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Runed - Owned

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:46 pm
by Levinth
The Slave's documents would come pinned at the corners rather professionally to the inner sides of a leather bound folder. Two pages total it was made for easy reading within the familiar gold and crimson ink of the establishment, for those wishing to add their own input scraps of neatly cut parchment were included in addition to a small envelope for them to be placed within and kept safe from being lost.

Full Name: Rune

Nickname: None have been given

Age: Medical examinations have placed his age at about mid-twenties and according to the slave he cannot age beyond the state he is currently in.

Gender: Male, this is evident even when he takes his bestial form.

Species: Arcane/Runaric Construct

Sub Species/Breed: Wind Elemental

Status: Owned by Mikeayla Renard

Classification: Undetermined

Pen Placement: Harem

Sexual Preference: Yet to be determined as the slave has had no experience with female, or male pleasure.


Body Type: Lithe. The lad is slender, light on his feet, and carries himself with the grace of most dancers or other balance dependent performers. Muscle is lean, subtle beneath the skin and felt more then seen upon the various parts of his body. Inhuman and human features are evenly mixed, offering an appeal for those interested in a more exotic flare but not an entirely bestial appearance.

Physical details: Please see his character sheet/full bio for detailed descriptions of both his humanoid and bestial forms as well as his art gallery under 'inner reflections'

Physical Markings: Though they appear to the eye as tattoo's of a most intricate design his full body runic pattern are actually natural markings and part of his skin pigment.

Physical Drawbacks: Bindings with suppression properties against magic are nearly lethal. From the moment the restraints are put on the slave becomes lethargic, unresponsive, and begins to loose his ability to perceive the world around him entirely. If left on for prolonged periods (three to five hours) the slave exhibits signs of an absence of mind, even when introduced to pain there is no response. Longer exposure is not recommended as the slaves condition will continue to deteriorate until death.

Physical Defenses: None have yet to be observed or determined.

Current Infliction(s): He is healthy and suffers from nothing at this point in time.

Appealing Attributes:
+ Fully body runic patterns of various designs.
+ Tail of pure condensed fog that trails in the wake of his footsteps
+ Tendrils begin just behind the base of his ears and are tipped with identical feathers that will never shed, nor do they seem to loose their soft feel or shape
+ Moves with a natural grace, well balanced and light on his feet.
+ Carries himself with a full mindfulness of those around him as well as the expectations placed upon him so long as they are made clear and are of his knowledge

Only in bestial form...
+ Tendril's are prehensile while within this state and are used to gesture and express his current moods or patterns of thought.
+ Small size is convenient, being no larger then a medium sized hound he is a subtle edition to a room or lap without becoming a visual or vocal distraction.
+ He cannot speak while within this state or make much sound at all due to a lack of vocal chords.

Clothing: The slave will be provided with fitting attire to personal taste or desire if a request is made on behalf of a renter.

Other Items:
+ A leather collar that appears over sized while within his humanoid state. Though simple in design it's materials are of the highest quality and the slave keeps it in peak condition, removal is not recommended as the sphere attached to it's front is the vessel of his memory. Without it the slave will become incapable of retaining information or orders beyond a few seconds and become generally useless in terms of ability to serve.
+ Two 1oz. glass jars containing medicinal ointments. One is a pain reliever meant for aches and pains, the second is a pain relieving antiseptic, he earned these from doing errands for a healer.
+ A bracelet adorns his wrist of braided black leather cords, from it's center hands a phoenix of pure silver who's tail feathers are wrapped around a beautiful deep blue jewel.


Feral or Cultured: The slave is very much cultured even within his bestial state and displays a sharp mind and high intelligence even if his overall experience and knowledge may be lacking.

+ Torture, when taken around implements of restraint or pain he becomes nervous and easily distracted. This may need to be conquered if one desires to have him trained and familiar with the practices and tools associated with bondage.
+ Guns. Acquired when a public demonstration was made within the atrium where a firearm was used upon a lesser guard. When these weapons are displayed he will become nervous, consumed with fear, and begin to exhibit signs of a panic attack within a few minutes of exposure. His thinking becomes instinctual, and will follow any word given to him without question as long as it remains in sight. A possible liability...

Disorders: None.

How do they present themselves: A curious student, a subservient attendant, and a mindful slave.

Feelings towards being rented: To the slave the act of being rented is a blessing, a sign that he is of interest to the population of the tether but also of a chance to further improve his skills and show his potential. He naturally aims to ensure every rental is a pleasant experience, aiming to earn the repeated patronage of an interested party and if that is not possible, a good review at least.

Feelings towards being owned: The slave expresses contentment with the thought of being owned by another being as it will ensure that he is not only kept useful but can constantly strive to tailor himself to their desires and expectations. Loyalty is assured because of his personal moral compass.

Overall Attitude: Respectful. polite, mindful, attentive, graceful, and passive. The slave expresses a natural willingness to please, putting forth only his best effort in fulfilling his duties and meeting the expectations placed upon him. When mistakes are made they are embraced, the situation studied so that corrections can be made to ensure that if it cannot be prevented from happening again there will be at least improvement from his previous attempt.

+ When nervous, uneasy, or generally not relaxed and secure within his current surroundings he tends to stutter, his thoughts wander all over the place, he has difficulty speaking, and struggles with keeping up in conversation. If he's at peace and relaxed however he shows his true colors, presenting himself as a very well educated and well mannered being and is capable of understanding and keeping up with a lot of conversation topics.
+ He tends to fidgit, either by wringing his hands together or petting one of his tendrils during conversations of great importance or sevarity.

