right off of him. He can also take a feral form, which is about four feet high at the withers.

No slave training.


Previous Owners:
Unnamed celestial.

Previous Usage(s):
Guardian of the celestial realm.

Previous status:
Indentured slave.

For Rent or to Own:

15 gold for rental and 150 gold/15 platinum for purchase.


Whenever I'm online or in the main hall, I'm free to play!

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay:
Although Ro would be a perfect gladiator slave, I'm actually wanting to take him away from that route and send him more down the house slave path. That doesn't necessarily mean stop fighting altogether, but I don't want it to be his focus. He has a lot to learn in the ways of being a slave, from simple gestures and kneeling positions, to how to pleasure a patron (sexually and non-sexually). He needs to learn the menile tasks, like how to wash clothing, or how to strip a bed or even how to weave and fix fabrics. Any sort of training would be wholly appreciated in getting him polished up to be the perfect slave.

What are your allowances for your character:
Most things, just gotta ask first.

Long Term/Short Term:
I don't mind.


Character Description:
In the works.


See website.

Contact Details:
Whispers in-game or leave a guestbook comment.

None for now.