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Nathrach - Unowned

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 2:35 am
by Nathrach
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Nathrach

Nickname: Nath

Name on Identification: Nathrach

Age: 29

Gender: Hermaphrodite, though outwardly appears male. Very strongly identifies as male.

Species: Naga

Sub Species/Breed: Eastern Indigo

Physical Appearance

Body Type: He's a visibly powerful creature with a sturdy form, broad shoulders and defined muscles, gained from hard labor rather than actively working to bulk up. His lower half is thick and smooth-scaled.

Physical Details: Hair is black with a slight hint of brown and is kept in thick, neat dreadlocks that reach almost to his elbows. They've recently been decorated with a few gold beads. His eyes are rather small and deep set with an exotic almond shape. Their bright green color is a stark contrast to his otherwise drab coloring. Mostly smooth and mocha colored, his skin has a very slight hint of gold to it in the right light. Scars appear pinkish, though fade well with time. High-sun spots like his shoulders and cheeks appear slightly darker, indicating that he tans well, though have also started to show signs of overexposure.

Physical Markings: His back is littered with old lash marks, though most have faded or are starting to. There is a surgical scar on his lower abdomen running vertically from just below his navel be to about an inch above where his scales start. He has no natural markings or patterns.

Physical Drawbacks: Due to his size, he's rather bulky and sometimes slow to move, but makes up for that in physical power.

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: Brute strength, in the form of traditional punches and upper body attacks or coiling with his lower half. He also possesses short fangs, but lacks venom. Still, a bite would probably hurt quite a bit and do a fair amount of damage. He's also immune to the venom from certain species of rattlesnakes.

Appealing Attributes:

Clothing: He wears a tunic that falls just long enough to keep him modest. Exact details differ depending on what he's chosen to wear that day.

Other Items: A simple, black, Tether-issue collar around his neck. Several small, golden beads have been woven in to his hair and his ears have been pierced several times.


Feral or Cultured: He's on the uneducated side of cultured.

Phobias: Abandonment, pregnancy.

Disorders: He is prone to severe separation anxiety which can lead to aggression if left alone for long periods of time. Nathrach also displays a moderate aversion to being in the receiving position during intercourse, though it is unknown if this is a dominance issue or if it stems from his time on the breeding farm. He's also very food-protective and may become sick from eating too fast. He can also become aggressive if food is taken away before he's finished.

How do they present themselves: He can be extremely surly and standoffish at first, though rarely displays unwarranted aggression. Once sufficiently settled and trusting, he can be extremely loyal and affectionate to those he deems friendly.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: He prefers long-term rentals or ownership, though can be hesitant due to being abandoned several times in the past.

Overall Attitude: Generally pleasant, though is prone to worrying, which can lead to unhealthy amounts of stress.


Hobbies / Interests: He has displayed an affinity for growing potted plants and metalworking as well as furthering his education when given the opportunity.

High or Low Maintenance: Under the right circumstances, he can be extremely low maintenance and is perfectly capable of taking care of himself.

Diet / Allergies: Primarily carnivorous, though displays a strong affinity for melon of most any kind.


Language(s) Spoken: Common, Arabic-based creole

Can they Read / Write: He reads (common writing) at around a preschool level, but is learning very quickly.

Can your character produce magic: No

Talents / Skills: He can be a very loyal guardian with the right training. Also has some experience with farming - particularly growing dates - and metal-working.

Training: Mostly learned by watching and experience, though he has had some formal training with Crea W.


Previous Owners: Tanith farms (mainland naga-mill), plus a number of renters and owners on the island.

Previous Usage(s): Breeding, farm labor.

Previous status: Slave

For Rent or to Own: Rent or Own

Cost: 210 gold to own, 25 gold to rent

OOC Info/Notes


What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: A level-headed individual who can handle a sometimes insecure slave and is willing to continue training him.

What are your allowances for your character: Preferably no excessive amounts of torture or unwarranted punishment.

Long Term/Short Term: Long term! Though, short term is alright too

General Information

Character Description: He was a regal creature, standing a solid six and a half feet tall with straight posture and broad shoulders. There was a healthy, bronzed tone to his brown skin and dark hair fell long in thick, heavy dreadlocks, spangled with gold beads here and there. He appeared human from the waist up, but glossy, black scales started just above his hips and covered the thick, coiling length of his serpentine lower half. Were it not for the collar around his throat, he might have even passed for a free creature.



Contact Details:


Re: Nathrach - Unowned

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 3:09 am
by Levinth