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Hemoth - Unowned and Not Available yet.

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 4:22 am
by Hemoth
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Hemoth

Nickname: None yet

Name on Identification: Hemoth

Age: Adult (Immortal, but can be killed. Just will live for the forseeable future if not ended by someone.)

Gender: Female

Species: Dragon

Sub Species/Breed: Wingless dragon

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Lithe

Physical Details: Eyes: Yellow Irises and Black everywhere else / Skin: Thick but glossy and mainly Maroon in color, with black markings from chin to tail. / Curved horn atop her nose

Physical Markings: Scars a plenty, but they have faded with age, so they are not clearly visible

Physical Drawbacks: None noticed.

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: Natural Defences, such as her claws and teeth, and rarely her horn.

Appealing Attributes: Horn atop her nose, and her coloration

Clothing: N/A

Other Items: Nothing.


Feral or Cultured: Feral

Phobias: None as of late.

Disorders: None as of late.

How do they present themselves: Presented with a stature of pride and aggression. Not one to care about her physical appearance, just the way she stands is what she works on. Always wants to be the most intimidating and strong.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Initially Hemoth has negative feelings to being owned or rented, and may fight this, but once things have settled, she adapts and does not care much.

Overall Attitude: Hostile and Prideful, but Loyal and Hardworking.

Quirks: Child-like around objects ( i.e Rocks, Weapons of opponents , food, those sorts of things. )

Hobbies / Interests: None really.

High or Low Maintenance: Fairly Low Maintenance

Diet / Allergies: A Diet consisting mainly of meat is what she needs. On occasion it can be fruits and vegetables.


Language(s) Spoken: Draconic Language. Can understand Common Tongue, but speaking it was never recorded.

Can they Read / Write: Read: Yes / Write: No

Can your character produce magic: No

Talents / Skills: Talented in battle and a Skilled hunter.

Training: Fighting, and Hunting Mainly. Other Training includes, tracking and service (this last on backfired, due to personality negatives.)


Previous Owners: A few, but they are unknown, or NPC.

Previous Usage(s): Arena Fighter. Used as company in war, to fight alongside the owner. Used briefly as a household companion. Used briefly as a tracker and hunting companion.

Previous status:

For Rent or to Own: Both

Per Night: 10
To Own: 140

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Available any day, just not until the night time, around 9pm - 4am (Central)

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: The Roleplay between Hemoth and her owner I am looking for is maybe training or usage Rp, such as training her for an arena match the owner arranges, or using her in a hunting trip, or in tracking something, or in war.

What are your allowances for your character: Punishment to the extreme, such as mutilation/starvation, those sorts of things I will allow. Death I will allow, and near death mutilation as well. I will allow abuse, and poor care. Plus all the normal stuff, like good care and usage, and fighting.

Long Term/Short Term: Long Term wanted, but I am willing for Short Term as well.

General Information

Character Description: WIP


Images: On Site

Contact Details: Contact me In Game through Hemoth, or Dvojka.

Notes: Hemoth is a nasty character, she is violent and reckless. I am not. Plus if there is anything wrong with what I post or upload, please let me know and show me why it is wrong and how to fix it.