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Royce Blackburn

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 10:21 pm
by EightiesBaby
Full Name: Royce Blackburn

Name on Identification: Same

Nickname: Roy

Age: 27 years

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: Fisticuffs, a military issue knife when allowed in the arena

Appealing Attributes: Broad shoulders and a narrow waist, has been said he has a pretty face despite the nose though he personally doubts the truth of such comments

Clothing: A brown cotton shirt over a white tank-top, black jeans secured by a brown web belt and black combat boots

Other Items: A combat style knife not currently in his possesion

Behavior: Resigned

Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Does not like his ass being touched, does not like being restrained

Disorders: None

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Sees it as inevitable, though privately is disgusted

Overall Attitude: Friendly if a bit reserved

Hobbies / Interests: Unclear

High or Low Maintenance: Medium to low

Diet / Allergies: Omnivore, no allergies

Language(s) Spoken: Common

Can they Read / Write: Both

Can your character produce magic: No

Talents / Skills: Tracking, hand to hand combat

Training: Combat, tracking, pit fighting, survival

Previous Owners: 1

Current Owner: Open

Previous Usage(s): Pit fighter, attempted use as pleasure slave (ended with owner being stabbed through one of his two hearts)

Previous status: Mercenary

OOC Info/Notes: Royce was part of a Top Secret Experiment where convicts, deserters and people who needed to disappear were sedated and hooked up to a huge computer where they could be placed in any number of situations. Many suffered brain aneurisms or seizures, but some showed such an ability to adapt and survive that they were sold on the black market, ending up in illegal fighting rings for the most part. Royce had no idea how he ended up at the Tether, but he knew he didn't like it. And he really didn't like the man who claimed to be his master. Sho'kek was half human, half troll, big and ugly, but rather intelligent, taking on the man's training personally, teaching him better ways to be a pit fighter, intending on entering him as a gladiator at The Golden Tether after Royce had started winning more matches.

After a while Sho'kek realized he was becoming aroused whenever he sparred with his slave, especially in hand to hand combat. He started taking Royce to his chambers after winning matches, and the first two times, though he fought, Royce was beaten into submission. The third time, he managed to slip a knife in under his shirt and, when Sho'kek sought to wrestle him into submission, stabbed the half-breed in the chest. Luckily for Sho'kek, he had two hearts and, though he will always have to take it easier, will likely live a long life. Royce was put up for sale in the Tether, labeled as disobedient and hard to handle.

Availability: Normally on after 5pm CST

What are you looking for in a Roleplay: I'm open to just about any situation, but keep in mind that Roy is not going to act completely submissive, he knows he is in a bad position, but there is a point beyond which he absolutely will not go willingly. If you want to have sex with him he would not submit willingly except under unusual circumstances. (One of those involved some potent mushrooms, but he chooses not to think too much about what happened in the jungle)

What are your allowances for your character: No consent save for death, mutilation. I absolutely won't do vore or macro/micro and certainly no ageplay, and I prefer not to rp sex with female characters except under certain situations. Roy is labeled as recommended for someone with experience since he stabbed his previous master, and though I know there are some very aggressive female characters, I haven't enjoyed the RP because it just hasn't been believable how they attempted to force him to have sex with them. IC Roy views himself as straight, but OOC I don't like to RP sexual situations with females, so only dom males rent/buy him please.

Long Term/Short Term: Both

General Information

Character Description: > His wirey frame would have been called skinny if it weren't for the muscles filling him out. Years of combat training and then some unwilling time spent fighting for his life has left the man with an attractive physique, complimented by black hair and intelligent amber eyes. His clothing consists of a brown shirt left unbuttoned over a white tank top, black jeans secured by a web belt, and black combat boots.