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Ark Blackwater - Unowned

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 8:08 pm
by blackwater
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Ark

Nickname: Ark

Name on Identification: Slave 329599

Age: Adult

Gender: Obviously Male

Species: Ursine

Sub Species/Breed: Black Bear

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Average

Physical Details: Black fur covering his entire body, sharp ebony claws, pink paw pads on the underside of all four feet. Short stubbed tail, rounded ears, mahogany colored eyes.

Physical Markings: None noted

Physical Drawbacks: Missing left front leg, missing right eye

Current Infliction(s): No current wounds or illness

Physical Defenses: Claws, brute strength, and teeth.

Appealing Attributes: Appears to be intelligent, therefore possibly able to be trained.

Clothing: None

Other Items: None


Feral or Cultured: Feral

Phobias: Fire

Disorders: None noted

How do they present themselves: Lazy, sometimes aggressive, otherwise neutral depending on slave's overall mood at the time of approach.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Seems to go more willingly if food is involved.

Overall Attitude: Expresses an overall neutral attitude.

Quirks: None recorded

Hobbies / Interests: None recorded

High or Low Maintenance: Medium

Diet / Allergies: Diet consists of plants, fruits, nuts, insects, honey, salmon, small mammals, and carrion. Also occasionally will kill young deer, or moose calves if in the wild.


Language(s) Spoken: Feral

Can they Read / Write: No

Can your character produce magic: No

Talents / Skills: Natural hunter, and forger.

Training:Slave has had training by a patron to perform a few select tricks. Slave responds to the commands "Stand" "Nose down" "No hurt", "Stop", and "Name" Slave also tends to dance in a small circle when prompted with food. Slave has also been trained within the arena. Further training is up to the bear's owner, or long term renter.


Previous Owners: Blackwater slave trades.(NPCs), Mashini, Sui-Kao

Previous Usage(s): Unknown

Previous status: Slave

For Rent or to Own: Rent or Own


* 1 Night Rental: 10Image or 1 Image

*To Own: 50Image or 5Image

Current owner The Golden Tether

Current Renter: None

Duration of rental: Unavailable

Terms of rental: Unavailable

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Daily

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Role-play: Character development, and storyline progression. Not looking to have Ark freed at all.

What are your allowances for your character: NC save death.

Long Term/Short Term:Either, long term preferred.

General Information

Character Description: Lions...tigers...and bears! By the gods was this quite an interesting sight. Massive brute of a beast was certainly something out of place on the tropical isle of the slave trade he'd come to be in possession of. Ebony fur covered muscled and well proportioned beast of a black bear. Mahogany hues peered out at the world with a hidden intelligence. Anti-mage collar had been fastened into a collar about the beast's throat. D-ring sported a fresh tag. The name "Ark"stamped into the front.....Oh My! (Whisper Friendly)(Feral)

Website: RPR

Images: Images

Contact Details: Whisper Ark Blackwater in game

Notes:Ark is a feral character, though do not let this turn you away for RP. He may not be able to talk with your character, he is more intelligent then others gave him credit for. He is capable of being trained in anything from a guard pet, to an arena fighter and anything in between, if someone is willing to put in the time and effort to train him and dedicate themselves to the RP.

**A note had been scribbled at the bottom of his slave papers by a guard of the tether.** "Slave has been rented by Roselaine Chambers for the duration of 6-6-12, until 6-9-12" During this time the slave is available for rent by others, but is subject to being removed from rentals to be sent to his extended renter's side should she send for him."

**A note had been scribbled at the bottom of his slave papers by a guard of the tether.** "Slave has been rented by Akaicia for the duration of 3-27-13, until 4-4-13" During this time the slave is available for rent by others, but is subject to being removed from rentals to be sent to his extended renter's side should she send for him."

**A note had been scribbled at the bottom of his slave papers by a guard of the tether.** "Slave has been crafted a cart to pull behind him by one Ishan Shade. The cart can carry up to three hundred pounds. Slave has also been given jewelry to wear when he performs basic tricks. Bracelets with bells and the like are to make him stand out more. These were given to the tether along with the cart to be used during rentals or given to the owner who claims the slave's papers fully. Renter Ishan says slave expresses a desire to drink ALE. Upon allowing the slave a drink he seemed to show signs of being a drinking companion. It is advised all renters, or potential owners watch their drinks when in the company of the bear."

**A note had been scribbled at the bottom of his slave papers by a guard of the Tether** "Slave has been returned to the custody of The Golden Tether for resale, or rental due to the disappearance of his previous Master Sui-Kao"