Only in beast form...
+ it will swallow food whole with great care and if incapable of this it will swallow manageable chunks of food one type of portion at a time. Liquids are also sucked down it's throat rather then gulped.

+ Has expressed interest in learning the art of being a performer.
+ Learning more about the world and the cultures of it
+ Has expressed interest in being trained further by a willing participant in becoming a better slave, or learning new ways through which he can serve.

High or Low Maintenance: This has yet to be determined.

+ Omnivore, He can handle both plants and meat evenly.
+ He eats slowly, eating fast often results in indigestion and dizziness.
+ No allergies have been discovered.


Language(s) Spoken:
+ Common
+ Aerodel
+ Verenti, the native tongue of the icebourne

Can they Read/Write:
+ Common, Can both read & write it
+ Aerodel, can both read and write it
+ Verenti, the native tongue of the icebourne. Can both read and write it
+ Runaric the language of spellweaving. This language is not a spoken one or really a written one, but rather used to describe the fabric of a spell itself. He is capable of reading the 'weave' of enchanted, inscripted, or cursed items and break down the components used to create it. He may also be able to find a means of unraveling this weave and dispelling it's effects.

Can your character produce magic: Aside from the ability to shift forms between a humanoid and bestial appearance he has displayed no other magical abilities

+ Spending time within the library and keeping to his studies of the world and cultures within and outside of the island.
+ Exploring the island
+ Observing the interactions of others
+ Learning, his curiosity is virtually bottomless.

Natural Talents
+ He displays potential as a slave and would be but clay within the hands of someone willing to train him due to the natural traits of his personality and sense of commitment.

+ Willing and Accepting of orders.
+ May fetch drinks, food or act as a messenger with written messages upon the island
+ When in bestial form he is able to keep whatever he swallows inside of his body for safe keeping, making him an ideal temporary stash or purse. He must however void himself of these items, and anything else inside himself before changing to his humanoid state.

Training: [Given his lack of training it is recommended and encouraged that interested individuals take part in adding to his knowledge, and worth as a slave]
+ Received Full training as an attendant (Server/Host/Companion) beneath Mikealya Renard
+ Proper Posture, and presentation training from his fellow Harem Slaves


Previous Owners:
+ Mikeayla Renard.

Previous Usage(s):
+ Royal servant to the highlord of Icebourne prior to enslavement.
+ Personal servant and attendant under the ownership of Mikealya Renard

Purchase history (Ownership only):
+ Purchased by the tether as stock on December 2nd 2013.
+ Purchased by Mikeayla Renard Febuary 14th 2014

Earned Income (Total of rental fees and purchase costs): 495Image

Rental Contracts (Active only, does not hinder his ability to be rented)
None at this time

Awards Earned:
+ Won Third place in 'A Test of Training' Hosted by Cross Creations

For Rent or to Own: For rent.

Cost of Rent:5Image
Cost of Ownership: 120Image

Rental Restrictions:
+ Cannot be rented for the purpose of inflicting physical or mental abuse for personal amusement.


Availability: I'm usually on all the time but I run on a Pacific standard time time zone, I'm rarely on before noon but it's been known to happen, and I'm rarely on past midnight though it's been known to happen. If I'm not on this character you can generally catch me on my alts Levinth, or Vaelin.

What are you looking for in a slave/slaver Roleplay: I'm looking for people who are interested in developing his character, both short term and long. He's a new character and really grows best through interaction with other characters. Be it training, friendships, just simple role-play, or maybe you want to teach him a thing or two? Perhaps even just have a companion to play with for the day? Or be the one to discover the undiscovered about him? that kind of thing. If your interested in owning him through I want someone who will hang onto him long term, really pour their resources into making him into something any master or owner would be proud of. He takes investments of time and virtual coin but I think he'll be well worth the effort to someone willing to put forth the
effort as much as I'm willing to!

What are your allowances for your character: I'm pretty chill, I understand that to develop him some things will need to happen and I'm okay with that. Just use common sense, if your unsure about something, bring it up to me. Otherwise please don't get angry or surprised if I tell you that I can't go through with something like your character trying to dismember him or flat out beating him up because you just felt like having a punching bag to abuse that evening.

Long Term/Short Term: Both is fine~


Character Description:

Humanoid Form:
> "What a strange man..." Lithe in body and graceful in movement the lad was as pleasing to the eye as he was in personality, if one didn't find his appearance too unusual. Even his mind was sharp, fueled by curiosity and a love of discovery kept in check only by his devotion to meeting the expectations of others. An ideal catch perhaps for someone willing to train, teach or mold him, and he presented himself well enough considering he was the very definition of naive.

Beastie form:
> What a strange beast... It's species would have been anyone's guess at a glance and even then it was questionable upon closer inspection. It moved like a feline, graceful and light on it's feet while it's mannerisms were more akin to a domestic canine, and yet it's appearance supported neither. From the feathered tendrils that hung behind it's ears, to the tail of condensed fog that trailed in the wake of it's heels. The only 'normal' feature seemed to be it's plush coat of pale hued fur but even that was heavily patterned with ancient runes.


Images: check out the gallery under inner reflections~

Contact Details: Whispers work best, even offline messages or PM's through RPR

Thank you for making it this far! Whisper omgdinosaurs to me to get a cookie because your awesome. Unless you skimmed this, then your cheating >_>