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Yaeko - Unowned

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 10:28 pm
by What
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Yaeko

Nickname: Monkey, Ape

Name on Identification: Yaeko

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Species: Squirrel Monkey

Sub Species/Breed: None

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Hourglass shape, though curves are slightly less pronounced. Skinny, with little fat or muscle.

Physical Details: Covered in slightly thick fur, tawny in color. Hazel eyes.

Physical Markings: A splash of white on her face and around her throat.

Physical Drawbacks: Her small size and lack of muscle makes it easy to overpower her,

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: None.

Appealing Attributes: Pretty, fluffy coat, easy personality.

Clothing: A silk skirt with openings on either side and a wrap around her bust. Both white in color with red highlights.

Other Items: A mechanical singing bird.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Acrophobia, a fear of heights

Disorders: Chronic forgetfulness, often dealing with people, events or generally losing track of things.

How do they present themselves: Slightly prideful, sure of herself and her actions. Usually sitting in the proper posture and doesn't misbehave.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Worried, but she often forgets her position in the first place.

Overall Attitude: A woman who is obviously in denial of her mental handicap. Often asserts herself as right when she gets details wrong, believing her memory to be excellent. She can become frustrated when pushed on the subject and unwilling to listen. Most times she's agreeable, happy to chat away and tinker if given the chance.

Quirks: Hums to herself for no reason.

Hobbies / Interests: Machines and anything to do with mechanics.

High or Low Maintenance: High. Her forgetfulness will lead her into trouble, getting her lost or in dangerous situations.

Diet / Allergies: Herbivore


Language(s) Spoken: Common

Can they Read / Write: Yes.

Can your character produce magic: Yes. Though her magic abilities are focused more towards building machines.

Talents / Skills: Savant like abilities when dealing with anything mechanic.

Training: Basic training.


Previous Owners: None

Previous Usage(s): None

Previous status: Free person

For Rent or to Own: Both. Rent to own.

Cost: 10g for rent, 190g to own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Whenever.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Not sure right now.

What are your allowances for your character: No consent except for death, mutilation and weird kinky stuff.

Long Term/Short Term: Both!

General Information

Character Description:


Images: None. :(

Contact Details: My alts Oops or Yaeko

Notes: Hur dur.