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Ico - Unowned

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 11:59 am
by FlaringDog
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name:
[Odd, chaotic symbols have been scribbled down, one far larger than the other; illegible. The meaning of these symbols: Irhaerdh'co]

Ico [EE-SO]

Name on Identification:
[The same, unearthly symbols have been scribbled down.]

Appears to be somewhere in his late teens or early twenties.


[Indecipherable symbols mark the page yet again, and their meaning: Effhra.]

Sub Species/Breed:

Physical Appearance

Body Type:
Androgynous; voluptuous.

Physical Details:
Snowy, wavy hair. Often seen styled in various forms of horns, and capable of prehensile movement. Unpigmented eyes without apparent pupils, yet upon closer look appear to be a lighter hue of grey. Eyes oddly illuminate in darkness. A cloak of raven plumage shroud his lithe neck and drape as two disjointed wings down the back, swathed along the upper arms as a boa. Both extremities, while both upper arms and legs harbour but lavender-pigmented skin, end in rough, inky scales with crimson palms and soles. Nails are like dark blades, long enough to double the measurement of both his hands and feet. From the stem of his spine, a Stygian wispy tail stretches twice his length, highly flexible yet lacking in strength. Legs are curiously muscular compared to the rest of his svelte frame, making him bottom-heavy.

Physical Markings:
Eyelids are marked with a sickly hue of dark blue, giving them almost a bruised appearance. Crawling up from where the tail stems, a dark marking stretches all the way up to the upper curve of the back, right underneath the shoulder blades. The marking itself holds a close resemblance to clawing shadows that thin out the higher it grasps.

Physical Drawbacks:

Current Infliction(s):

Physical Defenses:
The scales that coat the creature’s extremities seem solid enough to withstand various blunt damage, yet splits as normal flesh does when subjected to cutting and stabbing.

Appealing Attributes:
Immaculate features tight-strung along his skull, accenting the right amount of soft and hard features where need be. An exotic figure meant to please the eyes, aided with a savage tint of feral claws. The coating of raven feathers only further enhance the creature’s allure like the intoxicating appearance of a diva.

None; got all his assets on display.

Other Items:
Various silver piercings: applied to nipples, genitalia and belly to complement natural allure, and a fancy collar to make for a fitted set as a slave within the harem pen. How odd he's not housed here...


Feral or Cultured:
Cultured by unearthly standards; might come off as eccentric and mischievous due clashing customs.



How do they present themselves:
As a proud peacock. He’s not often seen socializing with his fellow slaves, as if contesting for attention amongst the patrons. Envy seems to be in his eyes often when someone else is sprinkled with consideration. When he’s the centre of the crowd, however, his demeanour changes to one of pleasantries and grandeur.

Feelings towards being owned / rented:
Overly eager to be rented, yet remains oddly unmoved when mention drops of being bought.

Overall Attitude:
Towards his fellow slaves; contempt. Towards patrons and staff; sycophantic.

Swaps voices when it suits his whims, sometimes in the middle of converse just to rouse a reaction. Poofs up his plumage when underneath the duress of stress. May suffer bouts of self-mutilation of various degrees when suffering prolonged anxiety.

Hobbies / Interests:
Reading, hair-dressing, bird-watching, singing and air-weaving.

High or Low Maintenance:
The vain yet lazy creature is high maintenance. His plumage often needs to be cleaned to keep their healthy shine. Hair needs be groomed with much care; a large amount is riddled with nerve-endings.

Diet / Allergies:
He hasn’t eaten anything that’s been served to him during the duration of his stay. It’s presumed he charges his bodily reserves through other means.


Language(s) Spoken:
Common. [Chaotic symbols swarm shortly after.]

Can they Read / Write:
Can’t seem to comprehend common writing. His gaze darts across paper as if he’s staring at a blank slate, showing confusion when asked to read what’s been written down like there’s nothing for him to read to begin with; the guards had to point to the exact spot where he needed to write various things down that didn't translate into common.

Can your character produce magic:
Voice magic; he’s highly reliant on the voice of others to produce his own magic. He can steal the voice of others (which is a requirement for he doesn’t have a voice of his own), and upon doing so unlocks various skills he possesses that otherwise are dormant.

Talents / Skills:
A gifted singer, not due training but the magic that is his very essence. When allowed to hover, he’s also a very alluring dancer, utilizing the air as one would water, making full use of zero-gravity.

Shows no interest in being taught anything new.


Previous Owners:

Previous Usage(s):

Previous status:
Free man; one given day he suddenly appeared on the Tether’s doorstep, offering his body with unvoiced reasons yet to be pried loose.

For Rent or to Own:
For rent only.


One-night rental:

OOC Info/Notes

My time zone is GMT+1, so that's a seven-hours difference between FST, e.g. 12 PM FST is 7 PM my time. I'm more active from Wednesday 'til Sunday, depending on work.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay:
Right now, I'm simply looking for people who're open minded, and don't shy away from darker themes. Whether someone can eventually own him is something I rather leave to circumstance; if a certain chemistry develops between my character and that of yours, I'm more than willing to consider such a relationship to unfurl.

What are your allowances for your character:
I'm a no-consent role-player; whatever tickles your fancy, I will do my utmost best to make it an enjoyable ride for the both of us.

Long Term/Short Term:
Both are perfectly acceptable, really.

General Information

Peen warning.

RPR Website; heavy WIP at the moment.

Contact Details:
Egoism (Furcadia), FlaringDog (RPR)