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Jacob Scott (Unowned)

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:51 am
by Jacobscott
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Jacob Scott

Name on Identification:Jacob Scott

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: Kangaroo

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Average, though a little skinny in some areas.

Physical Details: He's that cute Kangaroo you see sitting off to the side, or in the corner as quiet as can be.

Soft features adorned his face, a smile often showed to those around him, he was quite the cheerful one most of the time but wasn't impossible to anger such sweet kangaroo either, and when that happened it was better not to be around.

Long, muscular legs held up a rather skinny body and head; neck stiff, perfectly formed with a collar adorning it. The name on the tag? Jacob Scott. His waist cover in a silk loincloth and both arms adored look-a-like metal arm bands.

Tall and thin would more accurately define his form, resulting in a pleasant appearance. Short hair hung between his large ears, somewhat messy at times too, but at least keeping it cut wouldn't interfere with his wings. These were quite large, and even appeared too big for his body. The feathers were primarily a creamy color, gradating to white at the tips. His ears were larger than the normal kangaroo, thus making him have them loose over the sides of his head rather than stuck up.

Physical Markings: Large wings, don't forget about them, yes I know they get in the way sometimes.

Current Infliction(s): Suffers mild ADD at times.

Physical Defenses: Strong powerful legs, While not strong enough to crush someones chest they can easily knock the wind out of you with a swift kick.

Appealing Attributes: Angelic and adorable in appearance, he's got that cute sweet innocent face upon him, and lets not talk about when he blushes.

Clothing:While in the pens he wear some of the more finer silk loincloth barely keeping him covered if at all. He also wears two sliver armlets, one each placed neatly between his elbow and shoulder while wrapped around his arm.

Other Items: Doesn't own anything.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured and very well mannered.

Phobias: Large bodies of water.

Disorders: Thick Australian accent, if you count that.

How do they present themselves: He isn't afraid to look a slaver or potential master in the eyes, but he's usually quick to notice if it's a problem while promptly apologizing. He's honestly more of a pet then a slave per-say but sweet, well mannered and trained by the finest, or let you be the judge.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Happy, it's his place to serve and he has accepted such.

Overall Attitude: Sweet, caring, attentive.

Hobbies / Interests: Long walks on the island. Enjoying a peaceful day with his owner.

High or Low Maintenance: Med-High He was spoiled a bit by his last master.

Diet / Allergies:Leafy greens, tea, and some diary products.


Language(s) Spoken: English, French, Spanish, Chinese (both dialects.)

Can they Read / Write: Yes, In English and Chinese

Talents / Skills:
Cooking the more finer of dining experiences.
Cleaning on a large scale.
Some types of beginner carpentry.

Training: Training, brought to and paid for by The Mint Mink (His previous owner).


Previous Owners: (If known.) The Mint Mink

Previous Usage(s): Exotic Pet.

Previous status: Available

For Rent or to Own: Rent or Own

20 gold a night
300 to own

OOC Info/Notes

Availability:Most days and Nights.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Looking for someone to treat him like a pet. But at the same time not be afraid to be a little strict or rough with him on occasion.

What are your allowances for your character:No death, gore, blood. Other things can be discussed at time.

Long Term/Short Term:
Short term or Long term.

General Information

Character Description:He's that cute Kangaroo you see sitting off to the side, or in the corner as quiet as can be.

Soft features adorned his face, a smile often showed to those around him, he was quite the cheerful one most of the time but wasn't impossible to anger such sweet kangaroo either, and when that happened it was better not to be around.

Long, muscular legs held up a rather skinny body and head; neck stiff, perfectly formed with a collar adorning it. The name on the tag? Jacob Scott. His waist cover in a silk loincloth and both arms adored look-a-like metal arm bands.

Tall and thin would more accurately define his form, resulting in a pleasant appearance. Short hair hung between his large ears, somewhat messy at times too, but at least keeping it cut wouldn't interfere with his wings. These were quite large, and even appeared too big for his body. The feathers were primarily a creamy color, gradating to white at the tips. His ears were larger than the normal kangaroo, thus making him have them loose over the sides of his head rather than stuck up.