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Dirra'rauv-dyn - Unowned

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 10:51 pm
by dirrarauv
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: The slave has given the name Dirra'rauv-dyn Mae-ath

Nickname: The slave has no known Nicknames.

Name on Identification: Dirra'rauv-dyn

Age: Slave appears to be in her late twenties.

Gender: The slave is obviously female

Species: The slave is a Dark Elf

Sub Species/Breed: Specifically a Drow

Physical Appearance

Body Type: The slave has a dancer's build. Lush chest, and beautiful curves accent the slave's natural beauty. A fine layer of fat fills in the rest of her figure nicely.

Physical Details: Slave has white hair, ashen gray skin, and violet eyes.

Physical Markings: A single brand is found upon her right hip.

Physical Drawbacks: Slave appears to have no known physical drawbacks.

Current Infliction(s): Slave has no illness, or injuries.

Physical Defenses: Slave will use her fists, feet, and teeth to defend herself.

Appealing Attributes: Slave is exotic, and well trained.

Clothing: Elegantly crafted violet and ivory corset, accented with diamonds and amethyst gems. Matching violet thong accented with ivory, and twin transparent and ivory strips of cloth hang to cover sides of her thighs.

Other Items: Elegant amulet has been confiscated by the tether's guards upon the slave's arrival to the island. It is only to be returned when she is purchased.


Feral or Cultured: Slave is cultured

Phobias: Slave has admitted to having the following phobias.

*Acrophobia- Fear of heights.
*Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders.
*Athazagoraphobia- Fear of being forgotton or ignored or forgetting.
*Mastigophobia- Fear of punishment.
*Gymnophobia- Fear of nudity.

Disorders: Slave has no known disorders

How do they present themselves: Quiet, and timid.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Accepting

Overall Attitude: Quiet, and meek

Quirks: Slave often chews on her lower lip when unsure, and bites nails when nervous.

Hobbies / Interests: Slave is quite interested in learning, and furthering her knowledge. She is also interested in reading, and literature.

High or Low Maintenance: High - Slave is a harem slave, she is used to being pampered. She will become lost if not given a task to complete. She has to keep herself busy at all times.

Diet / Allergies: Slave has a balanced diet, and no known allergies.


Language(s) Spoken: Drow, and Common

Can they Read / Write: Yes she can read and write in both languages.

Can your character produce magic: Slave is able to produce water elemental magics. She has been bound by a pair of bracers which keep her powers nulled.

Talents / Skills: Slave has skills in cooking, cleaning, entertaining.

Training: Slave has been trained in the ways of a Gorean Slave Girl. She is also been trained as a lady-in-waiting, and handmaiden. She has been trained in pleasure, aswell as general servitude including but not limited to cooking, cleaning, tending to her Master or Mistress' every need. Singing, and Dancing. Aswell as general companionship.


Previous Owners: Slave was owned by the Imnir Slave Trading company.

Previous Usage(s): General servitude, companionship, and pleasure

Previous status: Free patron

For Rent or to Own: Both


1 Night Rental, 20Image or 2Image

To Own, 280Image or 28Image

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Nightly, depending on work and RL schedules

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Storyline, plot, someone who will further her training. She needs a strict owner, who can keep her in her place. I am looking for someone who is interested in a long-term RP and would use her skills and expand on her training.

What are your allowances for your character: NC with the exception of limb removal, death, and freeing her. She is a slave, I do not wish to have her free. If you have any questions, or are unsure ask :)

Long Term/Short Term: Both

General Information

Character Description: Bite down on my chains to remind me I'm still your slave. You know my name stayed the same. You can say it once, or twice if you really wanna like...Did you forget about me? I'm just rotting in your dungeon wonderin' why I haven't seen the sun in far too long. I am just your slave, desperately devoted! I use to live for your pain, swore it kept me sane. Kept me human, your exactly where ego and manic collide. Sometimes I hate myself for everything I am. You gave me a reason, i'm the toy you grew tired of. The slave who mistook lust for love. I'm sorry Master.

Website: In the works

Images: Image

Contact Details: Whisper Dirra'rauv-dyn

Notes: n/a