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Rekzar - Old Documents

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:01 am
by Rekzar
Slave Form - The Only Copy of this form is under lock and key in the library. All others have been burned.

Basic Information

Full Name: Rekzar ???

Nickname: Czar of Reking Things

Name on Identification: Rekzar

Age: Physically, in his twenties. According to him, he's been "alive" as he currently is for three years.

Gender: Male

Species: Arcane Abomination

Sub Species/Breed: Bovine/Vulpine Hybrid

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Athletic

Physical Details: Floor-length white hair. Appears uncuttable. Grey fur, no scars. Athletic.

Physical Markings: None.

Physical Drawbacks: Seems to fall asleep at random. Narcolepsy? Suffers from mental trauma, seems unstable.

Current Infliction(s): None seen yet.

Physical Defenses: Magic user. Keep bound with anti-magic shackles.

Appealing Attributes: Pretty. Polite, but unbroken. Seems very intelligent.

Clothing: A robe he arrived in.

Other Items: One runed sword, kept in the armory.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured. Very.

Phobias: None seen yet. Seems to twitch at the mention of any punishment at all.

Disorders: Neurosis bears examination.

How do they present themselves: Scared, afraid, jittery.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Seems to have no opinion on the matter, but produces tears if left alone to think about it.

Overall Attitude: Not slave material. Seems to be the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time. Needs to be broken, immediately, and carefully.

Quirks: Numerous, and unrelated. Too many to list.

Hobbies / Interests: Playing with his hair. Swordsmanship?

High or Low Maintenance: High

Diet / Allergies: Needs to eat more. Appears to be starving himself regularly.


Language(s) Spoken: Common, and others.

Can they Read / Write: Yes.

Can your character produce magic: Yes.

Talents / Skills: Fencing. Magic. Anything combining the two.

Training: None. Fresh off the docks.


Previous Owners: None

Previous Usage(s): None

Previous status: None

For Rent or to Own: Rent, hasn't been cleared for buying yet.

Cost: 10g

OOC Info/Notes

Rekzar is no longer a slave! His documents, however, exist in the deepest of files: all others have been burned and done away with. This is simply here for TGT staff to look up and see that, in fact, he was imprisoned for a few months:

What basically occurred, was that Rekzar was mugged. He was sold into slavery after all his belongings, save his sword (as he can summon it) were taken. His return to TGT is twofold: to find the bastard that put him in chains for four months, and to find his own prospects, or perhaps even start his own business!